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What did u do this weekend?


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I knew an essential thread was missing from monday, so here is. I basically just got really high and drunk all weekend, big change. Friday ended up at Donald "Trainwreck" Glaude on Friday. This dude sucked badly. He is an awful awful dj. Saturday, chilled all day, played some records, then went out for Prplhz's B-day. Went to The Enormous Room, which was highlight of my night. Amazing food. Then attempted to go to Ned Devine's but ended up at Sissy K's....can u say JV nightlife. But to my suprise the musak was SIIIIIIIICK. Danced my ass off. After that stumbled around boston, met up with some girls, then finally ended up at a SICK SICK afterhours. lots of chicks, yet no teamj5. too bad he pussed out.

what you do?

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sissy k's saturday is siiiickmasik...

all in all i agree with your secon statement...a lot of watching my g/f play zelda, pool on our 7' table. on fri made it to our house for last call, the on friday hit up the avenue (i always feel sorry for the guy dj'ing there every time i go, i don't know how you can still be into the music with a gig like that), caught up with some old friends from bu, then again for last call at our house were my friends got shot down by some ugly ho's (and were promptly reminded by my g/f as we were leaving the bar :laugh:).

sunday, more gamecube, tv and tivo, woo-hoo

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friday night - avalon - cant remeber shit. woke up in a strange place the next morning.

sat night - got to hear some sander k and watched some dude revolutionize dancing right before my eyes. ciiiiiiiik lasers and smoke too. claimed i could take anyone in a scorpion bowl race and got my ass kicked. sullivans tap is mint too. afterhours was insane, the dj even taught me to beatmatch.

sun. takeout food and television. that kid abe on the new road rules show is a doosh-bag, and so is the fat kid that bounces at the palace.

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iT wAs AweSoMe.

really really crowded though. i would definately NOT go there next time on a special party night... i think a regular night is fine with me-- it can sometimes be nice to breathe or move when you are at a club. there are a lot of whacks in ny!

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Originally posted by stymie

friday night - avalon - cant remeber shit. woke up in a strange place the next morning.

sat night - got to hear some sander k and watched some dude revolutionize dancing right before my eyes. ciiiiiiiik lasers and smoke too. claimed i could take anyone in a scorpion bowl race and got my ass kicked. sullivans tap is mint too. afterhours was insane, the dj even taught me to beatmatch.

sun. takeout food and television. that kid abe on the new road rules show is a doosh-bag, and so is the fat kid that bounces at the palace.

i have always been on the cutting edge of dance.

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Jah for shoor from sveden...

Friday went to Pravda, got realllly drunk, watched my friend Mariah totally trip on a step thing by VIP and go flying into the laps of a group of 6 or 7 people sitting in that section.

They all laughed but one girl, who looked absolutely horrified, like Mariah was a rabid beast.

The funniest part was that I had almost tripped over the same step 3 seconds before, but I saved myself. She was laughing at me when she bit the dust. Muuuah ha haa...

Saturday, decided to test the cheese and went to the strand. The cheese SUCKED. The place had the fog machine so crunked up and there were so few people to fill up the club that it looked like a scene from Gorillas in the Mist. Evacuated as soon as possible and went to Prov.

Got so drunk at Prov that the next thing I remember is being at Therapy in totally different clothes.

Guess I went home to change at some point, my roommate and his friend were home and they said I'd almost walked out the door with just one shoe on. :rolleyes:

Then went to afterparty at Tweaks. Then came home and slept for 3 hours and went to Naissance for Whalen and Brett's new night. And got drunk. Again.

Stayed drunk till lunchtime yesterday, which was great.

Got post binge drinking shakes till dinner, which was not so great.

Oops, I did it again.

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Originally posted by mizlissa

Friday went to Pravda, got realllly drunk, watched my friend Mariah totally trip on a step thing by VIP and go flying into the laps of a group of 6 or 7 people sitting in that section.

Been there - Done that :aright:

Long weekend. Everything's pretty much been touched upon although I do have to note a couple of important things that were missed...

Flava's Irish step dancing to dj sammy heaven A+ :clap:

The dj at Sissy K's didn't have nor has he ever heard of Darkbeat.

The guy that tried picking up stymie at the end of the night (mind you he was dancing up on stage with the dildo) It was loooooove at first site :laugh:

The Hong Kong bathrom line that I refused to stand in so I holla'd for the 15 people in line to step aside because I was staff. I thought 3 spanish chicks were going to beat me senseless & I'd have to agree I would have well deserved it - Somehow I got away with it and no punches were thrown. Other than the bathrooms and the weak scorpion bowls, that place get's a solid B+.

Sunday watched the sox lose and the yankees win :mad:

Monday off - worked on my suntan down at Six Flags :tongue:

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I think you guys remember more about my weekend than I do.

Friday - :smoke: Huh? What was that? Yeah, going to hear Donald Glaude sounds like a great idea. We might have been better off at the Harp. :blown:

Taking it back old school, check out my review on the 'other board':

'other board review'

Saturday - had some really good Sangria and :smoke: at Jess' before going out for her bender b-day bash blowout. Started at the Enormous Room which is the greatest place to go just after Sangria and such. Great food, good drinks, and a DJ was playing the original tracks that Dre and Eminem sampled to get rich. That was fucking clever, loved it! Then onto the best place to fake-dance on earth... Sissy K's. Words just can't justify the kind of music I heard there, I would do it no justice! So after that epic battle we waged another one: Me and g vs. the scorpion bowl. g drank a little I think, maybe not. All in all I think this sums it up: We won the race, I lost the rest of the night. I'm assuming I had a wonderful time.

Sunday - got a full-body tan on my sun deck

Yesterday - 6 Flags Baby! Looked lousy early, then the clouds broke before me and g got there and it was SWEET out! Great weather until 6 or so when a huge storm came and dumped massive amounts of rain on the park while we drank Sam Adams and listened to German beergarden music. Then it cleared and we hit-up the best rides with a way shorter wait. It was a macksisssive!

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Taking it back old school, check out my review on the 'other board':

'other board review'

Nice editing :laugh:

Glaude did not suck ALL that bad - he at least picked up the beat & he only spun for maybe an hour. Ali was probablly the 2nd best I've heard him but the music he played was a little slow and not all that much fun to dance to - just wasn't feeling it. Glaude picked the pace right up & I was good to go. Either that or my drinks just happened to kick in (yeah yeah, I know - probablly the more likely of the two :tongue: )

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Originally posted by stymie

friday night - avalon - cant remeber shit. woke up in a strange place the next morning.

sat night - got to hear some sander k and watched some dude revolutionize dancing right before my eyes. ciiiiiiiik lasers and smoke too. claimed i could take anyone in a scorpion bowl race and got my ass kicked. sullivans tap is mint too. afterhours was insane, the dj even taught me to beatmatch.

sun. takeout food and television. that kid abe on the new road rules show is a doosh-bag, and so is the fat kid that bounces at the palace.


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Originally posted by stymie


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

That kid Donell absolutely SUCKS. He's the biggest little bitch I've ever seen on TV. I hate him almost as much as Amaya from the Real World Hawaii.

Why does MTV always pick psychotic black people for their reality TV shows? It's giving the new MTV generation some really bad impressions.

I want italian ice covered with dippin' dots right now. and some lotioon.

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