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To The MOD Who Locks Threads


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Digital 7 Posted and then Locked this thread before I could reply:

(Or see http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=166161)

And what is it with these other moderator's (i.e. Brain5100) coming in and telling people what to do? Go run your own damn board and let me run mine.

and NO, Guyman.. I like Saleen - I just don't agree with ALOT of the shit/ slandering he talks on the board.. for you to say that I don't like someone is full of bologna. You don't know me. Do you


Are you stoned or stupid? First, this is NOT YOUR BOARD. Its technically DAVE's board, but I can argue that it is OUR board as a community. So, here is the root of the problem, IT IS NOT YOUR BOARD YOU FOOL!

Second, please show me where I wrote that you don’t like Saleen..... now don’t go and edit something else of mine. You can't because I never said that.

I'll assume that you are just st****.

And, don’t lock threads in the middle of a debate. God, do we have to teach you everything.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Digital 7 Posted and then Locked this thread before I could reply:

(Or see http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=166161)

And what is it with these other moderator's (i.e. Brain5100) coming in and telling people what to do? Go run your own damn board and let me run mine.

and NO, Guyman.. I like Saleen - I just don't agree with ALOT of the shit/ slandering he talks on the board.. for you to say that I don't like someone is full of bologna. You don't know me. Do you


Are you stoned or stupid? First, this is NOT YOUR BOARD. Its technically DAVE's board, but I can argue that it is OUR board as a community. So, here is the root of the problem, IT IS NOT YOUR BOARD YOU FOOL!

Second, please show me where I wrote that you don’t like Saleen..... now don’t go and edit something else of mine. You can't because I never said that.

I'll assume that you are just st****.

And, don’t lock threads in the middle of a debate. God, do we have to teach you everything.


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Originally posted by guyman1966

Digital 7 Posted and then Locked this thread before I could reply:

(Or see http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=166161)

And what is it with these other moderator's (i.e. Brain5100) coming in and telling people what to do? Go run your own damn board and let me run mine.

and NO, Guyman.. I like Saleen - I just don't agree with ALOT of the shit/ slandering he talks on the board.. for you to say that I don't like someone is full of bologna. You don't know me. Do you


Are you stoned or stupid? First, this is NOT YOUR BOARD. Its technically DAVE's board, but I can argue that it is OUR board as a community. So, here is the root of the problem, IT IS NOT YOUR BOARD YOU FOOL!

Second, please show me where I wrote that you don’t like Saleen..... now don’t go and edit something else of mine. You can't because I never said that.

I'll assume that you are just st****.

And, don’t lock threads in the middle of a debate. God, do we have to teach you everything.


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Originally posted by guyman1966

Sorry. But you are incorrect. Mods are not here to censor people's opinions. They are here to keep things "legal". Just because D-7 does not like Saleen, he can't just delete his posts. Ask DAVE. And, furthermore, my post should have never been touched.

I'm a Mod on another board. And, just because I CAN does not mean that I abuse my privileges. And, please note that a MODS ability to edit and delete are NOT POWERS – they are PRIVILEGES.

Here you go, you half witted moron... :)

and I currently moderate three messageboards and had one of my own, so I know the basis running one.

carry on.

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Guest saleen351

you change threads based on peoples requests.. that bullshit...

you cave in and get hooked up at space, hence why you did that to that post...

What i posted was not "slanderous" at all.......

dave get rid of this kid..... he does things for comps and drinks at space, and i know that for a fact, and no mod should change things because someone who hooks them up requested the change:idea:

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Originally posted by saleen351

you change threads based on peoples requests.. that bullshit...

you cave in and get hooked up at space, hence why you did that to that post...

What i posted was not "slanderous" at all.......

dave get rid of this kid..... he does things for comps and drinks at space, and i know that for a fact, and no mod should change things because someone who hooks them up requested the change:idea:

lol ... this was just one of the many other occassions dude..

dont be bitter cuz your banned from Space :laugh:

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Originally posted by saleen351

you change threads based on peoples requests.. that bullshit...

you cave in and get hooked up at space, hence why you did that to that post...

What i posted was not "slanderous" at all.......

dave get rid of this kid..... he does things for comps and drinks at space, and i know that for a fact, and no mod should change things because someone who hooks them up requested the change:idea:

Saleen you have to be the biggest ass on this fucking board... 1st your not at Space on Saturdys to know if D7 is getting hooked up with drinks or not. I for one am there and hang out with D7 & co. and can tell you that your full of shit. When you see things for yourself then you can talk shit. But, as we all know you are not allowed in Space, therefore you really wouldn't know would you. 2nd as I recall you used to get on a guestlist at Space (before you where banned) just as everyone else on this board does when they want to go to Space. So what makes D7 different from everyone else. Everyone here gets hooked up the same way you used to. So stop being such a hater........Oh, and by the way 99% of all the shit you write on this board is slanderous. Or do you not read what you write. So with all do respect SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL READY :bigfinge:

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Originally posted by rocky05

Saleen you have to be the biggest ass on this fucking board... 1st your not at Space on Saturdys to know if D7 is getting hooked up with drinks or not. I for one am there and hang out with D7 & co. and can tell you that your full of shit. When you see things for yourself then you can talk shit. But, as we all know you are not allowed in Space, therefore you really wouldn't know would you. 2nd as I recall you used to get on a guestlist at Space (before you where banned) just as everyone else on this board does when they want to go to Space. So what makes D7 different from everyone else. Everyone here gets hooked up the same way you used to. So stop being such a hater........Oh, and by the way 99% of all the shit you write on this board is slanderous. Or do you not read what you write. So with all do respect SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL READY :bigfinge:

This is the gayest post ever.. Shut the fuck up all ready.

Why does everyone have to bitch and moan and point fingers at Saleen... So what, he runs his mouth, get over it.... It's a fucking messageboard...

By the way, I think it's pretty lame to close threads and delete posts, etc... I, too, moderate other messageboards, and never do that.. it's someones opinion. If you don't like it, post on your local christian board.

Some people ought to lighten up around here.:rolleyes:


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