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Saddams Sons Dead...

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BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Saddam Hussein's sons Qusay and Uday were killed Tuesday in a firefight with U.S. troops in Mosul, the commander of U.S. ground forces in Iraq said.

Uday, 39, and Qusay, 37 -- key members of Saddam's regime -- were among four people killed during a dramatic four-hour battle in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

"We're certain that Uday and Qusay were killed," Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez said in Baghdad. "We've used multiple sources to identify the individuals."

Intelligence reports had indicated Uday and Qusay, who have $15 million bounties each on their heads, were in the Mosul area, and the official added: "We didn't just stumble across them." (Map)

A special military task force formed to hunt for Saddam and his top supporters led the raid, supported by extensive armor and air cover, officials said.

Two-hundred members of the 101st Airborne Division also joined the assault, and no one was captured, a U.S. official told CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr.

The military went in and engaged in a "big firefight," the official said. (Gallery: The firefight scene)

The two bodies have a "strong resemblance" to Saddam's sons, a senior U.S. official said. The bodies will be flown to the United States for DNA testing at the U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, the official said.

A senior Pentagon official said one of the other two bodies appeared to be that of a teenage boy. U.S. officials noted that Qusay has a teenage son. The other body recovered appeared to be that of a bodyguard.

A U.S. official said Saddam was not among them.

U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld briefed President Bush about the Mosul operation after it was over, a senior defense official said.

"Part of the reason he discussed this operation in particular was because he knew it would get a lot of attention, and that first reports are often wrong," the official said.

The initial White House reaction was cautious, although one official said confirmation that the two sons were killed would "brighten" spirits after recent criticism that the Bush administration exaggerated the former Iraqi regime's threat.

Both in deck of cards

Saddam and his sons have been fugitives since their government collapsed after a U.S.-led invasion in March. (Profiles: Qusay Hussein, Uday Hussein)

Mosul is a Kurd-controlled city about 110 miles (176 kilometers) from both Syria and Iran. Should the bodies prove to be Saddam's sons, intelligence officials said they are looking at the possibility that Uday and Qusay were attempting to find a way out of Iraq.

U.S. officials have said they need to capture the former ruling family to break resistance to U.S. forces and encourage cooperation by Iraqis fearful that Saddam could return to power.

Retired Army Brig. Gen. David Grange said that the deaths of Uday and Qusay would deal a psychological blow to Saddam loyalists attacking U.S. troops.

The hunt for Saddam in Iraq is led by a U.S. Special Operations team -- code-named Task Force 20 -- with support from the CIA. The task force, which also took part in the rescue of Army Pfc. Jessica Lynch, includes covert special forces from the various U.S. military services. (Lynch homecoming)

Qusay and Uday are the second- and third-most wanted Iraqi leaders, and both are in the playing card deck of most-wanted Iraqis issued to U.S. troops in Iraq. Uday is the ace of hearts and Qusay the ace of clubs. (Flash interactive: Iraq's most-wanted)

Qusay has been the son widely perceived as most likely to succeed Saddam.

With Iraq preparing its defenses in the run-up to the war, Qusay was put in charge of four key areas, including Baghdad and Tikrit -- his family's tribal home.

When the war began, he was in charge of the country's intelligence network, the 80,000-strong Republican Guard and 15,000-member Special Republican Guard, which was responsible for protecting Saddam and his family.

Uday has a reputation for violence that included torturing Iraqi athletes who did not meet expectations. He ran the dreaded Saddam Fedayeen security force.

He was also in charge of the nation's Olympic committee, edited a leading newspaper, Babel, and was head of Youth TV, the country's most popular channel.

Just before the war, Uday warned that Iraqi troops would make the mothers of U.S. soldiers "weep blood instead of tears."

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Originally posted by djxeno

thats fucked up, i wonder what would happen if the bush daughters were slaughtered.

You have to be kidding me with this statement.....this may be the new champion in the "dumbest, moronic, assinine, clueless, jerkoff" category

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Originally posted by djxeno

thats fucked up, i wonder what would happen if the bush daughters were slaughtered.

Though I've agreed with many of your previous points, I think this one is way off base. Bush's daughters haven't tortured and murdered thousandds of their own people.

Plus I don't think this was an assasination...it seemed there was a huge firefight (though, I don't see how 200+ soldiers against 4 Iraqis constituted a "huge" firefight).

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Plus I don't think this was an assasination...it seemed there was a huge firefight (though, I don't see how 200+ soldiers against 4 Iraqis constituted a "huge" firefight).

There has to be more to this than being told.....they are reporting that the firefight lasted 4 hours, and helicopter gunships needed to be called in.....

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Though I've agreed with many of your previous points, I think this one is way off base. Bush's daughters haven't tortured and murdered thousandds of their own people.

Plus I don't think this was an assasination...it seemed there was a huge firefight (though, I don't see how 200+ soldiers against 4 Iraqis constituted a "huge" firefight).

The fact is, I don't agree with this whole war bullshit. Iraq was no way an immediate and imminent threat to the U.S.

..and to have 21 and 22 year olds die every day and now Saddam's sons makes this whole thing even worse because I doubt the U.S. will ever be able to get Saddam.

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Originally posted by djxeno

thats fucked up, i wonder what would happen if the bush daughters were slaughtered.

Jesus H Christ.... You have to be shitting me with this crap you just puked up from your souless gut... Those animals tortureed and murdered thousands of their own people and you feel for those cockroaches?? Does the lunacy ever end on this board with some of you dellusional people.. Does your hatred blind you from seeing the positive of this operation?? C'mon guy no one can be that biased that you would discount a success with a argument of " Assinations are illegal" crap, So is pouring gasoline and lighting a match on a person stealling gas for his car..

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I just felt the need to voice my concern on the whole issue....

If it turns out the military actually killed Saddams sons and probably his nephew.. think about this for a minute... if the war efforts in Iraq are projected as worthy and for a good cause in the long run...why arent there pics and videos of Iraqis jumping up and down in Iraq ?...let alone the rest of the world ?

I'll tell you what, this whole thing reeks of saving-ass-gone awry. Right now, the whole thing looks like a concerted effort to redeem the war propaganda... too bad, it still reeks of an assasination. Why you ask... where are the WMDs ?... Till they (bush &co) finds the so called WMDs,..you can kiss my ass.

The world reaction is "chilling" if not frozen... no celebrations, if anything, the fact that they killed Saddams sons, they may have opened a new can of worms.... How the whole thing pans out, is anyone's guess..more mayhem....:mad:

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

It would have been nice if they got them alive they probably know where saddam or if he's dead

Good or bad.. are you saying you could sell your own blood to save your own disgusting self? Do you have any idea what the term 'family' means?

I'm glad we arent related :blown:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

I just felt the need to voice my concern on the whole issue....

If it turns out the military actually killed Saddams sons and probably his nephew.. think about this for a minute... if the war efforts in Iraq are projected as worthy and for a good cause in the long run...why arent there pics and videos of Iraqis jumping up and down in Iraq ?...let alone the rest of the world ?

I'll tell you what, this whole thing reeks of saving-ass-gone awry. Right now, the whole thing looks like a concerted effort to redeem the war propaganda... too bad, it still reeks of an assasination. Why you ask... where are the WMDs ?... Till they (bush &co) finds the so called WMDs,..you can kiss my ass.

The world reaction is "chilling" if not frozen... no celebrations, if anything, the fact that they killed Saddams sons, they may have opened a new can of worms.... How the whole thing pans out, is anyone's guess..more mayhem....:mad:

Finally an intelligent response, exactly what I was thinking.

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Right now, the whole thing looks like a concerted effort to redeem the war propaganda... too bad, it still reeks of an assasination. Why you ask... where are the WMDs ?... Till they (bush &co) finds the so called WMDs,..you can kiss my ass.

So it wouldn't be an assasination if we find WMD's? Makes sense.....no really it does :blown:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

I just felt the need to voice my concern on the whole issue....

If it turns out the military actually killed Saddams sons and probably his nephew.. think about this for a minute... if the war efforts in Iraq are projected as worthy and for a good cause in the long run...why arent there pics and videos of Iraqis jumping up and down in Iraq ?...let alone the rest of the world ?

I'll tell you what, this whole thing reeks of saving-ass-gone awry. Right now, the whole thing looks like a concerted effort to redeem the war propaganda... too bad, it still reeks of an assasination. Why you ask... where are the WMDs ?... Till they (bush &co) finds the so called WMDs,..you can kiss my ass.

The world reaction is "chilling" if not frozen... no celebrations, if anything, the fact that they killed Saddams sons, they may have opened a new can of worms.... How the whole thing pans out, is anyone's guess..more mayhem....:mad:

OH hear we go CONSPIRACY theory wheels are turning ALREADY...

Their was celebratory gunfire in Bahgdad last night after the news got out.. What do you want them to do hold a fucking parade down the strrets of Bahgdad??? Pictures of the bodies are going to be displayed on all the news agencies and newspapers and don't fool your self the weapons will be found their is already documents found in Iraq that support the claim that they were actively persuing and enhancing their WMD program patience is a virtue so stop wishing we fail and analyse the facts and what we already know... Here is something you won't find on the left wing screwball sites or the beloved BIASed BBC..

Check it out but I have to warn you it might piss on your anti-american camp fire...

I can only show the jackasses where the water is I can't force them to drink..



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Originally posted by mr mahs

Jesus H Christ.... You have to be shitting me with this crap you just puked up from your souless gut... Those animals tortureed and murdered thousands of their own people and you feel for those cockroaches?? Does the lunacy ever end on this board with some of you dellusional people.. Does your hatred blind you from seeing the positive of this operation?? C'mon guy no one can be that biased that you would discount a success with a argument of " Assinations are illegal" crap, So is pouring gasoline and lighting a match on a person stealling gas for his car..

:clap: :clap:

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Originally posted by djxeno

The fact is, I don't agree with this whole war bullshit. Iraq was no way an immediate and imminent threat to the U.S.

..and to have 21 and 22 year olds die every day and now Saddam's sons makes this whole thing even worse because I doubt the U.S. will ever be able to get Saddam.

If you think the only reason this war was justified because of WMD, you are a simpleton......

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Originally posted by igloo

If you think the only reason this war was justified because of WMD, you are a simpleton......

Have you read that article about the interview Brokaw gave to a inspector in Iraq. I posted the link above good read and a nail in the coffin for dellusional, anti-Bush carpers....

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Originally posted by magellanmax

I just felt the need to voice my concern on the whole issue....

If it turns out the military actually killed Saddams sons and probably his nephew.. think about this for a minute... if the war efforts in Iraq are projected as worthy and for a good cause in the long run...why arent there pics and videos of Iraqis jumping up and down in Iraq ?...let alone the rest of the world ?

I'll tell you what, this whole thing reeks of saving-ass-gone awry. Right now, the whole thing looks like a concerted effort to redeem the war propaganda... too bad, it still reeks of an assasination. Why you ask... where are the WMDs ?... Till they (bush &co) finds the so called WMDs,..you can kiss my ass.

The world reaction is "chilling" if not frozen... no celebrations, if anything, the fact that they killed Saddams sons, they may have opened a new can of worms.... How the whole thing pans out, is anyone's guess..more mayhem....:mad:

Dear God, could you be any more clueless and lost.......this is a torrential flow of illogic and stupidity

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Have you read that article about the interview Brokaw gave to a inspector in Iraq. I posted the link above good read and a nail in the coffin for dellusional, anti-Bush carpers....

I will check it out.......the bullshit coming from these anti-war dickheads is beyond ridiculous......

I don't know what is worse...the media negative reporting to fit their antiwar agenda.....or the hypocritical, desperate leftists and Dems who are pathetic and reckless in their statements, baseless accusations, and reckless political opportunism......or the un-informed, clueless, uneducated, misguided, only read the headlines, MTV-attention span, simpletons like some of those on this board.....or the anti-Americans so-blinded by their hate for Bush that they are actively rooting for the U.S. to fail, and can not grasp the big picture....

It is sickening and disgusting..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

OH hear we go CONSPIRACY theory wheels are turning ALREADY...

Their was celebratory gunfire in Bahgdad last night after the news got out.. What do you want them to do hold a fucking parade down the strrets of Bahgdad??? Pictures of the bodies are going to be displayed on all the news agencies and newspapers and don't fool your self the weapons will be found their is already documents found in Iraq that support the claim that they were actively persuing and enhancing their WMD program patience is a virtue so stop wishing we fail and analyse the facts and what we already know... Here is something you won't find on the left wing screwball sites or the beloved BIASed BBC..

Check it out but I have to warn you it might piss on your anti-american camp fire...

I can only show the jackasses where the water is I can't force them to drink..



First: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: .....for the article

Then: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ....for the Bottoms Up DOnkeys...

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Originally posted by igloo

I will check it out.......the bullshit coming from these anti-war dickheads is beyond ridiculous......

I don't know what is worse...the media negative reporting to fit their antiwar agenda.....or the hypocritical, desperate leftists and Dems who are pathetic and reckless in their statements, baseless accusations, and reckless political opportunism......or the un-informed, clueless, uneducated, misguided, only read the headlines, MTV-attention span, simpletons like some of those on this board.....or the anti-Americans so-blinded by their hate for Bush that they are actively rooting for the U.S. to fail, and can not grasp the big picture....

It is sickening and disgusting..


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Originally posted by igloo

First: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: .....for the article

Then: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ....for the Bottoms Up DOnkeys...

I can't wait for that report to come out..

It will be a rude awakening for these loons.

Even BUBBA is saying for the left to drop this uranium horse shit

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