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My message to biz and roland....

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Guys, whats up....

I have a issue... Now i'm taking this public, well cause i know more will read it, and hopefully agree.

No matter what i will buy the cd... However, talk about dropping the ball... Guys YOU CAN'T RELEASE THE CD AT SPACE ON JULY 5 AND HAVE IT GO NATIONAL ON JULY 22!!! THATS ABOUT 3 WEEKS... YOU CAN'T DO THIS. STOP THE PARTY AND DO NOT RELEASE THAT CD NOW!!!!!!!!


I've confirmed it with industry peeps and other djs.. This is a dumb move.. Please i love to see roland blow up but by doing this it kilss him.......

I offered to do a party (if the numbers are right) but only after the 22..... so no hate from CP....

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Saleen actually's got a point. As much as I would love to get a copy of this on saturday they shouldn't release it there three weeks before release. Maybe if they had this party the weekend before the cd came out would be perfect, but I'd really hate for this cd to get leaked on kazaa and all of roland, biz, and all the rest of the crew's hard work gone to waste. Can't wait to hear this cd, but if the artists are gonna get screwed then I can wait a couple of weeks to get the cd.

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by livin42nite

Saleen actually's got a point. As much as I would love to get a copy of this on saturday they shouldn't release it there three weeks before release. Maybe if they had this party the weekend before the cd came out would be perfect, but I'd really hate for this cd to get leaked on kazaa and all of roland, biz, and all the rest of the crew's hard work gone to waste. Can't wait to hear this cd, but if the artists are gonna get screwed then I can wait a couple of weeks to get the cd.


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Nick - I agree 100%.

I think having the cd release party 3 weeks early is a bad idea since most of the tracks will now be leaked and available for people to download. I want nothing but good things for Roland & Biz, but I don't think this was a smart business move. I will definately buy this cd since I want to support my local DJ... I wish I was going to be there on Saturday, but I can't make it.....:(

Why didn't you wait to have the cd release party? I can see the excitement with releasing it, but I almost think you are shooting yourself in the foot!

Good luck - xoxo,


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I do see where having a pre-release sale, could lead to ripping of the new CD. ultimately if someone's intentions are to rip it, and thus steal from the artist. they will find a way, to do it regardless of when it is released.

the bottom line is ripping a CD, without the artist permission is stealing. if you do it shame on you. :mad:

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I see your point Saleen ... very valid ...

Now ... I doubt Roly and Biz will pull out of the release this Saturday ... so here is my solution ...

Grab the ugliest mixes you guys have ... those that make no sense ... and label them as Roland -Lunar Sessions ...

Get on line and have those archives open for the peepz at Kazaa and Soulseek ... let them download and think they are getting the real deal ... but do this with 15 different ones ...

Their search for ripping the boyz of their revenue would have failed ;) ...

At least this way ... for the three weeks people won't know which is the real one ... or they would spend more time downloading and listening to the wrong CD ...

BTW ... this confusion will only benefit Roly ... peolple will search and search for it ... most of them won't buy it anyway :mad: ... but will know of Roly and the 'mistery" behind his release ... :hat:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by vipnerd

I see your point Saleen ... very valid ...

Now ... I doubt Roly and Biz will pull out of the release this Saturday ... so here is my solution ...

Grab the ugliest mixes you guys have ... those that make no sense ... and label them as Roland -Lunar Sessions ...

Get on line and have those archives open for the peepz at Kazaa and Soulseek ... let them download and think they are getting the real deal ... but do this with 15 different ones ...

Their search for ripping the boyz of their revenue would have failed ;) ...

At least this way ... for the three weeks people won't know which is the real one ... or they would spend more time downloading and listening to the wrong CD ...

BTW ... this confusion will only benefit Roly ... peolple will search and search for it ... most of them won't buy it anyway :mad: ... but will know of Roly and the 'mistery" behind his release ... :hat:

wishful thinking... too bad it wont' work... if the party is a sucess, trust me the cd will get ripped.. I spoke to many djs and producers before i posted this and i got a lesson in soundscan and how small labels get paid etc etc.. So i did my homework and to say it polite they all said this is dumb, real dumb.... Plus why release it with sander k??? Why not devote an entire night to roland in the main room in a couple weeks?

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It is very hard to make money in music in this day and age. This is not just a Roland/Biz thing. Many on this board have talked about how music is stolen. I agree that you would be better off having a big bash in the Main room for Roland at the same time of the release.

Here's an idea, do a Lauderdale party on Thursday or Friday night and then do the Saturday party @ Space....

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Originally posted by sobeton

I do see where having a pre-release sale, could lead to ripping of the new CD. ultimately if someone's intentions are to rip it, and thus steal from the artist. they will find a way, to do it regardless of when it is released.

the bottom line is ripping a CD, without the artist permission is stealing. if you do it shame on you. :mad:

hmmmmmmmmmmm you've never done this ?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:D :D :D :D

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i kinda wonder the same thing with the GU series. 2 reasons why i never buy them anymore:

1. they are overall crap

2. they are realesed in the UK 2 or 3 weeks before US and worldwide release...by the time it hits US markets, it's been widely available to DL for 3 weeks already

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Originally posted by saleen351

wishful thinking... too bad it wont' work... if the party is a sucess, trust me the cd will get ripped.. I spoke to many djs and producers before i posted this and i got a lesson in soundscan and how small labels get paid etc etc.. So i did my homework and to say it polite they all said this is dumb, real dumb.... Plus why release it with sander k??? Why not devote an entire night to roland in the main room in a couple weeks?

To give a hand to Roly and Biz ... I have 6 mixes that will go up ... to start the confussion ... at least we'll minimize the damage ... if you guys do the same ... we will accomplish the objective ...

F**k those who want music and don't want to pay for it ... :blown: :blown: :blown::D :D :D

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Originally posted by vipnerd

To give a hand to Roly and Biz ... I have 6 mixes that will go up ... to start the confussion ... at least we'll minimize the damage ... if you guys do the same ... we will accomplish the objective ...

F**k those who want music and don't want to pay for it ... :blown: :blown: :blown::D :D :D

Aside from my thoughts about this album, you have way too much time on your hands. I think that the public cares about "The Lunar Sessions" about the same amount as they care about Ivano's "The Real Miami House Sessions".

I give props yo you all that are going to buy the album, but don't think that many people are just waiting for tomorrow to download the album.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

I think that the public cares about "The Lunar Sessions" about the same amount as they care about Ivano's "The Real Miami House Sessions".

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: thank God we are not all the same ... :D :D

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If anyone knows how hard biz and roland have worked on this project it is me. It's a good idea to help out the artist in any way, every little bit helps. They had said that the cd would also be released locally this coming tuesday at record stores on the beach. He is one of the more humble dj's around and I know he will appreciate each one of you that supports him.

As far as sobe2003 is concerned. This person has come on here only to talk trash about Lunar Sessions. I was told not to say anything but Spacious should look at this persons past posts.

Sobe2003 first posts offered comps for sunrise sessions hmmmm? Then wrote my pal LP in one post, in another post wrote he does not know Luis Puig? Mr. Puig it is pretty sad you have a person promoting for you, who instead of worrying about their own, is trying to bring down something that is positive w/ space right now. If this person would focus more on their own party it would probably help them. Those are just the facts not an opinion, this person is not credible.

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Originally posted by rocky05

As far as sobe2003 is concerned. This person has come on here only to talk trash about Lunar Sessions. I was told not to say anything but Spacious should look at this persons past posts.

Sobe2003 first posts offered comps for sunrise sessions hmmmm? Then wrote my pal LP in one post, in another post wrote he does not know Luis Puig? Mr. Puig it is pretty sad you have a person promoting for you, who instead of worrying about their own, is trying to bring down something that is positive w/ space right now. If this person would focus more on their own party it would probably help them. Those are just the facts not an opinion, this person is not credible.

Huh???? Dude - what are you talking about? If you think someone in NYC or LA or anywhere else is waiting for Lunar Sessions to hit Kazaa you're nuts.

I hope they sell a thousand records tomorrow night - but they are not. 95% of people entering space tomorrow is not for Roland or his record. And since you have a log of all of my posts on CP you should refer to the ones that state that it is obvious that Roland has talent - otherwise he would not be spinning at S34. I just don't like the music he spins and came on to defend Ivano when everyone on here bashes him.

And believe me - I don't work for LP.

Get your facts straight.

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you have a valid point. The record label & I thought that over before planning this event. However, as someone stated earlier, if you're intention is to rip the cd from the internet then chances are you will regardless of when its released.

The forth of July w/end is a big weekend to make a big deal out of his release. Miami will have plenty of out-of-towners visiting & along with Sander K, it would of made for a night of great hype and an opportunity to try & reach out to a broader public which includes more than just our locals & Roland fans.

You see we're targeting the out-of-towners along with the small percentage that actually attends for Sander, along with our regulars. That's 3 different groups in one night, 2 events @ Space & a whole lot more hype. As opposed to planning Roland's release on a regular weekend & having it be the only event of the night. Multiple events attract multiple crowds!! In reality, Roland's release might attract about 100+ heads that will attend just for that event. Obviously, that's not enuff. That in combination with Sander & the 4th of July multiplies the difference.

As for the label.. They'll be targeting the in-store client @ the record stores. They've set up listening stations across the country & reserved window slots. They are goin' after the average person who's already stepped into the record store. As we're goin' for those who step foot into Space that night. Chances are it's a larger public who are there b-cuz Space34 on that particular night is their destination & what better way to hook them.

Out-of-towners love to take home stuff & they go out of town with $$ to spend. Especially clubbers... When I go to NY, I love bringin' back an Arc t-shirt or something of that matter. It's like braggin' rights statin' you've been there, much like when you go to Ibiza & purchase a Ministry of Sound tee. That's where a part of this idea came into play. We're not gonna sit here & worry about who's gonna rip it off the net. It's bound to happen anyway. We're here to find the best opportunity to generate a larger buzz & bigger sales at the release party & this Saturday made more sense than any other July Saturday if you are thinkin' on our wavelength. Chances are, if Roland is on that night to a packed house, peepz will get impulsed into pickin' up the cd right then & there. The record sales business relies on impulse. It's all about that split second that impulses us to buy that CD on the rack. Hearing a dj live for the 1st time while having the CD well in reach changes the odds in your favor. So we planned it on a Saturday where we figured we can reach a public which is normally out of reach or harder to reach.

So to sumarize this whole story, forth of July w/end, out-of-towners & Sander K are the difference. We might just have a difference of 1,000 plus peepz as opposed to a regular Saturday @ Space. Remember, who we're targeting here. Unfortunately the electronic music masses are very internet inclined & they know how to snagg stuff off the net & there's nothing we can do about it. People in NY, CA, NV, etc. aren't too familiar with Roland, so it's not like they'll be waiting behind their monitors for the 1st catch on Kazaa. The record label targets theirs, we target ours & yes, maybe some of you might catch the album on-line, becuz you know what you are lookin' for, but the rest of the US isn't. As long as each party does their job in nailing their targets we'll do as fine as we're meant to do...

Aside from that, we're planning release parties in NY, DC, Florida & CA. As well as the label plans on setting up in-store Roland sets at our local shops.

Thanks for your concerns, all this truly shows you all seem to care & that makes us really happy. Roland is extremely proud of this release as am I. No politics on this CD, it was done in the best way we wished for. Str8 from the heart, no selling out!!

We hope you guys go out & support us & some of our other local guys. I'm even buyin' a copy. Hell, I was offered a free copy of Murk's "Bangin'" when it was released, but I turned it down & purchased one that night in support of our guys. While I might burn a John Digweed set online, I still have the respect to go out & pick up his CD at the record store. In the case of a local, I find it more of an insult to the artist if someone from their hometown takes the easy way out (the online freebee). I'm a dinosaur, I still buy cds at the store. Go out & do the same, after all Roland & I have saved you plenty of $$ @ Space & have given you plenty of attention. Look at these $10 as a return favor. That's a small price to pay...;)


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