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Guest jroo

well here is where im up too and this guys seems pretty down to earth, i dont think that i should continue on here.

[WARNING TO ALL GUYS: You might want to stop reading here. The ensuing conversation I am about to recount prevented me from sleeping for a full two days, and has permanently and irreversibly scarred me. Save your psyche while you still can. Females have nothing to fear.]

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Guest jroo

Those are pretty funny, but they are the appetizers, their only purpose to serve as a segway (ed note: I know I spelled that wrong but I am going to spell that in the American way and not the French way, and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself, you stinking frog) into this incredible gem of a conversation:

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Guest jroo

Jez “Well, one time, my sister was having problems with her vagina too. Things were feeling weird, and it was that time of the month, but she wasn’t bleeding much, and she went to the gynecologist. The Ob/Gyn pulled out her tampon, but she had already had one in, and then pulled ANOTHER one out. She was walking around with three in there.â€

Tucker “How did she not get toxic shock? I know if I was a girl I would worry about that constantly. Whenever I have a girlfriend I worry about it for her. Toxic shock is scary.â€

Jez “I don’t know. She was fine. The last one did kinda smell though. OH—BUT THAT’S NOT THE WORST! My other sister had the same problem, but much worse. She had a tampon stuck in her for months, and when the doctor pulled it out, pus exploded all over his face, and he THREW UP on her vagina! It was awful!â€

Tucker [in complete silent disbelief]

Jez “Yeah, my whole family has crotch issues. Ha!â€

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Guest jroo

One night I went out and got drunk. I ended up going home with a girl who looked QUITE A BIT better that night than the next morning. I am honestly baffled as to how a woman can put on 30 pounds in one night of sleep.

Anyway, I wake up and cannot remember her name. But I am smooth and I know the drill, so I go find her purse in the living room, look through it, contemplate stealing some money, find her drivers license and see the name. Mission accomplished.

"Well, good morning Stacey."

[A look of confusion] "Who is Stacey?"

[Now I am confused] "Uhhh, that would be you."

"My name is not Stacey."

[i think she's fucking around, so I play along] "OK, and my name isn't Tucker."

"No, your name is Tucker, you showed me your fucking book last night."

[Fine bitch, you want to play ball--batter up] "Well your name is Stacey, because that’s what's on your driver's license."

She looks at me with an expression that can only be described as utter contempt. She gets up, and much to my shock and confusion, picks up a completely different purse off of my desk, digs through it, and throws her drivers license at me. Her name is indeed not Stacey

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Originally posted by jroo

Jez “Well, one time, my sister was having problems with her vagina too. Things were feeling weird, and it was that time of the month, but she wasn’t bleeding much, and she went to the gynecologist. The Ob/Gyn pulled out her tampon, but she had already had one in, and then pulled ANOTHER one out. She was walking around with three in there.”

Tucker “How did she not get toxic shock? I know if I was a girl I would worry about that constantly. Whenever I have a girlfriend I worry about it for her. Toxic shock is scary.”

Jez “I don’t know. She was fine. The last one did kinda smell though. OH—BUT THAT’S NOT THE WORST! My other sister had the same problem, but much worse. She had a tampon stuck in her for months, and when the doctor pulled it out, pus exploded all over his face, and he THREW UP on her vagina! It was awful!”

Tucker [in complete silent disbelief]

Jez “Yeah, my whole family has crotch issues. Ha!”

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Originally posted by rockyblue

that's great! :rofl: i saw it on another board, actually.

Whats even funnier is that i was in bed a few nights ago, watching some late night MTV, and they have some show where they follow people around and watch them try to hook-up, and sure enough, there was Tucker Max! he was trying to get a threesome going with 2 girls, but in the end, ended up puking and going home alone!

I am calling all of my college friends to tell them about this now :D

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