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when will the assault on civil liberties end?

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i thought this was america, the land of the free. guess i was wrong. you might say that because these people are suspected terrorists they should be locked away and the key thrown out... but democracy only works if it works for everyone - even the people we "don't like" or "are afraid of." hell, what happens if rummy decides you are a threat? your citizenship can be revoked (that's right - check out the USA patriot act) and then you'll be just as good as the tali-fuckers... locked away in cuba, denied access to counsel, humiliated, and never given a proper trial. and the biggest slap in the face is that as the gas chamber will be built, the appointed defense council is military. who knows how these prisoners are being treated? are they being tortured? why is it that people are shocked when this is done in china, but say its acceptable when its done here?

this is not a fact finding mission for intelligence purposes, this is not a war crimes tribunal bringing justice to those who were victims of the brutality of the taliban - this is an outright human rights abomination. and not only that the grossest violation of everything america stands for.

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Originally posted by dialectics


i thought this was america, the land of the free. guess i was wrong. you might say that because these people are suspected terrorists they should be locked away and the key thrown out... but democracy only works if it works for everyone - even the people we "don't like" or "are afraid of." hell, what happens if rummy decides you are a threat? your citizenship can be revoked (that's right - check out the USA patriot act) and then you'll be just as good as the tali-fuckers... locked away in cuba, denied access to counsel, humiliated, and never given a proper trial. and the biggest slap in the face is that as the gas chamber will be built, the appointed defense council is military. who knows how these prisoners are being treated? are they being tortured? why is it that people are shocked when this is done in china, but say its acceptable when its done here?

this is not a fact finding mission for intelligence purposes, this is not a war crimes tribunal bringing justice to those who were victims of the brutality of the taliban - this is an outright human rights abomination. and not only that the grossest violation of everything america stands for.

So open the doors to Gitmo and let them out....

I will give you one guess what happens...


If you are an american citizen you will still be tried in this country look at John Walker .. The detainees are enemy combatants they donot have the same rights you and I have they should all rot for ever.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

This patriot act BS is pretty fucked up.

Because they are "enemy combatants" they should be massacred?

Another question - whatever happened to the Iraqi POW's? WEre they released...now that the war is over?

The POW from Iraq should be released. Alqaeda captured in Afghanistan should be excecuted...

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Originally posted by mr mahs

unless you forgot

Yeah, but are you gonna execute them for a crime they have not committed yet? Remember, other than the "mastermind" who's in custody, the others have not yet committed crimes against the US yet.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Yeah, but are you gonna execute them for a crime they have not committed yet? Remember, other than the "mastermind" who's in custody, the others have not yet committed crimes against the US yet.

If you have a loaded gun full of bullets ANY ONE OF THEM can KILL you that's alqaeda. They have all been trained to do the same thing... kill as many Americans as possible.. Why in GODS name would you let anyone of them go???

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Because they are "enemy combatants" they should be massacred?

Our Constitution and Freedom is extented only to American citizens, get that through your god damn head, these people DO NOT have a right to a civil trial and I do not want another tax dollar of mine to put food and water into these scumbags, Military trials and immediate execution without appeals should be the order of the day here.

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Originally posted by arcloverdc

2 things:

1) Bush is a deceiving tool, and so is his VEEP.

2) The economy is more important.

2 things...





One can only hope......

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omg... a Republican... who listens to EDM... wonderful, just what we need... :rolleyes:

I guess we can ignore how Bush is destroying our Democracy too, while we slander the greatest President this country ever had since FDR. :idea:

As for the Economy turning around, what Economic Reports are you reading? The ones that the Republican Party lets out? Plz. Buddy just last week Unemployment Benefits Applications jumped to a 15 year high. NEXT!

End of Rant, this is not the place for a political discussion.

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yadda yadda yadda

cry cry cry

democrats are the worst sore losers ever...

don't you realize the majority in this country want, demand, and have voted into power the rebublicans?

my only saving grace is that maybe the next terror attack will take some of you out :laugh:

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Originally posted by mr mahs


half of the earnings increases this year have been one-time gains relating to currency fluctuations.....not exactly an economic recovery

and lets see what corporations reduced profit forecasts this week:





Texas Instruments


National Semiconductor


CNA Financial

Office Depot



Polo Ralph Lauren

Six Flags

Royal Dutch-Shell



or how about the unemployment rate rising to 6.1%

or how about the massive insider selling over the past month


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Originally posted by reddog4063

don't you realize the majority in this country want, demand, and have voted into power the rebublicans?

my only saving grace is that maybe the next terror attack will take some of you out :laugh:

Bush had 48% of the popular vote when he was elected...meaning 52% of the voters wanted someone else

and as for your second comment....wow. you are clearly one of the most ingorant assholes on this board. thanks for showing a great display of your stupidity. do us all a favor and jump in front of a bus.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

half of the earnings increases this year have been one-time gains relating to currency fluctuations.....not exactly an economic recovery

and lets see what corporations reduced profit forecasts this week:





Texas Instruments


National Semiconductor


CNA Financial

Office Depot



Polo Ralph Lauren

Six Flags

Royal Dutch-Shell



or how about the unemployment rate rising to 6.1%

or how about the massive insider selling over the past month


Unemployement is a lagging indicator which means it i the last to recover. The unemployment raete has topped out 6.1% which compare to other nations is minimal. The manufacturing index came in just below 50 just shy of expansion but def better then the April 45 reading.. The GDP although anemic is stiill recording a gain. The most important economic forcast the Consumer sentiment which records the consumer outlook came in at 92 up from 83 in april. The only lagging part of the GDP is capitol investment from corporations. Now the recent events of 911 and the war in Iraq and corporate scandals have put a cautious trend in buisnesses especially after the record spending of the 90's where CEO were spending like rock stars. The market is usually 6-9 months behind and judging by the latest run up in equity prices we are on track for a modest recovery, granted it might be a little ahead of itself but recent events proves the institutions as well as individual investors are stepping in.

Poppa the only insider selling I heard about was Ballmer from Microsoft because he feels LINUX is gaining market share who else did you hear about??

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Originally posted by arcloverdc

I guess we can ignore how Bush is destroying our Democracy too, while we slander the greatest President this country ever had since FDR. :idea:


:laugh: :laugh: Greatest at what? Ignoring terrorism and turning down BinLaden on a silver plate :rolleyes: Bush is destroying or democracy? oh and you probabbly beleive that he is responsible for the recession..

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

half of the earnings increases this year have been one-time gains relating to currency fluctuations.....not exactly an economic recovery

and lets see what corporations reduced profit forecasts this week:





Texas Instruments


National Semiconductor


CNA Financial

Office Depot



Polo Ralph Lauren

Six Flags

Royal Dutch-Shell



or how about the unemployment rate rising to 6.1%

or how about the massive insider selling over the past month


As Mr. Mahs, stated, unemployment is a LAGGING indicator. Moreover, 6.1% is what the unemployment rate was before the tech bubble started, 6.1% is closer to what this country's unemployment rate has been historically. Plus, much of the rise in unemployment can be attributed to increases in productivity and outsourcing of American jobs to foreign countries with a lower cost of capital. So don't expect 4% unemployment anytime soon.

As far as currency gains, profits were up in REAL DOLLAR terms. The dollar's devaluation accounted for the majority of the gains but that doesn't take away from the fact that profits were up from the previous quarter.

Insider selling? Insider selling often spikes after a market rally that follows a bear market. It's called taking a profit. Insider selling isn't an omen of where the market is heading. If it were, just imagine how easy it would be to make money in the market--just short whenever insider selling is high.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Bush had 48% of the popular vote when he was elected...meaning 52% of the voters wanted someone else

He said RepublicanS, plural. The house is firmly under Republican control and the Senate is under Republican control as well, albeit by a small margin. Not to mention the majority of state governors are Republicans.

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Originally posted by arcloverdc

I guess we can ignore how Bush is destroying our Democracy too, while we slander the greatest President this country ever had since FDR. :idea:

Because he happened to be in office during a tech bubble? Let's be real, all those jobs he boasts about creating were created in the last few years of his presidency, when everyone and their mother was pouring their money into technology. Most of those were technology jobs, which when the bubble burst, logically, those jobs went down the drain as well.

Oh, and let's not forget how, by relaxing weapons export controls, he enabled the Chinese to develop antisatellite technology, and more powerful and more accurate nuclear missles that can strike any city in the country based on our current intelligence. Yeah, that's a great president, one who sold his country up the river.

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