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I have drugs, lots and lots of drugs....

Guest saleen351

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Its a new type of designer drug. The effects of the drugs are: you become the center and thus most important person of the universe, you live in your own world where the normal laws of social interaction do not apply and you get so twisted you start saying Lauderdale is better than South Beach. The few unfortunate side effects include baldness, an inability to pick up women, minor weight gain, profuse sweating, and the inability to tell when you look like an asshole.

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Originally posted by shroomy

Its a new type of designer drug. The effects of the drugs are: you become the center and thus most important person of the universe, you live in your own world where the normal laws of social interaction do not apply and you get so twisted you start saying Lauderdale is better than South Beach. The few unfortunate side effects include baldness, an inability to pick up women, minor weight gain, profuse sweating, and the inability to tell when you look like an asshole.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by shroomy

Its a new type of designer drug. The effects of the drugs are: you become the center and thus most important person of the universe, you live in your own world where the normal laws of social interaction do not apply and you get so twisted you start saying Lauderdale is better than South Beach. The few unfortunate side effects include baldness, an inability to pick up women, minor weight gain, profuse sweating, and the inability to tell when you look like an asshole.

Dude. That look is hot in Jersey... All the pigeons dig it.

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Guest brwneydtrouble

Humm....Lemme stay outta this one. *lol*

Saleen and drugs don't mix. That would mean that he would have the slight possibility of getting laid..

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by candyrollx69

all of you are so mean to saleen. what did he do to you all?:laugh:

Oh come on.......if I was nice to him then he would be VERY, VERY suspicious.

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Saleen Drug Side Effects /

Online Information | Side Effects | Overdose | Dosage | Patient Information | Warnings | Pharmacology

The following adverse events were reported by the treating physician to have a possible or probable relationship to drug in 1% or more of Saleen treated patients and occurred at a greater rate in Saleen-treated patients than placebo-treated patients (see Table A7).

Table A7 Incidence of Possibly or Probably Treated-Related Averse Events in Short-term, Placebo-Controlled Studies

Body System/ Saleen Placebo

Adverse Event (N=1457) % (N=467) %

Body as a Whole

Abdominal Pain

1.8 1.3

Digestive System


3.6 2.6


1.4 1.3

Headache was also seen at greater than 1% incidence but was more common on placebo. The incidence of diarrhea is similar between patients who received placebo and patients who received Saleen 15 mg and 30 mg, but higher in the patients who received Saleen 60 mg patients (2.9, 1.4, 4.2, and 7.4%, respectively).

The most commonly reported possibly or probably treatment-related adverse event during maintenance therapy was diarrhea.

Additional Adverse Experiences Occurring in <1% of Patients or Subjects in Domestic and/or International Trials, or Occurring Since the Drug was Marked

Body as a Whole: Asthenia, candidiasis, chest pain (not otherwise specified), edema, fever, flu syndrome, halitosis, infection (not otherwise specified), malaise.

Cardiovascular System: Angina, cerebrovascular accident, hypertension/hypotension, myocardial infarction, palpitations, shock (circulatory failure), vasodilation.

Digestive System: Melena, anorexia, bezoar, cardiospasm, cholelithiasis, constipation, dry mouth/thirst, dyspepsia, dysphagia, eructation, esophageal stenosis, esophageal ulcer, esophagitis, fecal discoloration, flatulence, gastric nodules/fundic gland polyps, gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hematemesis, increased appetite, increased salivation, rectal hemorrhage, stomatitis, tenesmus, ulcerative colitis, vomiting.

Endocrine System: Diabetes mellitus, goiter, hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia.

Hematologic and Lymphatic System: Agranulocytosis, anemia, aplastic anemia, hemolysis, hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, neutropenia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. (The majority of hematologic cases received were foreign-sourced and their relationship to Saleen was unclear.)

Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders: Gout, weight gain/loss.

Musculoskeletal System: Arthritis/arthralgia, musculoskeletal pain, myalgia.

Nervous System: Agitation, amnesia, anxiety, apathy, confusion, depression, dizziness/syncope, hallucinations, hemiplegia, hostility aggravated, libido decreased, nervousness, paresthesia, thinking abnormality.

Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, cough increased, dyspnea, epistaxis, hemoptysis, hiccup, pneumonia, upper respiratory inflammation/infection.

Skin and Appendages: Acne, alopecia, pruritis, rash, urticaria.

Special Senses: Amblyopia, deafness, eye pain, visual field defect, speech disorder, otitis media, taste perversion, tinnitus.

Urogenital System: Abnormal menses, albuminuria, breast enlargement/gynecomastia, breast tenderness, glycosuria, hematuria, impotence, kidney calculus, urinary retention.

Combination Therapy with Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin

In clinical trials using combination therapy with Saleen plus amoxicillin and clarithromycin, and Saleen plus amoxicillin, no adverse reactions peculiar to these drug combinations were observed. Adverse reactions that have occurred have been limited to those that had been previously reported with Saleen, amoxicillin, or clarithromycin.

Triple Therapy: Saleen/amoxicillin/clarithromycin: The most frequently reported adverse events for patients who received triple therapy for 14 days were diarrhea (7%), headache (6%), and taste perversion (5%). There were no statistically significant differences in the frequency of reported adverse events between the 10- and 14-day triple therapy regimens. No treatment-emergent adverse events were observed at significantly higher rates with triple therapy than with any dual therapy regimen.

Dual Therapy: Saleen/amoxicillin: The most frequently reported adverse events for patients who received Saleen tid plus amoxicillin tid dual therapy were diarrhea (8%) and headache (7%). No treatment-emergent adverse events were observed at significantly higher rates with Saleen tid plus amoxicillin tid dual therapy than with Saleen alone.

For more information, see amoxicillin, ADVERSE REACTIONS and clarithromycin, ADVERSE REACTIONS.

Laboratory Values

The following changes in laboratory parameters were reported as adverse events.

Abnormal liver function tests, increased SGOT (AST), increased SGPT (ALT), increased creatinine, increased alkaline phosphatase, increased globulins, increased GGTP, increased/decreased/abnormal WBC, abnormal AG ratio, abnormal RBC, bilirubinemia, eosinophilia, hyperlipemia, increased/decreased electrolytes, increased/decreased cholesterol, increased glucocorticoids, increased LDH, increase/decreased/abnormal platelets and increased gastrin levels. Additional isolated laboratory abnormalities were reported.

In the placebo controlled studies, when SGOT (ALT) and SGPT (AST) were evaluated, 0.4% (1/250) placebo patients and 0.3% (2/795) Saleen patients had enzyme elevations greater than three times the upper limit of normal range at the first final treatment visit. None of these patients reported jaundice at any time during the study.

In clinical trials using combination therapy with Saleen plus amoxicillin and clarithromycin, and Saleen plus amoxicillin, no increased laboratory abnormalities particular to these drug combinations were observed.

For more information on laboratory value changes, see amoxicillin, Side Effects and clarithromycin, Side Effects.


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Guest brwneydtrouble

I will say one thing in defense of Saleen, he did buy me a drink one time, I think it was the first time he ever met me, on the second friday night that maze openend. Yes ladies and gentlefreaks, I have been going to that sad, sad place that long. :D

Oh, and Nexus, you have WAY too much time on my hands......

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