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What should the price of a cd be?

Guest saleen351

At what price level will you buy cds again...  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. At what price level will you buy cds again...

    • $5
    • $6
    • $7
    • $8
    • $9
    • $10
    • $11
    • $12
    • $13
    • $14+

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Guest saleen351

How much do u think is fair market value for a cd? any cd... single discs...

with the RIAA trying to sue us, their consumers, for me, its a simple solution.

Market equilbrium is where Demand equals supply, thus Pe (price equilibrium) is achieved..

think of it, in these terms,

if Pepsi's price was way too high, we would not buy it, and look for alternatives. But if the price was at the Pe levels, we would buy pepsi.... The music companies can't figure this out... They claim too many cds bomb, well i'm freaking sorry, they are piss poor at reconizing talent..

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Guest saleen351

my choice is 7 bucks...

most of the time, we'll get discs with two good tunes and the rest is filler, but other times like The Rising, we win,,, so it works itself out..

7 bucks, and i'll buy everything if avalibe before played out on cd format

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I think anywhere between $7 -$12 depending if its a single or single/double disk.

Artists and the industry are suffering nowadays from all the DL'ing thats going on...as for crappy CD's we pay for, I think every store should have Cd players available so that consumers can preview the CD's or listen in on new artists.

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as a consumer I would say.. about $13.

The average compilation has about 12-14 tracks. So if you do the math, @ $13 you're lookin' at $1 a track. Doesn't seem soo bad to me...

In the past 18 months I've paid:

$10 for Murk's Bangin' @ the Space release party

$14 for Danny's Back to Basics

$17 for Hernan Cattaneo's South America

$18 for Cox's Global

$20 for Chris Fortier's Bedrock

$20 for Sublimal Secret Weapons

$20 for Morillo's Subliminal Sessions 3

$20 for GU's Toronto (Deep Dish)

most of these except for the cox are double cds. Actually the subliminal cds are a triple. I have no complaints & I don't mind spendin' the $$, but that's just me.

Hint: Best Buy has tons of cds for great prices & sometimes they make mistakes & they don't even notice them ex: Danny's back to basics (a double for $14 is a giveaway)... ;)

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Guest saleen351

biz you gotta remember in most non electronic music cds, there in only 2 good tracks... Therefore if you do the math thats 5 bucks a track or so. Thus why the Itunes for Mac makes sense, a buck a song, and you don't have to buy the whole albumm...

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i think if they lowered prices just a tad, and also include a dvd video, like the pvd cd, then that will help motivate consumers spending money on cds again!!!

other that that $10 sounds good for a single disc...

but it does have to be released b4 its ripped to sheds on the internet!!!

why buy somthing when you can get it for free??? You think cuz artists that get paid thousands upon thousands of dollars for spinning several hours in a club w/all the perks that come with it, iz gonna make us "be nice" and spend our hard earned money on a cd with tunes from 4 months ago??? RIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!:rolleyes:

i think if they added bio's, pictures, dvd, etcc... it would help create a product that is superior to online downloading!!!!

Till then, ill be on soulseek, but i will purchase rolands cd, and i also want to purchase oscar's bangin that i have yet to hear:(

but i am requesting re-entry so i could drop the cd off at the car!!!;)

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Originally posted by saleen351

biz you gotta remember in most non electronic music cds, there in only 2 good tracks... Therefore if you do the math thats 5 bucks a track or so. Thus why the Itunes for Mac makes sense, a buck a song, and you don't have to buy the whole albumm...

Good point nick, but you know u & I couldn't agree on anything so you know I have something to say. ;)

When I buy a cd I buy it for the entire mix. I don't like flipping thru the cd to find a track I really like. The first thing I do is pop it in at home & take a 90 minute break from the world & just listen to the entire thing all at once.

if I buy a cold play cd I might flip thru the tracks, but if I buy a house cd I wanna listen to the whole thing with no interruptions. I'm the type that believes that a good mix tells its own story. That's just me, im very detailed about programming so I like a continuous flowing cd & the only way to discover that is by givin' the cd more than one chance at a full listen.

Besides that, I also believe in the "sandwich effect". kinda like when you eat a burger, you eat it in a bun with lettuce tomato, etc. all the other elements make that burger taste soo good. Wouldn't you agree?? Now, try eating the same burger minus the tomato, lettuce & bun, etc... Just a plain piece of meat to me. I think certain songs make the ones before, after & in between sound even better.

I just had lunch. I had a big mac & fries. I just soo happened to eat the big mac in full. But I promise, the next time I go to Mcdonalds I'll take the big mac apart & take a bite of every element it consists of. Eventually in the end, I'm sure I'll end up eating the main element & tossing the rest. But I'll try your method anyway... ;)

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Originally posted by liquidx

I think that between 7 - 5 for single CD. And 12 - 10 bucks for Double CD's.

I dont knnow where the heck you paid that Biz, but Ive paid from 18 - 20 bucks all of my CD's. Some up to 25.

Danny & Hernan @ best buy

Chris @ uncle sams

Cox, GU, Sublimal & Morillo @ Virgin

Murk @ Space during the Murk release party

If I want a cd reall bad I buy it the 1st week its out. Usually Virgin has them on sale during their 1st week on the shelves. Not the case with all of them, but with some you get lucky. Best Buy has good prices & sometimes I assume they screw up as in the Back to Basics cd ($14), which by the way I'm sure its still layin' around there at the same price. What can I say, I'm a bargain shopper... :)

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as long as the artists still get the same amount as they currently do, (which isn't much) i say that the $7 sounds about right to me. most of the current cost is just lining in the pocket of the major labels.

think of it this way.... how come a justin timberlake cd costs $16.99 for a single artist single cd and a global underground costs $20.99 for a double w/ multiple artists and paying the dj on top of that. i know more goes into it than that, but the basic idea is the same to the general consumer. global underground which is a small label can afford to give you a double cd at almost the same cost that a major label can give you a single...

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by the way biz... stop shopping at best buy and support your local grooveman and uncle sams indie shops. they were bringing in the goods long before best buy corp jumped on and started killing the indie store owners ;) i know it may cost a bit more, but it's worth it to keep these more cutting edge alternatives in business isn't it?

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For me like 12 or so, but there are alot of people that go intp a CD production who either grab a cut or a flat fee. These are the people not associated with the band or the label in some cases. LIke the recording engineer, assistant recording engineer, mix engineer, assistant mix engineer, and mastering engineer there prices may be part of all the studio fees or they could be brought in on top of it. THere are also your produces, photographers, graphic artist for layout, lawyers fees for copywrites, artist for graphic. Additionaly there is the manufaturing process the CDs produced are not just thrown in a burner they are all stamped similar to vinyl. So you have a father a couple of mothers and numerous sons(industry terms) that need to get made and this is where a majority of money is eaten up, and then you have the pressing plant. I know there are places like discmakers and other third party groups but even then I still think that comes to 2 or 3 dollars just to press it then to pay everyone involved on top of it, I dunno.

I agree 18 dollars is riduculous to pay for a CD, but I see under ten for something other then a complation difficult to do. Also does anyone know the sellers mark up?? We see 18 dollars that we have to pay but what do the record stores and stuff pay for the discs and how much do they mark it up. RIAA has no control over that and we could be getting ripped off there too.

My .02 but 12 or 14 is fair price in my opinion.

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$17 for Hernan Cattaneo's South America

speaking of Hernan, Biz are you guys gonna book him sometime? I would love to see him on the patio.:eek:

Oh I think 10 bucks for a single CD is fine and 18 which is what I normally pay for a double is ok also.

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Originally posted by beatfriek

Till then, ill be on soulseek, but i will purchase rolands cd, and i also want to purchase oscar's bangin that i have yet to hear:(

but i am requesting re-entry so i could drop the cd off at the car!!!;)

you need to get banging


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