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Centrofly dresscode??

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Sneakers are fine. My boyfriend wears nothing but cargos and tees all the time, and he never had a problem getting in (even when he was only with his guy-friends). As long as you're neat it shouldn't be a problem.

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Basically there really is no dress code in any club in the city. I have worn sneakers to Pangea and Spa etc. You just have to be neat. The doorman or woman can look at you and say no Black tight shirts are allowed tonight LOL.

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Centro Fly does have some kind of dresscode on some nights. The Sunday of memorial day weekend I tried to go to Layo & Bushwacka before DT/Saeed & Palash @ Arc, I was dressed for ARC and they wouldn't let me in (it was me, another guy and a girl).

I was wearing nice jeans (Banana Republic), black shoes, and a t-shirt that said "Trust Me" in blotchy letters. The piece of Eurotrash at the door said I was "Too Grungy" and wouldn't let me in. He was just being a dick... in the 10 minutes I was there, no one else even went into the club, and I was dressed fine. The other people working the door (list girl, bouncers, etc.) all were pleading with the shitstain working the door, telling him to let me in if I turned my t-shirt around, etc., but he just wanted to be a cock about it. He was the kind of guy who got picked on everyday of his life in high school and never got over it... you know the type.

So that's a word of warning... go to Centro Fly, just make sure you aren't Too Grungy (his fake, wannabe Euro-accent is still ringing in my head)

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Centro Fly does have some kind of dresscode on some nights. The Sunday of memorial day weekend I tried to go to Layo & Bushwacka before DT/Saeed & Palash @ Arc, I was dressed for ARC and they wouldn't let me in (it was me, another guy and a girl).

I was wearing nice jeans (Banana Republic), black shoes, and a t-shirt that said "Trust Me" in blotchy letters. The piece of Eurotrash at the door said I was "Too Grungy" and wouldn't let me in. He was just being a dick... in the 10 minutes I was there, no one else even went into the club, and I was dressed fine. The other people working the door (list girl, bouncers, etc.) all were pleading with the shitstain working the door, telling him to let me in if I turned my t-shirt around, etc., but he just wanted to be a cock about it. He was the kind of guy who got picked on everyday of his life in high school and never got over it... you know the type.

So that's a word of warning... go to Centro Fly, just make sure you aren't Too Grungy (his fake, wannabe Euro-accent is still ringing in my head)

thats strange...

the only person working the door that night was Suzanne who DEFINITELY is not a he...:confused: :confused: :confused:

there were no guys working the door that night, especially with wannabe Euro Accents..You sure you were at the right club?

I was standing outside for at least an hour and a half and did not see one person get turned away due to what they were wearing...

as far as dress code goes... as long as you look presentable you will be ok.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Centro Fly does have some kind of dresscode on some nights. The Sunday of memorial day weekend I tried to go to Layo & Bushwacka before DT/Saeed & Palash @ Arc, I was dressed for ARC and they wouldn't let me in (it was me, another guy and a girl).

I was wearing nice jeans (Banana Republic), black shoes, and a t-shirt that said "Trust Me" in blotchy letters. The piece of Eurotrash at the door said I was "Too Grungy" and wouldn't let me in. He was just being a dick... in the 10 minutes I was there, no one else even went into the club, and I was dressed fine. The other people working the door (list girl, bouncers, etc.) all were pleading with the shitstain working the door, telling him to let me in if I turned my t-shirt around, etc., but he just wanted to be a cock about it. He was the kind of guy who got picked on everyday of his life in high school and never got over it... you know the type.

So that's a word of warning... go to Centro Fly, just make sure you aren't Too Grungy (his fake, wannabe Euro-accent is still ringing in my head)

Yep, I think you're full of shit.

There was no guy out there aside myself or Andy, Suzanne was doing the door, and the only people who didnt get in were those without ID's.

Either fix your story and if you are telling the truth, email or PM me to get things reconciled as opposed to publically bashing a place that had a great party.

Haters everywhere.

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Originally posted by crystalmethod

Yep, I think you're full of shit.

There was no guy out there aside myself or Andy, Suzanne was doing the door, and the only people who didnt get in were those without ID's.

Either fix your story and if you are telling the truth, email or PM me to get things reconciled as opposed to publically bashing a place that had a great party.

Haters everywhere.

Listen, I'm not hating on anyone here, this is 110% COMPLETELY true. My friends that were there will vouche for me.

I got to the door wearing a black track jacket with a red stripe. Walked up to the rope when this short, dark haired guy with glasses on bitched about jacket and asked to see what I had on underneath. I opened the jacket and showed him the shirt that said "trust me" on it. He said no way, that I was "too grungy". Then a guy who was standing near the rope, right next to the list girl (that was Suzanne I'm guessing) told him that I could just turn it inside out and things would be fine. The little guy still wouldn't let me in, so I started asking why. I asked the girl what she thought (jokingly, I wasn't really all that upset about it) and she said she thought I was ok, but it was the short guy's decision. I explained to him that I was visiting from Boston and wanted to go to the club. He then said, "Oh, so you're just looking for a club to go to... you wouldn't be comfortable here, look what he's wearing" (someone walked out in a nicer button-down shirt). I explained that I wasn't just looking for a club, that I was visiting from Boston and that I'm a huge fan of Layo & Bushwaka... still not happening. I pleaded a bit, knowing I wasn't getting anywhere... I even jokingly went up to a big, black bouncer and asked what he thought. He laughed a bit and said he'd let me in if it were up to him.

The list girl was really nice and so was the guy standing next to her (taller guy, light hair). They were on my side, but they both said it was up to the short, dark haired guy. Ask the girl, she might remember, I don't know.

I'm not just making this up.. I posted about it over on the Boston board too boston link (you have to scroll down)

It was definitely Centro-Fly (saw the little, pink lights in front and everything). It was later in the evening, probably a little before 1 or so. The line was completely dead, I just saw a few random people leaving the club. This was a Sunday night too (Mem. Day Weekend), not a Saturday.

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He is telling the truth. The dude was a real piece of euro-trash. The girl and tall guy were very cool though. I was the guy that went with him so I can garauntee this isnt made up. Is it that hard to believe that the guy doing the line was a pretentious piece of shit. This also isnt the first time Ive heard complaints about Centro's staff, so dont go criticizing my friend for telling the truth.

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Originally posted by flavanugz

He is telling the truth. The dude was a real piece of euro-trash. The girl and tall guy were very cool though. I was the guy that went with him so I can garauntee this isnt made up. Is it that hard to believe that the guy doing the line was a pretentious piece of shit. This also isnt the first time Ive heard complaints about Centro's staff, so dont go criticizing my friend for telling the truth.

Find it hard to believe, there is no guy doing the door that night, just Suzanne... though I have a feeling I know what might of happened. Thats why got skeptical at first (we've had a lot of people bash the place just because) - and its a great place to party, if it wasn't, it wouldnt be here for over 4 years and hosting good names and events.

As I said, please email me. :)

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Originally posted by Sapexec

Maybe you shouldnt wear "T-shirts" or jeans to clubs. Invest in a new wardrobe. That way you dont get dissed. Its a top nightclub in Manhatten, not buffalo.

Where's Manhatten???

I've never really had a problem at any club in NYC with sneakers... just wanted to be sure before I got there and wouldn't be let in....There are such things as "dressy" sneakers and t-shirts... As long as it's comfortable and looks good, who cares!!!!

See ya Saturday Night!!

:rock: :rock:

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Originally posted by Sapexec

Maybe you shouldnt wear "T-shirts" or jeans to clubs. Invest in a new wardrobe. That way you dont get dissed. Its a top nightclub in Manhatten, not buffalo.

Yeah everyone listen to the kid from VA :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by Sapexec

Maybe you shouldnt wear "T-shirts" or jeans to clubs. Invest in a new wardrobe. That way you dont get dissed. Its a top nightclub in Manhatten, not buffalo.

I was dressed for Arc, which is a very T-shirt and jeans kind of club there sparky :rolleyes:

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Crystal, this girl is completely full of shit, becuase I'm the only one there that night who looked like that who would be at the door. I'm definitely not euro trash and I don't think I have ever been that unfair in my life. The only thing I can think of is Elan's people who helped promote for that night. But I know if suzanne felt that it was ok it wouldn't matter what that eurotrash said. She works for the club, not him. And everyone part of Centro-Fly's family knows that suzanne is unbelievably fair and consistent. So keep bashing the place and give everyone a forum to spread what a great freakin night Layo and Bushwacka was. We appreciate all the chances you are giving us to advertise how much we love the place.

Oh by the way, what did the guy look like and what was he wearing that was so upscale to refuse you?

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Originally posted by hellomyname-is

Crystal, this girl is completely full of shit, becuase I'm the only one there that night who looked like that who would be at the door. I'm definitely not euro trash and I don't think I have ever been that unfair in my life. The only thing I can think of is Elan's people who helped promote for that night. But I know if suzanne felt that it was ok it wouldn't matter what that eurotrash said. She works for the club, not him. And everyone part of Centro-Fly's family knows that suzanne is unbelievably fair and consistent. So keep bashing the place and give everyone a forum to spread what a great freakin night Layo and Bushwacka was. We appreciate all the chances you are giving us to advertise how much we love the place.

Oh by the way, what did the guy look like and what was he wearing that was so upscale to refuse you?

No you're definitely not euro trash lol

And you certainly dont have an accent! bwhaha

Dont even fret on it, stuff happens... lets all relax and have fun or something, thats the point, right?! ;)

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