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Captured Iraqis Providing WMD Information

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WASHINGTON — Captured Iraqis have given U.S. interrogators information about possible chemical and biological weapons sites, the commander of American ground troops in Iraq said Friday.

Lt. Gen. David McKiernan (search) said he's confident there are biological and chemical weapons still hidden in Iraq. No such weapons have been found, although President Bush said he ordered the war to eliminate what he said were Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (search).

Information on chemical and biological weapons is rare because so few Iraqis were involved in those programs, McKiernan told Pentagon reporters over a video link from Baghdad. Questioning of some Iraqi officials has been fruitful, however, he said.

"From some interrogations, we get information that leads us to another source, that we have to go locate certain facilities and go in there and check those out," McKiernan said. "I'm not going to go into the details, but there is discussion from both the chemical and the biological side that leads us to intelligence that we have to go confirm or deny."

The failure to find any banned weapons in Iraq has prompted critics in the United States and abroad to question whether Bush overstated the evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had them. McKiernan said he had no such doubts.

"Even if there were no interrogations, I would tell you personally, I think there's a lot still hidden that it will take time for us to uncover," McKiernan said.

The general said the attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq do not appear to be coordinated by any central authority. A prominent former Iraqi exile, Ahmed Chalabi of the Iraqi National Congress (search), said this week that Saddam was still alive and offering bounties for the killing of American troops.

McKiernan said the attacks were "only coordinated locally, not nationally."

Still, "there is the probability that there are financial trails that lead to other parts of Iraq and there might be communications that go to other parts," McKiernan said. He didn't elaborate.

McKiernan said many of the attacks were from former members of Saddam's Baath Party (search), his intelligence services or Special Republican Guard.

American troops will begin to leave Iraq "when the time is right," McKiernan said, though he would not predict when that would be. Some units, such as the Army's 3rd Infantry Division, have been in Iraq for nearly three months after spending nearly a year preparing for the invasion in Kuwait.

"I'm not worried about our units and our soldiers losing their combat edge," McKiernan said, adding that some equipment had to be repaired or replaced.

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Oh here we go now, the CONSPIRACY wheels are turning..

I bet if they do find them you wouldn't beleive it anyway very sad that you can't realise that if they were going to plant them they would have found them already why waste all the man power looking ALL over Iraq for a room full of weapons. Why not beleive that they were masters of concealing their WMD's???

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Oh here we go now, the CONSPIRACY wheels are turning..

I bet if they do find them you wouldn't beleive it anyway very sad that you can't realise that if they were going to plant them they would have found them already why waste all the man power looking ALL over Iraq for a room full of weapons. Why not beleive that they were masters of concealing their WMD's???

shouldnt you working on how you are going to be jacking another election in florida :confused:

just because we arent singing war songs to support the expansionist agenda doesnt mean we are dumb. now run along its almost time for more fox spoon fed crap:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by kaysersoze

shouldnt you working on how you are going to be jacking another election in florida :confused:

just because we arent singing war songs to support the expansionist agenda doesnt mean we are dumb. now run along its almost time for more fox spoon fed crap:rolleyes:

Looks like the Imbecile Brigade has another member....

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could you be any more ignorant? plant some. Get a grip, if its so easy to find them you go do it yourself. You leftist jerk. In other words there is n o possibilities they knew the shit was hitting the fan, sothey dumped the chemicals in the rivers and hid them. They are profressionals at hiding them. If they weren't they would have turned up 12 years ago. I guess they just like collecting chemical suits over there huh? thats why they found them? It must be nice stayin out of touch with reality. I have to give it a try sometime.

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Originally posted by aspro

could you be any more ignorant? plant some. Get a grip, if its so easy to find them you go do it yourself. You leftist jerk. In other words there is n o possibilities they knew the shit was hitting the fan, sothey dumped the chemicals in the rivers and hid them. They are profressionals at hiding them. If they weren't they would have turned up 12 years ago. I guess they just like collecting chemical suits over there huh? thats why they found them? It must be nice stayin out of touch with reality. I have to give it a try sometime.

dude, what are you smoking!
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aspro..., I'm gonna try and be a little sensitive regarding your response, who knows, you might be trully retarded. "dumped the chemicals in the river" ??

last i checked, the rivers and oasis are the lifeline of the population. So, are u implying that they would risk the lives of their own people to conceal these so called "WMD's" ? if u really believe that, then you should have ran for office, u aint much smarter than bush.

where are u getting your info?..same place bush and his cronies are?..if it is so,...i guess we are all doomed.:laugh:

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Originally posted by kaysesoze

aspro..., I'm gonna try and be a little sensitive regarding your response, who knows, you might be trully retarded. "dumped the chemicals in the river" ??

last i checked, the rivers and oasis are the lifeline of the population. So, are u implying that they would risk the lives of their own people to conceal these so called "WMD's" ? if u really believe that, then you should have ran for office, u aint much smarter than bush.

where are u getting your info?..same place bush and his cronies are?..if it is so,...i guess we are all doomed.

umm, since when did the baath party ever care about their own people? Aren't we uncovering mass graves right now of their own people? Or did the U.S. government plant those too conspiracy boy? Didn't Sadaam purposely but his own civilians in the line of fire as human shields during the war? Or was that all lies of American media? Did I go slow enough for you? Cause I don't know, you might trully be retarded.

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Originally posted by skince55

umm, since when did the baath party ever care about their own people? Aren't we uncovering mass graves right now of their own people? Or did the U.S. government plant those too conspiracy boy? Didn't Sadaam purposely but his own civilians in the line of fire as human shields during the war? Or was that all lies of American media? Did I go slow enough for you? Cause I don't know, you might trully be retarded.

the problem with so many right wing people is that they are using all this as an excuse to illegally declare war under international law, which the world tries to have as a means of being civilized and fair to one another. i guess the us honestly does not care. it tries to push all this on people to make them feel bad and applaud them for their efforts. no one is saying saddam and the ba'ath party are innocent. but the government's reasoning for entering the war does not match much of their actions. can you understand that? :rolleyes:
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Right wing, lol. Its called common sense bro. But you call itwhat ud like. Yea we shouldnt have went to war, we should have let the un inspectors keep working for another 50 yrs , YOU ARE A CLOSE MINDED MORON! dont bother replying bc im done w this . Get a grip.

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Originally posted by aspro

Right wing, lol. Its called common sense bro. But you call itwhat ud like. Yea we shouldnt have went to war, we should have let the un inspectors keep working for another 50 yrs , YOU ARE A CLOSE MINDED MORON! dont bother replying bc im done w this . Get a grip.

so, which sad person's alter ego are you? doesn't take much of a genius to figure out that a person would not have only 12 posts on a current events board in a clubbing/nightlife website..:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Sassa

the problem with so many right wing people is that they are using all this as an excuse to illegally declare war under international law, which the world tries to have as a means of being civilized and fair to one another. i guess the us honestly does not care. it tries to push all this on people to make them feel bad and applaud them for their efforts. no one is saying saddam and the ba'ath party are innocent. but the government's reasoning for entering the war does not match much of their actions. can you understand that?

Actually I was responding to the fact that our new conspiracy friend called someone a retard for thinking that Iraq would endanger It's own people, which is not an unreasonable thing to believe at all considering thier past track record.

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Originally posted by sassa

no one is saying saddam and the ba'ath party are innocent. but the government's reasoning for entering the war does not match much of their actions. can you understand that? :rolleyes:

didnt we say we were gonna liberate the Iraqi people? wasnt that one of our reasons for going to war.....? so I guess one of the reasons do match, and as far as the WMD's..... I read we found a whole bunch of rocks and sticks that could be very dangerous in the hands of monekys..... I mean Saddams goons.

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Originally posted by dnice35

didnt we say we were gonna liberate the Iraqi people? wasnt that one of our reasons for going to war.....? so I guess one of the reasons do match, and as far as the WMD's..... I read we found a whole bunch of rocks and sticks that could be very dangerous in the hands of monekys..... I mean Saddams goons.

i don't know about you, but it seemed like everytime watching the news during this "war" was like watching a badly scripted hollywood movie. of course nothing happened on the news that really happened in life. i was lucky enough to meet one of the first marines to enter iraq, and this guy was stellar, pretty much confirmed a lot of things i knew already. he tried to defend the military's position, but acknowledged that the government did not send them there entirely for the reasons they gave the world. not trying to say they're all like this, but what i am saying is that it is not that far off from the truth. they were securing oil fields before they secure villages for safety :rolleyes:

besides, who the hell is the US supposedly "flying" to the rescue of the poor iraqis? NO ONE ever does anything in politics without wanting, or taking, something back.

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Originally posted by sassa

i don't know about you, but it seemed like everytime watching the news during this "war" was like watching a badly scripted hollywood movie. of course nothing happened on the news that really happened in life. i was lucky enough to meet one of the first marines to enter iraq, and this guy was stellar, pretty much confirmed a lot of things i knew already. he tried to defend the military's position, but acknowledged that the government did not send them there entirely for the reasons they gave the world. not trying to say they're all like this, but what i am saying is that it is not that far off from the truth. they were securing oil fields before they secure villages for safety :rolleyes:

besides, who the hell is the US supposedly "flying" to the rescue of the poor iraqis? NO ONE ever does anything in politics without wanting, or taking, something back.

Okay before you start taliking think about what you are saying...

Thre are many reasons the U.S secured the oil fileds first and it wasn't to rape them of their natural resources. Below is link to time.com of a article that states that if the oil wells of Iraq were sabotaged the environmental DISASTER that would have of occured would have made the EXXON VALDEZE look like a spilt cup of coffee. Can you even fathom the outcry from the "America can do no right" crowd if that happened?? I mean you guys complained when 50 artifacts were stolen from a museum imaginge a environmental disaster.

Go ahead and discount time magazine as a right wing conspiracy it will only secure my impression of you..


Also the country is shithole in the fucking desert and the only resource they own is oil and that is what's going to rebuild the country. Is that too hard for you to understand?? You choose to beleive we are in it for oil fine, but don't regurgatate what a loon profeeser fed to you at school or what you discussed around the table at Starbucks with the rest of the american haters before reading the facts the world is diffrent today and conspiracy theories are for movies...

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Originally posted by sassa

i don't know about you, but it seemed like everytime watching the news during this "war" was like watching a badly scripted hollywood movie. of course nothing happened on the news that really happened in life. i was lucky enough to meet one of the first marines to enter iraq, and this guy was stellar, pretty much confirmed a lot of things i knew already. he tried to defend the military's position, but acknowledged that the government did not send them there entirely for the reasons they gave the world. not trying to say they're all like this, but what i am saying is that it is not that far off from the truth. they were securing oil fields before they secure villages for safety

besides, who the hell is the US supposedly "flying" to the rescue of the poor iraqis? NO ONE ever does anything in politics without wanting, or taking, something back.

I don't think the government actually fills in the marines in on their so called "hidden agenda", so saying that the marine said we weren't at war for the reasons we said we were is mere speculation. No disrespect to the marine of course. He still defended our cause over there even though it was his belief that we weren't in Iraq for the reasons we were portraying to the world, correct? If that doesnt convince you that Iraq needed a regime than I don't know what does.

Second, how do you think the well being of the Iraqi citizens would be in the long term if their only source of income was set on fire. Well we could secure the villages but then we would also be able to tell the Iraqi's that we secured that, oh by the way Saddam set your oil wells on fire, you have no source of income, you will live in poverty and be hungry the rest of your lives. Why do you think you have more knowledge and insight than our nation's top officials?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

You choose to beleive we are in it for oil fine, but don't regurgatate what a loon profeeser fed to you at school or what you discussed around the table at Starbucks with the rest of the american haters before reading the facts the world is diffrent today and conspiracy theories are for movies...

That is hilarious

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Okay before you start taliking think about what you are saying...

Thre are many reasons the U.S secured the oil fileds first and it wasn't to rape them of their natural resources. Below is link to time.com of a article that states that if the oil wells of Iraq were sabotaged the environmental DISASTER that would have of occured would have made the EXXON VALDEZE look like a spilt cup of coffee. Can you even fathom the outcry from the "America can do no right" crowd if that happened?? I mean you guys complained when 50 artifacts were stolen from a museum imaginge a environmental disaster.

Go ahead and discount time magazine as a right wing conspiracy it will only secure my impression of you..


Also the country is shithole in the fucking desert and the only resource they own is oil and that is what's going to rebuild the country. Is that too hard for you to understand?? You choose to beleive we are in it for oil fine, but don't regurgatate what a loon profeeser fed to you at school or what you discussed around the table at Starbucks with the rest of the american haters before reading the facts the world is diffrent today and conspiracy theories are for movies...

time is a good magazine, but not the only worthy source of information in the world.

what i think and write does not come from "loony professors or fellow american haters" so you can shut your mouth about that.

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Originally posted by skince55

I don't think the government actually fills in the marines in on their so called "hidden agenda", so saying that the marine said we weren't at war for the reasons we said we were is mere speculation.

i agree, but it still says something if a man who fought for the US in iraq would say something like this.

No disrespect to the marine of course. He still defended our cause over there even though it was his belief that we weren't in Iraq for the reasons we were portraying to the world, correct? If that doesnt convince you that Iraq needed a regime than I don't know what does.

i don't see how it would, if anything, it shows that the US is willing to sacrifice innocent lives in order to gain its ways...trampling on people's lives, lifestyles, homes, and beliefs...is this the 'american' way? it sure seems like they keep repeating this behavior throughout history, especially during the last 100 years.

Second, how do you think the well being of the Iraqi citizens would be in the long term if their only source of income was set on fire. Well we could secure the villages but then we would also be able to tell the Iraqi's that we secured that, oh by the way Saddam set your oil wells on fire, you have no source of income, you will live in poverty and be hungry the rest of your lives. Why do you think you have more knowledge and insight than our nation's top officials?

does the US government HONESTLY give a damn about the welfare of the iraqis? come on. more civilians than enemies died during this so-called war. they are quick to keep these sort of things under wraps. as for your last comment....i have nothing to say. you are insinuating that i think i know better than top government officials, i never said that. i can see right through their shit though, which doesn't take much except common sense and knowledge of history and facts.

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Originally posted by sassa

time is a good magazine, but not the only worthy source of information in the world.

what i think and write does not come from "loony professors or fellow american haters" so you can shut your mouth about that.

Did you read the article???

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