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reasons i'm glad i graduated 2 clubbing (& left raving)


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there are some things i miss, and i may start a thread about those, but right now i feel compelled to list some of the reasons why i'm glad to be a part of club life now and not rave life :D .

1. not leaving the party feeling sticky. my clothes were always unbelievably dirty; how'd they get that way? where did that rave slime come from? i can answer part of it in number 2:

2. having places to sit. it's true, they're often taken, but it's the thought that counts. and when a seat is free and i've been dancing for a while, it's absolute bliss :aright: . at raves, everyone's relegated to the floor.

3. having toilet paper in the bathrooms, even at the end of the night. i used to bring packages of tissues with me to every party, 'cause the bathrooms would always run out.

4. not being treated like an animal. ravers are abused. i was, and they still are. kept on lines for a ridiculous amount of time even when holding tickets (though i hear some people stand for shit like that even as they get older :rolleyes: ), only to get into a party that ends a few hours too early.

5. not being treated like as much of a criminal, at any rate. some of those searches were way too invasive, if you know what i mean :hey: . at least now they're not as rough, it seems to me.

anyone else have anything to add :) ?

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I guess you can say I skipped a grade cause I've never been to a rave. And from the sound of things, per weyes, I didn't miss out on much. Still every now and then I ponder what its like to see teen boppers get wasted and make an ass of themselves in public:laugh:

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Originally posted by tequiza

...Still every now and then I ponder what its like to see teen boppers get wasted and make an ass of themselves in public:laugh:

raves on the east coast are very different from the ones on the west, a big reason being that east coast raves are mostly 18+ and west coast are all-ages. the under-18 crowd has caused a lotta trouble for themselves and the scene by partying irresponsibly and killing themselves by taking ridiculous amounts of drugs at one time. the deaths of people who took however many jars of k, hits of acid, and hits of e, all on the same night, were mostly not over-18, i can assure you. and it's people like this who give the scene a bad reputation and are contributing to its demise.
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lol since when were raves on the east 18+???

every rave i've ever been to didn't check ids...

i think the rave scene is a lot more pure... alteast over here... the club scene is pretty trendy...

i don't look at is as "graduating from one to another"... i just go to both... whatever happens to be good...

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Originally posted by weyes

there are some things i miss, and i may start a thread about those, but right now i feel compelled to list some of the reasons why i'm glad to be a part of club life now and not rave life :D .

1. not leaving the party feeling sticky. my clothes were always unbelievably dirty; how'd they get that way? where did that rave slime come from? i can answer part of it in number 2:

2. having places to sit. it's true, they're often taken, but it's the thought that counts. and when a seat is free and i've been dancing for a while, it's absolute bliss :aright: . at raves, everyone's relegated to the floor.

3. having toilet paper in the bathrooms, even at the end of the night. i used to bring packages of tissues with me to every party, 'cause the bathrooms would always run out.

4. not being treated like an animal. ravers are abused. i was, and they still are. kept on lines for a ridiculous amount of time even when holding tickets (though i hear some people stand for shit like that even as they get older :rolleyes: ), only to get into a party that ends a few hours too early.

5. not being treated like as much of a criminal, at any rate. some of those searches were way too invasive, if you know what i mean :hey: . at least now they're not as rough, it seems to me.

anyone else have anything to add :) ?

it is so true. Another thing is paying 5 bucks for a bottle of water that has been baking in the sun all day or not even sealed, which I've been to two raves on Randall's and both times they gave me opened (passing them off as not) bottled water. At least at the clubs people usually try to appear as if they would like your patronage again.

At raves, they could care less if you dropped dead of heat exhaustion right in front of them. At clubs they will go out of thier way to make sure you get out the hell-out-of thier club before you die.

I also think that stadium raves and simular have worse music and sound systems. At clubs they have spent ooddles to perfect the sound in that space, but at raves, it is always a bit too last minute and the sound is always what suffers. In terms of music, DJs also play better I found when it is more intimate and they can see the reaction of the crowd from a drop-outs, mixes and such. The more they can see the smiles the more they are on!

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Originally posted by joeg

lol since when were raves on the east 18+???

every rave i've ever been to didn't check ids...

i think the rave scene is a lot more pure... alteast over here... the club scene is pretty trendy...

i don't look at is as "graduating from one to another"... i just go to both... whatever happens to be good...

i mostly went to raves in nyc, and there they check ids. i guess i should've said nyc and not generalized "east coast" :) ; i've been to a couple elsewhere in the east (nj, montreal) but i honestly don't remember if they were 18+ or not.

but i felt i had to change from a rave attendee to a club attendee when i moved out to l.a., simply because the majority (though not the whole) of the rave crowd out here is not at the parties for the music. i went to the last "nocturnal wonderland" ever held; it was the last because 2 kids died that night and one died after going missing for a week. people have died a couple of times in the history of clubs, i'll grant, but it's happened at raves a heartbrakingly large amount of times, and i can't stand to be around that anymore :( .

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Originally posted by weyes

i mostly went to raves in nyc, and there they check ids. i guess i should've said nyc and not generalized "east coast" :) ; i've been to a couple elsewhere in the east (nj, montreal) but i honestly don't remember if they were 18+ or not.

but i felt i had to change from a rave attendee to a club attendee when i moved out to l.a., simply because the majority (though not the whole) of the rave crowd out here is not at the parties for the music. i went to the last "nocturnal wonderland" ever held; it was the last because 2 kids died that night and one died after going missing for a week. people have died a couple of times in the history of clubs, i'll grant, but it's happened at raves a heartbrakingly large amount of times, and i can't stand to be around that anymore :( .

i don't know... all the ones i've been to in nyc (which is the only place i go to raves) have been no id...

guess its just random...

i think majority of clubs or raves aren't there for music... but they do different drugs, so it shows more... nobody passes out on alcohol & coke... (which seems to be the primary clubbing drug these days, here...)

but i think you're chances of people knowing "whos spinning" are higher at a rave...

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Originally posted by joeg

i think we're confusing raves with massives...

massives are huge corporately funded events... raves are more underground...

i'm not necessarily only talking about massives, but yes, definitely not underground raves.

in nyc, the clubs i went to were full of "who's spinning?" people, but i only went to clubs there twice. the ravers there did know what was up. out here, though, it's almost always the opposite. i've never seen dj worshippers like many of the people in the clubs and zombies wandering aimlessly like so many of these ravers.

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Originally posted by joeg

IMO, the nyc club scene blows right now... and thats basically due to a lot of the people in it... so i guess we're talking apples and oranges here...

i can't speak for Weyes, but I think what she is pointing out is that clubbing far exceeds raves, massives, under/over 18 shows due to the crowd. The attendees at raves(ect) are less respectful of others, the property and worse of all, themselves.

Your transition is right on target weyes, I've hopped out of raves over five years ago and I feel so much cleaner now ~ inside and out. Even though I've done probably worse things to my body in clubs than I ever did at raves, I feel the difference of having a seat, getting served and feeling less like cattle and more like a music/clubbing lover.

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Originally posted by happykittn

Does Moon Tribe count as a "rave"?

I enjoyed the raves I went to in Toronto and on the East coast... I have yet to go to a Cali rave, and figure it's never too late to try.

i think this ties perfectly into what joeg was saying.

the moon tribe parties are just thrown by a group of people, not a bunch of promoters who are trying to further people's careers (be it the djs' or the promoters'). the goal of those parties, simply put, is to throw a party for the enjoyment of all involved. and because these parties are only known to a limited group of people, the types that just go to parties to get drugged out of their minds don't hear about them.

but i'm not trying to label things in my posts. i'm just sharing my experiences involving clubs and raves, and they've had sharp contrasts.

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I quit raving when I stopped dropping and was repulsed by the e-tards. The clinched jaw look grosses me out now and you just can't get away from it at most raves. That, and the fact that I'm 25 and don't have any desire to party with 15 year olds. There was/is a good little underground scene that had older people and more responsible drug use, but you have to be dedicated to stay wired in.

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Originally posted by lostin310

I quit raving when I stopped dropping and was repulsed by the e-tards. The clinched jaw look grosses me out now and you just can't get away from it at most raves. That, and the fact that I'm 25 and don't have any desire to party with 15 year olds. There was/is a good little underground scene that had older people and more responsible drug use, but you have to be dedicated to stay wired in.

i'm not sure if any drug use is responsible, but i get your point. Yes pills don't do it for me either and when i see a 16 year-old twat with two liters of bubbleyum munching away I feel sorry for them.

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I prefer clubbing over raving...

two words: better music

early on in my foray into the scene I met a club promoter who became a dear friend, so I never realy did the rave thing much, other than ZEN in Florida, which my former employer had organized, with excelent acts, ie Rabbit in the Moon, Cosmic Baby, etc. The acts were great, the weather was so-so, and the mud sucked. Most rave organizers hire no-name DJs, which can be great, but usually is not. My impression of a rave was a more modern version of a bunch of crazy hippies having a communal gathering--no thanks! besides I'm a bit of a glamour-puss so I prefer to have an excuse to dress up, lol...


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