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Current Events Board Meetup...


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...is this even remotely possible? i'm not talking about getting people together, but......i don't want to be going to a shit-slinging fest. there's enough of that on the boards as it is.......

i am in DC and bored as hell.........................

i wouldn't mind busting some republican/fanatic right wing balls, though...:D

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i'm in dc. ravermania is also here. we can meet up during the week or something say on capitol hill and throw eggs at dubya or something. :D

i dunno if anyone else on the current events board is in dc area, but check the dc board.

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Pick a date....but its gotta be a weekend. Feathers or pants are gonna fly..either way, its all good..too much tension in here. Sassa, wtf are you doing away from the comfy west coast :confused: Welcome to the east lady..its all good. Just make sure you dont run into bubba..I dont wanna see your fav dress on tv :D


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Originally posted by magellanmax

Pick a date....but its gotta be a weekend. Feathers or pants are gonna fly..either way, its all good..too much tension in here. Sassa, wtf are you doing away from the comfy west coast :confused: Welcome to the east lady..its all good. Just make sure you dont run into bubba..I dont wanna see your fav dress on tv :D


i got tired of the west. my time had come to leave. i did everything that is possible to do out there. california will always be my second home, but for now, i'm calling the east coast my temporary residence for now :)

and thanks for the warning about bubba...:D;)

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i rather see Vicman TRY to dance to Danny Tenaglia, than hang with u lefists!!!;):tongue:

exactly the type of response i was hoping would not appear :rolleyes:

don't fuck this thread up. i just asked people if they would be down for a meeting. frankly, i could give two shits if you don't want to hang out with "leftists" :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by sassa

exactly the type of response i was hoping would not appear :rolleyes:

don't fuck this thread up. i just asked people if they would be down for a meeting. frankly, i could give two shits if you don't want to hang out with "leftists" :rolleyes:

Come one sassa it was not that bad of a response. You have absolutely no sense of humor what so ever. Can you be any more lame??:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by skince55

Come one sassa it was not that bad of a response. You have absolutely no sense of humor what so ever. Can you be any more lame??

THANK YOU!!!! she doesnt know the diff. between a joke and her "reptile" theory...which actually both are one in the same...she really needs to lighten up, she is too much of a "tight ass", bet u she couldnt squeeze a marble out that thing...


this is true...Vicman is a sexy bitch....:tongue:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

THANK YOU!!!! she doesnt know the diff. between a joke and her "reptile" theory...which actually both are one in the same...she really needs to lighten up, she is too much of a "tight ass", bet u she couldnt squeeze a marble out that thing...


this is true...Vicman is a sexy bitch....:tongue:

fuck off. how's that for a joke?
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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

no u dont...i read ur posts in other threads...u like drama...u like emotional upheavals...just admit it....

it's true.....No matter what sassa always has something negative to say....AlWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by skince55

it's true.....No matter what sassa always has something negative to say....AlWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am serious...i am not making this stuff up...go to: Drama, Sex, Music or Drugs...she is hated everywhere...i guess it must be her bubbly personality...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i am serious...i am not making this stuff up...go to: Drama, Sex, Music or Drugs...she is hated everywhere...i guess it must be her bubbly personality...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: what's hilarious is that people are staring at me laughing at this stupid post. you take this shit WAYYYYY too seriously...:laugh: :laugh:
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