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Why is D.C without a high end lounge/club?

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

WHOA... I'm about to get on the soap box so anyone who isn't ready, leave now.

It's not at all that one can't have fun here. It's just that you have to figure out how to stop whining and adjust to what's available first. No, DC isn't New York, and the range of places to go is not as wide, nor are there as many places to go. However, there are some very nice places out there for those of you who are seeking that sort of thing, and as mother once told me "class may mean expecting the best, but it also means knowing when to shut your mouth, be gracious and enjoy yourself". No one likes a whiner, kids, so while I am all for upscale clubs, I am really worn down by people who can just never have it quite plush enough, quite cool enough, quite high or shiny or pretty enough - if it's really so bad, stay home. I'm sure you've decorated your apartment nice enough to like it there, being as how you have sooooo much money to toss around, and the rest of us will go out and have a good time even if our martini glasses aren't tiffany crystal. If Brooks Bro prefers an upscale spot, great, and if my asian uncle prefers rolling his face off at glow and screaming "MOUTSO MOUTSO!" great... but don't start bashing on a whole nightlife scene when most of you who are dissing haven't even gone to the majority of spots in the city. The scene needs everyone to support all aspects, and negativity never gets anyone anywhere. Joke around if you want, but this name-calling, derogatory "my aunt's cousin's grandson's friend's older brother told me it sucks" crap is totally ridiculous. Thanks.

You rock. Will you have my children? :tongue:

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Originally posted by abrooksbro

I'm not trying to bash anything, I'm just trying to find places to check out since I've only been in town for about a wekk.

Then go check some of these places out instead of just retelling what other people have told you about them. Who knows, you might find a place that you like. That's the funny thing about personal tastes... they are your own. We can't tell you where to go. (Well, I *can* think of one place to tell you to go.)

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Originally posted by abrooksbro

I'm not trying to bash anything, I'm just trying to find places to check out since I've only been in town for about a wekk.

Hey, I'm not trying to be rude at all, I just think you have the wrong message board. Most people here go out for the music, the djs and a non-stuffy-snotty atmosphere. Check out dcnite forums or something like that. Thats more the "i want to go out so they can see my prada handbag" crowd. Just fyi, again - not trying to be rude.

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Originally posted by magic8ball

This is the 2003 magic8ball. Hey - missed ya at Josh Wink....didn't see anyone there actually 'cept for Sopha...

I went to a wedding and then went straight to bed when I got home. I was still feeling the booze from Friday night. That's how much I had to drink.

I swear, I don't know how Shady and Kken do it night in and night out.

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So what's up with equating UPSCALE with the door policy? Five may have no "door policy" as far as dress code, but the majority of the people who go, dress up anyway. I think it's funny how the "upscale" places have to TELL their patrons to look upscale instead of the people just coming correct.

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Originally posted by frost350

So what's up with equating UPSCALE with the door policy? Five may have no "door policy" as far as dress code, but the majority of the people who go, dress up anyway. I think it's funny how the "upscale" places have to TELL their patrons to look upscale instead of the people just coming correct.

How else would I know that I'm supposed to act snotty?

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Originally posted by abrooksbro

I'm not trying to bash anything, I'm just trying to find places to check out since I've only been in town for about a wekk.

No, I knew you weren't. I was referring more to the people who were either insulting open-entry, music-centered clubs or vice versa - because the negativity is just not necessary. We can't all be out for the same thing and it doesn't make anyone a bad person 'cause they prefer upscale lounges or because they prefer dark, scrappy, thumping clubs - I take issue with the people who have to put down the others' preferences. :)

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Originally posted by teriaki

I went to a wedding and then went straight to bed when I got home. I was still feeling the booze from Friday night. That's how much I had to drink.

I swear, I don't know how Shady and Kken do it night in and night out.

Easy. We're Korean motherfuckers... it's in our genes.

And seguing... is there gonna be wings on tues? I have a company dinner that night but it's at 6pm (i think) so i'm up for those fucking 2for1 RBVs later if reval is game.

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Originally posted by kken

Easy. We're Korean motherfuckers... it's in our genes.

And seguing... is there gonna be wings on tues? I have a company dinner that night but it's at 6pm (i think) so i'm up for those fucking 2for1 RBVs later if reval is game.

Look at Kken attempting to thread jack. Nice work Kken...

I'm in Boston on Tuesday for a meeting, but if I can catch an early flight back I'm definitely down.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by layousugar

brooks, i totally fucking forgot, you NEED to hit up platinum. like 9 and F or something like that. also modern in georgetown. you'll fucking love platinum, no bullshit.

my bad, that was me , jroo. but check out platinum.

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Guest jroo

so here is your list before you ask anymore quesitons, brooksbro.

1. ESL

2. DragonFly

3. platinum club

3.5 air

4. modern

5. camelot ( i had to throw that in.)

6. you'd probably like ozzio too.

check those out and get back to us.

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yeah, good point... jsut hit up any of those dc nightlife picture sites and go from there. they are all aboaut the pretty people having pretty drinks with pretty things going up their noses...

have you been to spank at 1223 on the weekends? that's suppose to be pretty dang froufrou... not that i've ever been there.

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Originally posted by jroo

so here is your list before you ask anymore quesitons, brooksbro.

1. ESL

2. DragonFly

3. platinum club

3.5 air

4. modern

5. camelot ( i had to throw that in.)

6. you'd probably like ozzio too.

check those out and get back to us.

i would scratch dragonfly from that list if you are looking for uber ritz... it's got nice interior, a little too 2001 space odessey for my tastes, and the bus boys in white jumpsuits is kinda freaky, but other than that... it's just a bar... with overpriced bad sushi.

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Originally posted by kken

asshat, i was looking for larry last fridayd too. :mad:

I should have been more clear (I definitely saw this coming)... "sounds like most of my weekends".

Larry was not in attendance this weekend. If he were, I wouldn't have been so wasted at 5.

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I've been to 1223 on the weekends, for me the whole atmostphere is somewhat lost by the interior decor. Thanks for the recomendations, and I will definitly check out these places. As for the comments about having to be forced to dress a certain way, I don't feel that's the case, I tend to dress that way anyway, and thus feel a little out of place at a huge place with people in sneakers and basketball jerseys, I suppose I am part of the pretentious scene, so be it

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