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queer eye for the straight guy


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i can't believe no one started a thread for this already.

i saw the season premiere last night; it was on at 10pm on bravo, out here. the idea of the show is that a team of gay guys, each member with a different area of expertise, makes over a guy and his apt/house in preparation for an important event of some kind.

this first one was a scenic designer - sets and such on broadway/for films - who got a gallery show for his personal artwork, mostly paintings. he needed a makeover and his apt. was a disaster. the 5 guys




*food & wine

*interior design

got to work and made this mess of a man into a cutie and his hovel into a nice little place. they showed the reactions of everyone at his art opening (the team had to watch over a live camera feed), and the guy's female best friend looked as shocked as shocked can be and like she wanted to jump his bones right then and there. the transformation was all in one day, and you'd never believe it, with all they got done :eek: . great show :aright: !!!

did anyone else see this?

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...i saw the ads for it and found it disturbing...another reality tv show - yay!...what really troubles me is:

1) a forced transformation - i'm a big believer in self-education and self-transformation...i just think it's up to YOU to find and learn a better or different way...not have it shoved down your throat by a cast and crew in a matter of 24 hours...how long do you think all that will really stick?

2) the perpetuation of the stereotypes - the fact that we as a society still believe that homosexual men are more cultured, artistically aware, better dressers, blahblahblahblah...and that heterosexual men need to take lessons on those subjects...i say boo to all that...there are straight men that can outculture, outdress, etc gay men...the point is it should have nothing to do with sexuality...yet we still focur on it...and now we do it on national tv...

...perhaps i should see the show to see if it supports what i have said, but the mere thought that it exists preturbs me enough to not even want to watch the opening credits...

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Originally posted by phatman

...i saw the ads for it and found it disturbing...another reality tv show...perhaps i should see the show to see if it supports what i have said, but the mere thought that it exists preturbs me enough to not even want to watch the opening credits...

i'll start off by saying that this is the ONLY reality show that i've liked, and that includes going back way into the early 90s, when they all began. the ONLY one.

but you should see it, phatman; it's all done in a high-spirited, good-natured way, and these men all know it's more about having fun than changing the world, one man at a time.

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