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guys if you want some ass you better read this!


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What is it about some guys.......why are you soooo cheesy?

Something I noticed about certain men that I see around town. Why are you soooo


Look, if you do any of the following, do man kind a favor and off yourself

because you are THAT GUY!

I have heard all of these guys get destroyed by women, so it ain't just me

talking out of my ass. Here we go!

1) The wear sunglasses in the club guy.

You look like such an asshole. Where are you going? I've seen my own friends do

this and

I want to fuckin' smack them. Look, the sun is no where to be found and I

really don't care if

they are a Gucci knock off that cost you only $20 when the real ones are $300,

you're a total

stroke and you need to check yo self. Also, if a hot girl walks by, don't lower

them and bow

your head as you stare at them with that stupid Backstreet Boy look and say


You just took a bad situation and made it worse.

2) The jean shorts wearing guy.

Ok, I don't care what style. Carpenter, tight, loose, cut-offs, whatever.

Don't wear jean shorts unless you are a 10 year old boy or retarded.

Look, you really don't look cool, especially if you pimp them with some sneakers

and white socks. You got about as much chance getting laid wearing these

things as Macho Man Randy Savage at a bull dyke lesbian convention.

Trust me, I've never heard a girl say, "Yeah he's hot, but damn, I just want

know how he got into dem jean shorts".

3) The high five giving guy.

DO NOT, under any circumstance turn to your friend and put up your hand for a

high five,

at least not if you're being dead serious. I do it sometimes, but as a joke, and

we miss

on purpose, but that's cause I have stupid humor, whatever, shut up. Anyway,


you know who gives high fives? The guy at the football game when it's 10 below


the only thing this fat fucker is wearing is body paint. Do you really want to

be that guy?

The guy with BEARS scribbled across his man tits with a bratwurst in one hand

and a beer

in the other? The guy who actually takes the time to put his beer down so he can


to his friend and give a HIGH FIVE? I think not.

4) The gold or silver chains on the OUTSIDE of the shirt guy.

Look, the only guys I can see getting away with this are like rappers, ya know,


platinum chains and shit, but even that's borderline. The shit I'm really

talking about are

the standard linked necklace that every guy seemed to own when they were 17, but


scary part is, some of them haven't moved on. They still pimp the same stupid


on the OUTSIDE of a plain black t-shirt, only now it's tarnished, so it looks

even worse.

You can usually find these guys also with the sunglasses in a club. Coincidence?

I think not.

5) The Painted on lycra shirt wearing guy.

Oh these guys kill me. You know the type. Skin tight shirt tucked into their

black dress pants,

ugly ass belt? Usually wearing about 8 gallons of colgne? Really popular among

the English Second

Language crowd? Yeah, you can find these guys hounding women in clubs across

America. You can also

find them desperately trying to dry the massive pit stains on their shirts by

the fan in the corner of the bar.

Approach with caution, the smell could be toxic. They come in all styles, mock

neck, shiny, ribbed,

sleeveless, whatever. They are all equally cheesy and all EXTREMELY GAY!

6) The call a girl by getting her number from someone other than her guy.

You would think this process died with puberty, but you are mistaken. It's alive

and well,

and it's happening somewhere as as I write this. Have you no shame? Don't you

feel stupid?

If a girl ever muttered the words, "How did you get my number?" , I'd kill

myself. However, these

guys usually don't get the hint either, they will proceed to explain that a

mutual friend had it and he

got it from them. You stupid slab of dick cheese! Ladies, if this ever happens

to you, keep him on

the phone and go look out your window. Most likely he's sitting in the Camaro

right in front of your house.

7) The sending a friend to talk to a girl while the he waits and STARES in the

backround guy.

Ok, do I even need to explain how stupid this is? This is what the girl hears,

no matter what your

friend says or how he goes about it, this is what it translates to: "Hi, how's

it going? Um, you are a

very attractive girl and uh, you see that guy standing over there? He is

intimidated by your beauty.

He knows you will shoot him down and make him feel stupid, so he sent me over

because he knows

no matter what you say, I will just go back and tell him you said no because you

have a very serious

boyfriend. Yeah, the one with LOSER written on his forehead. Yeah, he wants to

meet you, but he has

the personality of a hamburger bun, and he sent me over to do the dirty work

instead. Wanna meet him?"

8) Grab a girls ass, or firmly by the arm as they walk by guy.

Yeah chief, this is going to get you places

real fast. If you didn't scream weird stalker by that molester look in your

eyes after you made eye

contact with her as she walked towards you, congrats, you officially achieved

this goal by

touching her in the creepiest manner possible. Try a new approach, like "Hi."

or "Hey look at me,

I'm a rapist!". If a girl speeds up as she walks past you, don't grab her to

slow her down, most likely

shes trying to get somewhere you're not as fast as possible.

9) Follow the girl the entire night guy.

You had a brief moment. Maybe you bought her a drink, maybe she gave

you her number, maybe you even made out. Now, if she says, "I'm going to go

find my friends."

That's your hint to exit stage left. Don't say, "Ok, I'll go with you." What do

you invite yourself to

partied too? Have some dignity and go find someone else to play with. Now

granted if she

leaves and comes back because she really did want to find her friends, but she

DOES want to

hang out with you. Congrats, you are the man . But, you ruin any chance of this

if she goes to talk

to her friend and turns around to find you standing there with a stupid ass

smile on your face.

Please make your way to the loser's area and get in line behind the guy with the

sun glasses and the lycra shirt.

10) The sweaty guy.

I'm not talking about the little beads of sweat on the forehead guy, I'm talking

the soaked to the bone,

clothes a different color from when he first walked in, hair matted to the

forehead sweaty guy. WOW!

That's all I have to say........WOW! Look, if people cringe and say ewwwww when

you come near them,

it's usually a bad sign. If you have it that bad, bring a change of clothes, or

at least take little breaks to

dry off in between songs. You're killing me Smalls! Even your pants are wet? How

the fuck did you pull

that one off? Was there a bucket filled with water over the bathroom door or

something? Man, I hate when

I get caught with that old prank. Here's a towel.......or four, go sit in the

corner and dry off for the next 15 minutes

because no it's adult swim and you're not allowed in the pool. Thanks.

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Originally posted by lilliz77

10) The sweaty guy.

I'm not talking about the little beads of sweat on the forehead guy, I'm talking the soaked to the bone, clothes a different color from when he first walked in, hair matted to the forehead sweaty guy. WOW! That's all I have to say........WOW! Look, if people cringe and say ewwwww when you come near them, it's usually a bad sign. If you have it that bad, bring a change of clothes, or at least take little breaks to dry off in between songs. You're killing me Smalls! Even your pants are wet? How the fuck did you pull that one off? Was there a bucket filled with water over the bathroom door or something? Man, I hate when I get caught with that old prank. Here's a towel.......or four, go sit in the

corner and dry off for the next 15 minutes because no it's adult swim and you're not allowed in the pool. Thanks.

hey....that's my guy! so don't worry about him, i towel him down every 15 minutes or so.:laugh:

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Originally posted by lilliz77

10) The sweaty guy.

I'm not talking about the little beads of sweat on the forehead guy, I'm talking

the soaked to the bone,

clothes a different color from when he first walked in, hair matted to the

forehead sweaty guy. WOW!

That's all I have to say........WOW! Look, if people cringe and say ewwwww when

you come near them,

it's usually a bad sign. If you have it that bad, bring a change of clothes, or

at least take little breaks to

dry off in between songs. You're killing me Smalls! Even your pants are wet? How

the fuck did you pull

that one off? Was there a bucket filled with water over the bathroom door or

something? Man, I hate when

I get caught with that old prank. Here's a towel.......or four, go sit in the

corner and dry off for the next 15 minutes

because no it's adult swim and you're not allowed in the pool. Thanks.

I take issue with this..I sweat like a pig, and don't like taking breaks. :laugh:
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LoL. If I go clubbing is because IM GOING CLUBBING!! not to rape on girls or drool all over, Im there to party and dance my ass off:tongue: .

Another thing, when my fave DJ is doing a super set, is a disrespect to go and sit your ass down just because your sweating hehehe ( not me atleast ) rofl. I give two f**** what a girl things about me when Im dancing my ass off to my favorite DJ, wether Im sweating or not.

Now, if Im going to a club to hook up with a girl, it isnt the usual clubbing nite, but the lookout night, where you are going purposedly, and if you dont do that, I suggest you do it :D

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

hey....that's my guy! so don't worry about him, i towel him down every 15 minutes or so.:laugh:


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

T.W ur the best...that is highlarious

Lilliz......the only one ill take u up on

is the glasses...... I dont wear them

but i understand y they wear them down here

theres nothing like being in from 12 to 6

then u walk out to the patio at space and

the sun is at full blast....but ill give ya the benefit of

the doubt this time

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Originally posted by candyrollx69

This is the only one I don't have a problem with. Just because I know how much you NEED sunglasses at a club sometimes ;):D

im the sunglass wearing guy ... but trust me ... i need em :eek: candy is the non dancing girl & sobeton & lex are the soaked in sweat guys :laugh: :laugh:
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Originally posted by koky

im the sunglass wearing guy ... but trust me ... i need em :eek: candy is the non dancing girl & sobeton & lex are the soaked in sweat guys :laugh: :laugh:

sometimes I wish I wore sunglasses, but its usually not bright out when I get out of the clubs, only when I leave from afterhours at 10 or so in the morning (clubs close at 5 the latest).

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Originally posted by candyrollx69

Ouch... sometimes that's the time that we go to the club :laugh:

Haha, I know I was in New York for a weekend, and did the whole went to a club until 2 came back to the hotel to rest for a couple hours then went for a few hours more. SF was still going strong at 11:00 in the morning the one time we left. DAYUM!

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Originally posted by stevier

Liz what are you doing ??? Stealing Mikes posts lol What the fuck is that ??

no it's been going down the chain, DeAnn e-mailed it to me saying she got it from another board...I haven't been on that board in awhile so I wouldn't know.

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