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Looks or Personality??


Looks or Personality  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Looks or Personality

    • Looks baby
    • Personality

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OK WTF???? Is my friend stupid or what......He went out with this girl for 1 week and she was a total airhead but looked hot. she didnt even know how to sit proper, or eat outside and was in la la land..lol

And then he meets this girl, they talk on the phone for 5 hours..she has a great body, cute face, shy, very intelligent, but goes back to the airhead? wtf?

So he goes back with the airhead...and realizes how stupid his desicion was.....but obviously its too late

Would you choose looks over personality? i certainly would not .....

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Most likely people would lie and say personality.... which is bullshit ofcoz. Perception...we get attracted to people at first mostly becoz of looks.... things like attitude is a plus you find along the way.

And as far as the airhead goes, I would rather stick with that...experience has taught me that they are more fun anywayz:D

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Most likely people would lie and say personality.... which is bullshit ofcoz. Perception...we get attracted to people at first mostly becoz of looks.... things like attitude is a plus you find along the way.

And as far as the airhead goes, I would rather stick with that...experience has taught me that they are more fun anywayz:D

hahah....i agree....

dont get me wrong looks are important but an airhead...the other girl was cute too....i dunno wtf he was thinking...lost a great girl...the airhead only lasted for 3 weeks..when he finally realized how clueless she was.

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Originally posted by euphoricgirl

OK WTF???? Is my friend stupid or what......He went out with this girl for 1 week and she was a total airhead but looked hot. she didnt even know how to sit proper, or eat outside and was in la la land..lol

And then he meets this girl, they talk on the phone for 5 hours..she has a great body, cute face, shy, very intelligent, but goes back to the airhead? wtf?

So he goes back with the airhead...and realizes how stupid his desicion was.....but obviously its too late

Would you choose looks over personality? i certainly would not .....

i wish there was a third answer i dont have either... :(

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Originally posted by linabina

IMO- looks will initially attract the person... but its the personality that keeps them around.

Look at it the other way around........ if you hooked up with a person with great personality, sooner or later, that mediocre face will get to you especially if you see other people bask in the company of good looking peeps and hence,..you wont be around either :laugh2:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Look at it the other way around........ if you hooked up with a person with great personality, sooner or later, that mediocre face will get to you especially if you see other people bask in the company of good looking peeps and hence,..you wont be around either :laugh2:

im sorry but i dont think that made sense...

come again?

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possibly hes saying when the novelty of their personality wears off, youre left with a mediocre partner, which your friends or ppl you hang out with will criticize (since theyre fixated on aesthetics more than internals) and theyre criticisms will eventually get the best of you... (i hope thats what he was implying because thats how i interpreted it)

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Originally posted by dgmodel

my question how do you define a good looking person and how do you define a great personality??? what if its the personality that makes the person beautiful, then wouldnt you have the best of both worlds???

I think it's very relative. Each person looks for a different personality, and respectively they attract a certain kind of personality.

Some guys like bitches that whip them. Therefore they should be with a bossy bitch.

Some girls like a funny guy who can make them laugh. So laughter is more important...

But in any way, i agree with Lina and Naughty. Looks only go so far. It's the personality that keeps that person around ;)

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bear with for a hot ny minute :

Three guys hanging out by the bar and three gals..one frigging hot !! and the other two are so-so. So, I ask, when exactly does the part come when guys say : the other two average might have better personality, lets go for them? Am i missing something here. Even more so, after realizing that looks arent everything, how many honestly say they wont try and go for the most good looking over and over again? Please, save that looks will take you so far, coz you know what?..u'll be back for more :laugh:

Thats why we get into relationships and ship right out,..... life is a merry-go-around...when your ride is over, you just jump into the next one.....:D

But I'm not here to burst anyones bubble....to each their own..be it living a lie or facing reality. Happy sailings in fairyland, send me a postcard :D

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Since I'm on a roll here, allow me to add something else.

Roseane Barr and Whoopi G. are some of my favorite women personalities in hollywood, God knows, they make me laugh and feel good about life. I think that qualifies as people with good personalities..no??

But then again, how many times have you opened the tabloids or watched a show like ET and happened to catch a juicy gossip of their love lifes? You think its a coincedence ?? :laugh: Maybe it could be. But the million dollar question: How come "hot guys" arent beating a path to their cribs to woo them ? huh? When does their train(turn) come in ??

Life is vicious, its not intentional, but its the mother nature intended it to be. You can call me shallow, but its a fact, and I'm sure some people have found this out firsthand. But it doesnt necessarily mean life is over...just keep fingers crossed.

sorry for wasting your time reading this. Muuuah :love:

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