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Roe of Roe vs. Wade decides that she is pro-life


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I heard on the radio this morning that Norma McCorvey (Roe) has decided to go pro-life and wants to appeal/reverse Roe vs. Wade. I couldn't find an article anywhere, but if I do I will post it. Anybody else hear of this? Thoughts, opinions? Do you think that it is even minutely possible that this decision will be overturned?

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Originally posted by tastyt

I heard a while ago that she had changed her stance on the issue. I don't really like to think about it, but yeah, I don't find it so far-fetched that the decision could be overturned.

It is scary to think about, but I really can't see this decision being overturned. I can see there being serious, forceful efforts made to overturn it, but there are way to many people that would fight it, and with the way civil liberties are these days, it would probably be (and should be) considered unconstitutional to deny women this right.

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Originally posted by lizard23

I heard on the radio this morning that Norma McCorvey (Roe) has decided to go pro-life and wants to appeal/reverse Roe vs. Wade. I couldn't find an article anywhere, but if I do I will post it. Anybody else hear of this? Thoughts, opinions? Do you think that it is even minutely possible that this decision will be overturned?

derf... next bush is going to go on anti-war protests...

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Originally posted by lizard23

It is scary to think about, but I really can't see this decision being overturned. I can see there being serious, forceful efforts made to overturn it, but there are way to many people that would fight it, and with the way civil liberties are these days, it would probably be (and should be) considered unconstitutional to deny women this right.

For as many people who are against it...There are people who are going to be for it....& I'm sure some facilities would perform these procedures illegally

After reading that article I don't think anything will happen anyway......If it wasn't for her meeting a guy she wouldn't have changed her views.....I highly doubt b/c she's pro-life now it's going to affect the law

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Originally posted by gmccookny


or, one of his daugher's is gonna need an abortion. :idea:

Can you imagine :laugh::eek:

dude...someone needs to be really, really wasted to sleep with them...

they're both toads.

but i guess you are right though.

i am pro-life though. don't be stupid in the first place and wear protection if you're going to have sex. i can understand it in cases of the woman's or the fetus' chances of living getting slimmer as the pregnancy goes on, OR in case of a rape, and the woman gets pregnant. but otherwise, people need to understand that sex is not just a lot of fun, it's an act that can lead to serious consequences.

this girl in my class had to miss my graduation because she got drunk 6 months ago in tijuana and got pregnant from a marine guy. now she's having the kid soon and the guy, of course, is nowhere in sight. while i can feel for her because she's going to miss a lot in life...she also deserves it. if she was going to be careless and fucked up, whose fault is that.

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Originally posted by sassa

i am pro-life though. don't be stupid in the first place and wear protection if you're going to have sex. i can understand it in cases of the woman's or the fetus' chances of living getting slimmer as the pregnancy goes on, OR in case of a rape, and the woman gets pregnant. but otherwise, people need to understand that sex is not just a lot of fun, it's an act that can lead to serious consequences.

I agree with you.. You always say the right things!! :aright:

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Originally posted by sassa

dude...someone needs to be really, really wasted to sleep with them...

they're both toads.

but i guess you are right though.

i am pro-life though. don't be stupid in the first place and wear protection if you're going to have sex. i can understand it in cases of the woman's or the fetus' chances of living getting slimmer as the pregnancy goes on, OR in case of a rape, and the woman gets pregnant. but otherwise, people need to understand that sex is not just a lot of fun, it's an act that can lead to serious consequences.

Your absolutely right....But I don't feel it's anyone else's place to say a woman can't have that OPTION/CHOICE .....Many girls are careless b/c they know they have an easy way out....But a lot more women (at least that I know of) have had accidental pregnancies & either kept the baby or gave it up for adoption....But they considered abortion as a solution.....

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Originally posted by sweetie029

Your absolutely right....But I don't feel it's anyone else's place to say a woman can't have that OPTION/CHOICE .....Many girls are careless b/c they know they have an easy way out....But a lot more women (at least that I know of) have had accidental pregnancies & either kept the baby or gave it up for adoption....But they considered abortion as a solution.....

i understand. and know. it does provide an easy way out. but what does that teach people? the problem with a lot of things that provide quick answers nowadays is that mentally, they create a barrier between logic and society's rules. the more fucked up things happen around us, the more fucked up society gets when it gets to a point where everything is acceptable. i used to think it was great and hilarious to walk around the east village and see drag queens, transvestites, people smoking pot on the corner, or a random couple having sex in the alley. but come on...there's such a thing as too much freedom and people can't be allowed to do whatever they want. we would be like animals then at that point.

going back to this topic, this is why education is so important...sex ed should be a very important topic, not just one you're fed info about once a year. kids should understand the problems they can get into if they are careless.

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i think this is the first time im disagreeing with Sassa...first and only hopefully

im absolutely 100% pro-choice. i do not believe that the world can afford to have more neglected children running around and developing into violent teenagers and eventually into violent adults. jails are overfilled , welfare is running low , and taxes are increasing..i dont wana b paying for some welfare recipients 10th child out of wedlock.

as for Roe..everyone is entitled to change their mind..didnt Laura marry Luke after he raped her?

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i think this is the first time im disagreeing with Sassa...first and only hopefully

im absolutely 100% pro-choice. i do not believe that the world can afford to have more neglected children running around and developing into violent teenagers and eventually into violent adults. jails are overfilled , welfare is running low , and taxes are increasing..i dont wana b paying for some welfare recipients 10th child out of wedlock.

as for Roe..everyone is entitled to change their mind..didnt Laura marry Luke after he raped her?

i agree with what you're saying, but that is why these people need to be educated. they need to know they can't continue to do this shit. they can't have the balls to just fuck and have kids and think the government is going to pay for everything. that's the problem. education is the root of everything. if you know what the deal is, you'll act accordingly.

but, good argument, :aright::)

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Originally posted by sassa

i understand. and know. it does provide an easy way out. but what does that teach people? the problem with a lot of things that provide quick answers nowadays is that mentally, they create a barrier between logic and society's rules. the more fucked up things happen around us, the more fucked up society gets when it gets to a point where everything is acceptable. i used to think it was great and hilarious to walk around the east village and see drag queens, transvestites, people smoking pot on the corner, or a random couple having sex in the alley. but come on...there's such a thing as too much freedom and people can't be allowed to do whatever they want. we would be like animals then at that point.

going back to this topic, this is why education is so important...sex ed should be a very important topic, not just one you're fed info about once a year. kids should understand the problems they can get into if they are careless.

i agree that too many girls think of it as an easy way out....but you have to consider that if itll ever be made illegal how many girls/women will die from illegal abortions made in some filthy basement with unsterilized equipment

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Originally posted by lizard23

I heard on the radio this morning that Norma McCorvey (Roe) has decided to go pro-life and wants to appeal/reverse Roe vs. Wade. I couldn't find an article anywhere, but if I do I will post it. Anybody else hear of this? Thoughts, opinions? Do you think that it is even minutely possible that this decision will be overturned?

whats even more ironic is Henry Wade later claimed he became pro-choice

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Originally posted by sexxyh

i agree that too many girls think of it as an easy way out....but you have to consider that if itll ever be made illegal how many girls/women will die from illegal abortions made in some filthy basement with unsterilized equipment

yes, but whose fault is it that they're in that position in the first place? that's my point. people think they're invincible sometimes and that it will never happen to them. simply biology. it can happen to anyone and at any time. i'm not saying don't have sex, but if you are going to, make sure it's protected, especially if it's with someone you know you won't be with for a while, or someone who's just an easy fuck. otherwise, you can't really point fingers at anyone or say "i didn't know!".

as for those girls, i do pity them. but we are human beings, not animals, we have minds to think with. we don't have to just act on our desires. we can logically think whether it is a good decision or not. sounds like a lot to go through for some booty, but why not do that and save yourself potential heartaches and headaches later on down the road?

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The bottom line is this - it is so easy in today's society to blame everybody and everything for your problems that nobody has to take responsibility for their own actions anymore. It's quite disgusting and really makes me sick to my stomach.

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Originally posted by lizard23

The bottom line is this - it is so easy in today's society to blame everybody and everything for your problems that nobody has to take responsibility for their own actions anymore. It's quite disgusting and really makes me sick to my stomach.

i completely disagree, mistakes do happen & some girls dont use abortions as their method of birth control.

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Originally posted by sassa

yes, but whose fault is it that they're in that position in the first place? that's my point. people think they're invincible sometimes and that it will never happen to them. simply biology.

Especially teenagers. I saw a great show on TLC about teenage development. There's proof that the teenage brain isn't 100% capable of making well-thought out decisions- they just aren't able to connect action with consequence the way an adult brain can. So we can't entirely blame them for thinking it could never happen to them. It would be like blaming a retarded person for getting a low score on the SATs.

Teenagers are, by nature, because of the stage of development their brain is at, impulsive creatures.

Education is, without a doubt, the most important thing. Prevention is the most important thing that kids need to learn.

But no matter what- I am adamantly pro-choice.

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Originally posted by njangel

i completely disagree, mistakes do happen & some girls dont use abortions as their method of birth control.

true there are girls who use abortions for their original use, but i think lizzy is talking on a more macro-level. Like people using the legal system for their own greedy ends, like suing McDonalds for being fat or suing dunkin d's for spillin hot coffee on yourself.

I just think that it's kinda strange that this woman who spent so much energy speaking out for women's freedom of choice is now taking it back.

Either way, if a woman wants an abortion, she'll get it somehow.

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Originally posted by njangel

i completely disagree, mistakes do happen & some girls dont use abortions as their method of birth control.

I was responding to a vibe I caught from some of sassa's earlier posts, which were about society in general. I am def. pro-life when it comes to cases of the mother/fetus being in danger or rape and incest.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

true there are girls who use abortions for their original use, but i think lizzy is talking on a more macro-level. Like people using the legal system for their own greedy ends, like suing McDonalds for being fat or suing dunkin d's for spillin hot coffee on yourself.

I just think that it's kinda strange that this woman who spent so much energy speaking out for women's freedom of choice is now taking it back.

Either way, if a woman wants an abortion, she'll get it somehow.

You are correct, next category? Perhaps porn stars of the 80's for $400?

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