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Describe Your Family

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What's your immediate family like?

My mom is one of those "cool, up-to-date" moms that always allowed me to throw parties and would feed everyone to death every time they came over lol

My dad is one of those "life of the party" type of people, always cracking jokes and making people laugh

My brother is this huge overgrown baby.. Has a heart of a teddy bear yet also very hotheaded at the same time- but you could always count on him no matter what for anything

My nanny could be described best as "Sofia" from the Golden Girls.. She is old, small and cute yet has the sense of humor of someone of our age.. Also very sarcastic

Ahhh, now your turn :D

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My mom is one of those classy, chic moms that look all put together in front of everyone else but behind closed doors she's a psycho.

My dad is one of those people who never understands anything. He laughs at jokes when no one else does and he doesn't understand why everyone laughs for the actual FUNNY ones.

My brother is a spoiled pain in the ass that's naive. But he has a really good heart whereas... Yea I don't.


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My turn....

My daddy is my world he is the greatest man I have ever met. He is also my bitch, thast what I call him when I introduce him to my friends... j/k He is always there for me when I need him.. I love my daddy :)

My mommy is my best friend and the sweetest, most caring woman you will ever meet. Just ask my friends anytime someone would come over she starts cooking and making all types of things for them.

My oldest sister is an idiot - I hate her...

My second and third sisters are a blessing from god. We have our share of fights but they are always there for me no matter what.. They mean everything to me.

My two nephews are the cutest little men you will ever meet.. I'm in love with both of them.. I just wanna eat them... If you saw them you wanna eat them too =)

Ok now.. Who is next?? :)

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My mother is the most irritable, impatient, hyper person ever!! But at the same time she's the most generous, caring, beautiful lady I know :D

My father is a corny mofo always telling stupid jokes....He never gets mad or stressed out but will be the 1st one to cry if he's upset...He smokes every now & then....He's always doing favors or helping other people out

My little bro is a bad ass always getting in trouble @ home & school, cursing all the time....He's very generous for someone his age...COmes across as a brat but really is a good kid

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