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To all the Non Iron Batches...

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Originally posted by fakearmani

Stick to bothering the moo........ you were funnier that way

Bigtime - saw your pic.... your actually hot.... you pack on some dumb jokes but your hot

Im done here.....

Thanks but you really dont think i am funny? Well maybe in person i am funnier.

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my bellybutton lint is feeling very sexy today. it told me.

btw, where can i apply to have an iron brother for my bed at night? i need someone that hot so that i don't freeze my ass off in this cold weather and someone to whip my ass when i stray from my diet.




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Originally posted by njbigtime

Ok fat ass you are getting better....Somewhat better response....But still i am not seeing your creative side......Come on dig deep within yourself.....Bang your head against the wall and get things going in your mind!

words of wisdom

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Originally posted by njbigtime

Gil- dont be jealous of my looks.....Just join my fanclub and you can hang with me. LOL

LOL....biatche.....who tought u everything u know?? Yeah..that's right.....ME...and this is how u thank me??!?!? Bastard!!

Why I remember when u were a wee boy....about a buck 20....looking up to me.....dreamy eyes.....

(I'll spare the board the rest).....:laugh:

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Originally posted by dogekid

oh.. damn. didnt know that actually got posted. fine, so i realized it yesterday. always a keen eye kermzy.

I'm sorry dogey!!! I was actually hoping I was psychic, gosh darn it! :D

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Originally posted by roddigga

yes we are immature and annoying, yes we were the ones that stole your boyfriends snacks in grade school and sold them for drugs.......................

deal with it, we have not changed nor will we change, we will only get larger and larger and larger, till we get so fucken annoying you come to CP and shoot up the PLACE..................

wait, you cant do that BECAUSE IT IS JUST A MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL YES I AM LAUGHING AT MY OWN JOKE...................................

so armani, if it sucks go to the BAAASTON BOARD OR SOMETHING, if not them pls just join us, TELL US HOW SEXY YOU ARE, COME ON TELL US, I KNOW YOU ARE, IN YOUR OWN LITTLE WAY...............COME ON, GIVE US HOLLAAA OR SOMETHING!!!!!

Oh jeez, your just a big ol' mess!!

Your posts are always all over the place - with all the exclamation points and going from caps to lower then indenting paragraphs like a lunatic - Im at lose for words....... seek help..... or a 3rd grade spelling b coach.

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Bigtime: def DJais all day/night friday,maybe saturday!!!!!!!!

NJstacked every since you took a bite in my arm ....... I'm not the same person, I been HUGE all over, thank you, I owe you!!!!!!

See you guys this weekend!!!!

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Originally posted by fakearmani

Oh jeez, your just a big ol' mess!!

Your posts are always all over the place - with all the exclamation points and going from caps to lower then indenting paragraphs like a lunatic - Im at lose for words....... seek help..... or a 3rd grade spelling b coach.

ya mean there is no such thing as MORE FUNNIERER.................................

i'm just bustin chops armani, trust me, im fun to hang out with..........you'll feel ALOT better about yourself if you sit in a room with me for an HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you sit at my desk, my boss took away all my post its and paper clips, my walls were covered w/ post its to myself to remind me to do things...................apparently i needed a post it to remind me about a PAST POST IT........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i used all the company paper clips to try and make the LONGEST PAPER CLIP rope to wrap around the WORLD...................!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by tempkid

Bigtime: def DJais all day/night friday,maybe saturday!!!!!!!!

NJstacked every since you took a bite in my arm ....... I'm not the same person, I been HUGE all over, thank you, I owe you!!!!!!

See you guys this weekend!!!!

ah yea you will see me saturday at djais, i will come to your house and bring you there if I have too.

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