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Celia Cruz has passed away


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I just heard the news right now over the radio:(

She was most definitely a spanish music icon and definitely did a lot for the Spanish music genre and even the non-latin music scene. People from all generations were and still are able to enjoy her music.

R.I.P Celia!


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Originally posted by norahmiami

where did you read it???? i cant seem to find it!

I just heard it on the radio that she passed away from the brain cancer that she's been fighting for a while now.

I'm trying to find it on an article or something now as well, but I guess it's too soon?

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Originally posted by lolahotass

Whoa.. she's the third...

Kathyrn Hepburn

Buddy Hackett

and now Celia.

RIP :(

Yeah I know, I was just thinking the same thing:(

They are actually dimming the lights on Broadway for Kathryn 2nyt.

I wonder what they will do for Celia being that she was so big in the entertainment industry as well....

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Originally posted by laliux

I think is BS.

Why the hec would some-1 start a rumor ab that?!?! Especially when it is with a person who is seriously ill??

If it's not true then it's an absolutely cruel and disgusting joke.

I just can't believe that a spanish radio station would spread a rumor like that w/o confirming their sources 1st.

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

Why the hec would some-1 start a rumor ab that?!?! Especially when it is with a person who is seriously ill??

If it's not true then it's an absolutely cruel and disgusting joke.

I just can't believe that a spanish radio station would spread a rumor like that w/o confirming their sources 1st.

what were you listening ? El Zol? those are a bunch of clowns who take nothing seriously.

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well i just spoke to my dad who is a celia cruz freak and they said on 92.3 that it was a false alarm whatever that means ....i guesss she fell asleep and they thought she was dead until they saw her breathe again ..i dont know man ...i love that ladies music...shes gonna be missed eventually ..on another note....AZUCAR!!!!

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Originally posted by trojanman

well i just spoke to my dad who is a celia cruz freak and they said on 92.3 that it was a false alarm whatever that means ....i guesss she fell asleep and they thought she was dead until they saw her breathe again ..i dont know man ...i love that ladies music...shes gonna be missed eventually ..on another note....AZUCAR!!!!

Thanks for the 411 Trojanman!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now continue your journey around the world a lot of peeps will need you tomorrow its Wednesday or shall i say Hump DAY :D

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Originally posted by mjm420




R. I . P.



it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour it's a rumour

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From the Univision Website:

Como los gatos, Celia Cruz tiene siete vidas. Por tercera vez en lo que va de año, un medio de prensa anuncia sin fundamento su muerte. Fuentes cercanas a la Guarachera admiten que se encuentra delicada de salud, pero descansando en su casa de Nueva Jersey. La oficina de relaciones públicas de la cantante envió un "furioso" comunicado de prensa.

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From the horse's mouth:

A toda la prensa:

En el dia de hoy nos vemos forzados a aclarar rumores que nacen de falsas y

mal intensionadas noticias transmitidas a través de un programa radial en

Miami, Florida sobre nuestra representada Celia Cruz.

Como ya es de conocimiento público, Celia Cruz se encuentra bajo

tratamiento médico en su hogar en Nueva Jersey, New York. Esta aclaración

la hemos hecho ya en innumerables ocasiones y resulta horriblemente

incómodo tener que continuar respondiendo a rumores infundados.

Tanto Celia, su esposo Pedro Knight, su manager Omer Pardillo, su familia y

esta oficina condenamos este tipo de acto en contra de un ser humano que

durante toda su carrera ha respetado la privacidad y la intimidad de los


Como se anuncia un nacimiento, se anuncia la muerte y pueden estar seguros

que de surgir este momento, que Dios no lo quiera, su familia será la

primera en anunciarlo.


Blanca Lasalle

Creativelink - Relaciones Públicas Celia Cruz

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