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anyone else feel, that much like in real estate, and business the key to it is location... do you think the same goes for relationships??? as in the right location to meet someone, or the right location for a date or the right locations for a first kiss, or the first time you sleep together??? i feel that all though its not the most important ingredient, its still one thats overlooked... ambience and location add to the feeling, and mood and make each of those events that much more sweeter...

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I don't know... I mean, yeah, ambiance can definitely be important... but then again, you can't discount the spontaneity factor... too much planning can lead to too much nervousness and ruin the first date/kiss/sex/etc.

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no no no... not planning... just the right timing at the right place... im not saying plan it out three months in advance on a gibbus moon, with the wind going south west by west at 14knots blah etc... im saying just on a beach, or in the rain or after a beautiful night out as opposed to a drunken mess in a rinky bar or sitting next to a pile of puke near the restrooms, or something to that extent... follow???

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I see what you're saying. My answer is yes and no... sometimes, when you first meet someone, and you're having your first... whatever... you don't even notice the atmosphere that surrounds you. You may as well be in your own little world. :)

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Originally posted by dgmodel

and that too is a perfect location...

yeah, i think we all strive for that, but sometimes you can't help fate.

Like say this:

You have everything planned out: restaurant, your favorite bottle of wine, then a show at some club. But it turns out the performance sucked. Even though going into it , it sounded like a great idea, there are some things beyond your control that might work against it.

But even IF something goe wrong, if the 2 of you have that *spark, errors in the plan shouldn't damper it too much :)

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the sequence of events, and or the performance of them shouldnt really effect your overall feelings no? or am i wrong here??? lets say hypothetically speaking you and smurffette or prospect#x go to see lion king at the new amsterdam theatre, and the the performance is horrible, but you both had a great time hanging out with each other, i dont think thatll effect the overall mood or quality of the evening... at least it wouldnt for me... maybe i did not articulate my thoughts well enough in the initial post, but what im trying to say is most ppl take the firsts for granted and waste them... who knows... who cares... blah just another random thought i had...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

the sequence of events, and or the performance of them shouldnt really effect your overall feelings no? or am i wrong here??? lets say hypothetically speaking you and smurffette or prospect#x go to see lion king at the new amsterdam theatre, and the the performance is horrible, but you both had a great time hanging out with each other, i dont think thatll effect the overall mood or quality of the evening... at least it wouldnt for me... maybe i did not articulate my thoughts well enough in the initial post, but what im trying to say is most ppl take the firsts for granted and waste them... who knows... who cares... blah just another random thought i had...

You're right~!

the firsts always make a difference. And they prolly have a domino effect on all the following episodes.

I remember the first time i really went out with smurfette. We went to see "Being John Malcovich", which was an iight movie... but after that we just walked around Manhattan and had a great time just being together.

Everything just flowed so smoothly and well~~

So yeah, that 1st time makes a big impression on the rest methinks :cool:

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