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Most amount of drugs u have ever seen?

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Originally posted by kholeman

Yes, should have/could have/would have ...

Luckily, I was able to convince the gunmen that there was no more for them to have and there was no point in trying to have me take it to them. Oh yeah, did I mention there were 2 of them?

I have no use for guns, neither does anyone I know (OR SO I THOUGHT!). I was very careful in what I was working with - I stayed away from the "big" drugs - no coke, no speed, no crystal, no heroin, - just e & k, and I got the K myself. No gangs to be upset. Picked up from 2 guys, passed it back to 3.

Just a small group of folks who wanted to make sure that we got what we were asking for -- tested, clean, drugs of choice. No one ever ended up in the hospital from taking anything that passed through my hands. No one ended up physically addicted to anything that passed through my hands. No one had unexpected drug interactions from anything that passed through my hands. In fact, these are the only reasons I ever became a "criminal" in the first place -- before I started, this wasn't true where I lived!

I wonder why the "War on Drugs" hasn't figured this out -- right now with K not available, and me being so selective in what I want to put in my body, I am out searching for something to have a night out with. I know I'm gonna get ripped off. I know I'm gonna end up helping the "drug lords". I know I'm gonna end up using chemicals whose true identity is unknown to me, so my harm reduction strategies may or may not work. etc., etc., etc.

Make any sense to you?

LoLL aww sounds like u started dealing drugs for the good of mankind u deserve a medal? nah i agree with you if drugs were regulated better they would probably be alot safer but hey its the werld we live in just gotta roll with it. As for guns im not saying you shouldve become a gangster but if you have 10,000 pills in your house wich is probably werth around 40,000 kesa u definetly need somekind of protection. I dunno bout u but in my neighborhood if some1 knew i had that kind of weight and they could rob me wit no chance of getting ne physical harm done to them i'd probably b gettin robbed every monday. Jus my ideas im not an expert in these tings mayb im wrong.

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I dealed for a minumum of 4 years (it's kind of hazy the exact length). I had anywhere from 400 licks, 3,000 pills, and $5,000 cash at any one time in my apartment. That's about $90,000 total street price. Out of the THOUSANDS of parties I threw in my apartment and on my roof, there were only TWO attempts to rob me. One was by a guy one of my friends had just started dating. She was with 8 fo her girlfriends that i knew and asked if they could bring this guy over. She knew I didn't like starngers in my apartment, so she vouched for him. I agreed not knowing that this was only her second date. This guy was on a bunch of drugs and when he saw me with all the cash, he made a move, knocking me over the head hard with a beer bottle, nearly kocking me out. The girls litterally gathered around him and physically threw him out. The girl he was dating and her best friend gave me a 3some to make it up to me, but I stopped letting strangers in my6 apartment for another while. Then you read about the actual robbery above. There was another $50,000 worth of drugs hidden in the apartment, but I had smartly only kept $10,000 of it in my safe.

So, a gun would have done NOTHING in my apartment but gather dust. Besides, I wasn't ready to die for my drugs. If someone pulled out a gun, I'm not gonna get in a gun fight with them.

As for the the theory of me selling drugs making me a criminal... I didn't feel like that at all. I had a couple rules for myself. I NEVER sold to anyone younger than 18, I never gave somone their first hit or bump, I never let someone do too much, and I had a sitdown with somone if I saw them abusing it. I even convinced 2 people to go to rehab. For me, it wasn't about all the money. The extra cash was nice, but I enjoyed the whole drug thing. I liked the fact that my friends could always get drugs from me instead of buying crap off the street. I enjoyed doing drugs with my friends. I enjoyed making a safe haven for my friends to do drugs in. I see how they all struggle today to buy stuff for double the price they would have gotten it from me. I see how some of them have started shooting it, because they are getting crap. I get offers all the time from my friends to restart my business, but I saw how that road took me down the wrong path. I think the government is causing more bad than good outlawing certain drugs. They allow alcohol which ruins your liver and causes other chaos, as well as cigarettes which do nothing but cause cancer, but will outlaw a anastetic which causes no permanent damage and a pill that people can enjoy and spread love together. In fact, i can honestly say that i beleive that all deaths from the usage of E will drop by 90% if it was regulated to the point where there was no fake pills made and people were able to hydrate themselves out ion the open. But that is a whole nother thread entirely.


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Originally posted by Evan

I dealed for a minumum of 4 years (it's kind of hazy the exact length). I had anywhere from 400 licks, 3,000 pills, and $5,000 cash at any one time in my apartment. That's about $90,000 total street price. Out of the THOUSANDS of parties I threw in my apartment and on my roof, there were only TWO attempts to rob me. One was by a guy one of my friends had just started dating. She was with 8 fo her girlfriends that i knew and asked if they could bring this guy over. She knew I didn't like starngers in my apartment, so she vouched for him. I agreed not knowing that this was only her second date. This guy was on a bunch of drugs and when he saw me with all the cash, he made a move, knocking me over the head hard with a beer bottle, nearly kocking me out. The girls litterally gathered around him and physically threw him out. The girl he was dating and her best friend gave me a 3some to make it up to me, but I stopped letting strangers in my6 apartment for another while. Then you read about the actual robbery above. There was another $50,000 worth of drugs hidden in the apartment, but I had smartly only kept $10,000 of it in my safe.

So, a gun would have done NOTHING in my apartment but gather dust. Besides, I wasn't ready to die for my drugs. If someone pulled out a gun, I'm not gonna get in a gun fight with them.

As for the the theory of me selling drugs making me a criminal... I didn't feel like that at all. I had a couple rules for myself. I NEVER sold to anyone younger than 18, I never gave somone their first hit or bump, I never let someone do too much, and I had a sitdown with somone if I saw them abusing it. I even convinced 2 people to go to rehab. For me, it wasn't about all the money. The extra cash was nice, but I enjoyed the whole drug thing. I liked the fact that my friends could always get drugs from me instead of buying crap off the street. I enjoyed doing drugs with my friends. I enjoyed making a safe haven for my friends to do drugs in. I see how they all struggle today to buy stuff for double the price they would have gotten it from me. I see how some of them have started shooting it, because they are getting crap. I get offers all the time from my friends to restart my business, but I saw how that road took me down the wrong path. I think the government is causing more bad than good outlawing certain drugs. They allow alcohol which ruins your liver and causes other chaos, as well as cigarettes which do nothing but cause cancer, but will outlaw a anastetic which causes no permanent damage and a pill that people can enjoy and spread love together. In fact, i can honestly say that i beleive that all deaths from the usage of E will drop by 90% if it was regulated to the point where there was no fake pills made and people were able to hydrate themselves out ion the open. But that is a whole nother thread entirely.


u sound like the kewlest guy...wish i would have known u years ago...we could have started a good friendship then and i would have definately had your back along the way :)

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Xlr8ted is clearly just trolling. Made some smart ass comment to my post for info on sources.

I made the one reply.

Recognize the time waster for what it is and let the rest of us get on with our business.

Evan, you sound like my kind of people. Yup. robberies only came from "friends" who were guests in my home. They are the ones that know best how the screw you -- they know where you are vulnerable and have no compunction about manipulating the info for their benefit.

My guess is, this thread is done. Thanks for the support. Hope you feel the same.

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Originally posted by kholeman


Xlr8ted is clearly just trolling. Made some smart ass comment to my post for info on sources..

Hey shithead,

You were asking for drugs online, you get everything you deserve... I have quality posts on CP, but I will not put my mind to something that is blantantly stupid..... You really expected an truthful and honest reply? Get a clue, an look at your screen-name, kholeman, really fucking smart.... ... Your CP existence was over, when you typed in " Kholeman" for a screen-name...

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Originally posted by fkornre

dude that was a statement of sincerity...not that ur 2 yr old brain would understand something like that


You guys would have been great together.... My 2 yr old brain is sincere w/ people that I know.. Should I pm you some tissues, it seems your getting real emotional on the CP drug board...

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Originally posted by xlr8ted


You guys would have been great together.... My 2 yr old brain is sincere w/ people that I know.. Should I pm you some tissues, it seems your getting real emotional on the CP drug board...

not at all...i dont take anything anyone says on here to heart...i just post...

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