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I Just Broke Up With My G/f Of 2 Yrs

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Why is love romance relationships soooooooo hard and painful. We never had a fight or arguement about until mayb4 months ago and then since then SIGH things have gone down. We are both complete oppoisites. Who knows maybe one day she will see things straiht who knows. The reasons are pretty dumb and i dont feel like putting them here. Besides i dont know many of ya anyhow. But i just thought i would say WOMEN SUCK. But women are also INCREDIBLE.

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sorry to hear that bro...

keep your head up...remember that women are just like men and they need their grieving period with themselves as well...then youll both notice that there are plenty of other women out there...

if i were i'd go watch the movie Annie Hall...woody allen explained it PERFECTLY...

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Originally posted by silverbull

Why is love romance relationships soooooooo hard and painful. We never had a fight or arguement about until mayb4 months ago and then since then SIGH things have gone down. We are both complete oppoisites. Who knows maybe one day she will see things straiht who knows. The reasons are pretty dumb and i dont feel like putting them here. Besides i dont know many of ya anyhow. But i just thought i would say WOMEN SUCK. But women are also INCREDIBLE.

Sorry to hear.. :(

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Don't worry hun

Breaking up is hard to do, especially when it's over stupid shit and you really can't understand why you to broke up, but when you can't see eye to eye with the person you love on anything it's just a painful realization that you to maybe aren't meant to be.

The grieving period will be hard but trust me once you get over it, its all for the better. You will eventually move on and find someone who does see things the way you do, or at least accept them, and at that point you will be happy.

Don't worry in no time you will be back to your good ol self and happier than ever, I am lol :)

6 Months single and I think it's probably been the best most productive 6 months of my life. I have learned a lot about myself as a person and as an individual. I have never been single this long and I'm loving every minute of it :)

Enjoy your life and being young and single, that's what life is for:D

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Me and my ex broke up in february after 20 months it definitely sucks. You miss the companionship, the talks, the great times, and etc.... It hurts now but eventually you'll get over it. Mine took me a few months but now i actually see the true side of her. And o yeah if you try to be her friend.............DONT.......youll just get hurt and jealous

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Yo Silverbull sorry to hear that. I agree with the person that said it takes time to heal your wounds. I was in a somewhat similar situation but not as deep and it took a good amount of time to feel better. I haven't spoken to her in 6 months and not alot in the past year and a half and feel totally fine. I guess the first few months were the hard ones but it all became clear with time as someone else said on here also. Just keep your head up bud!


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Originally posted by slyonspromos

Me and my ex broke up in february after 20 months it definitely sucks. You miss the companionship, the talks, the great times, and etc.... It hurts now but eventually you'll get over it. Mine took me a few months but now i actually see the true side of her. And o yeah if you try to be her friend.............DONT.......youll just get hurt and jealous


Trying to be friends with someone you spent so much time with just DOES NOT WORK OUT!!

Things will never be the same, and I have come to terms that I will NEVER see my X in the same light I did before. True sides come out after a break up....sometimes its for the best

just don't try and be friends, it's really not worth it:hat:

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thanks everybody for the great advcie. and as much asit hurts me i can no longer have her in my life as a friend only. I hear alot about people feeling better after their relationship cause they see thins clearer. Hopefully i will be the same, but it hurts so much. Luckily i work in a hair salon again (finally although only 2 days) so b4 i met me ex i was sleeping with my customers so now i guess i will do it again. And of course thiers always the clubs to satisfy my sexual needs. Right now i dont feel like meeting anybody for something serious. More so that i gave my ex so much love that i dont think i can gve it to anybody else for a long long time. HEY QUOTH wow your words have damaged me for life i cant believe the pain im feeling cause of your comments.SHEESH.

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Originally posted by berniec

i remember someone on here's ex or bf or whatever going down around that time- i'm pretty sure it was the kid from SI that was involved wit somebody on here.

Yea my X from SI was the one in that drug bust

But I was talking bout my recent X

My X from SI him and I have ALWAYS been friends but im not gonna get into that;)

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Originally posted by silverbull

HEY QUOTH wow your words have damaged me for life i cant believe the pain im feeling cause of your comments.SHEESH.

aw cheer up u whiney bastard...the least i could do is force a laugh out yer mouth...we all been we u are at....time is now yer new best friend.

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Originally posted by silverbull

Why is love romance relationships soooooooo hard and painful. We never had a fight or arguement about until mayb4 months ago and then since then SIGH things have gone down. We are both complete oppoisites. Who knows maybe one day she will see things straiht who knows. The reasons are pretty dumb and i dont feel like putting them here. Besides i dont know many of ya anyhow. But i just thought i would say WOMEN SUCK. But women are also INCREDIBLE.

sorry to hear... (first sign is that you never had arguments, secondly if youre going to live your life hoping she gets back into yours she never will...) count your gains cut your losses and take this oppurtunity to reflect on your own life, and your own feelings and do somethings you havent been able to do or have been wanting to do... look at this as a blessing in disguise... i know you prolly dont want to hear any of this or means nothing coming from some fool on a msg board but whatever you do not try to force her back into your life, youll only push her further away...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

sorry to hear... (first sign is that you never had arguments, secondly if youre going to live your life hoping she gets back into yours she never will...) count your gains cut your losses and take this oppurtunity to reflect on your own life, and your own feelings and do somethings you havent been able to do or have been wanting to do... look at this as a blessing in disguise... i know you prolly dont want to hear any of this or means nothing coming from some fool on a msg board but whatever you do not try to force her back into your life, youll only push her further away...


Could not have said it better myself

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Originally posted by silverbull

Why is love romance relationships soooooooo hard and painful. We never had a fight or arguement about until mayb4 months ago and then since then SIGH things have gone down. We are both complete oppoisites. Who knows maybe one day she will see things straiht who knows. The reasons are pretty dumb and i dont feel like putting them here. Besides i dont know many of ya anyhow. But i just thought i would say WOMEN SUCK. But women are also INCREDIBLE.

i feel u bro, its tough:mad:

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Originally posted by silverbull

great words dgmodel and your right. There were kinda alot of things i would hold back cause of her. i guess im goin ot go and get my piercings now. Like the guy from the band DISTURBED.

go for it... :aright:

believe me i can relate, (not that i know what youre going through or what you exactly feel because everyone is different and every relationship as well however i went through a horrific breakup that left me haggard and distraught and i made every mistake possible in attempts to get her back... so now i just try to pay my experiences forward so my friends dont make the same mistakes)

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