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Saddams Sons Dead...

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Good or bad.. are you saying you could sell your own blood to save your own disgusting self? Do you have any idea what the term 'family' means?

I'm glad we arent related :blown:

Buddy it's one thing to be against a war (which i was) and another thing to just go against everything the Government and Bush does. Uday and Qusay were murderers plain and simple noone disputes that and frankly they got what they deserved. Would i sell my own blood to save myself u ask? Well if someone in my family commited half the shit that these guys did then I'd say fry the fuckers. It really amazes me that you would defend these 2. People like you are the reason that the legitimate war argument gets battered.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

People like you are the reason that the legitimate war argument gets battered.

I am not anti-war at all, but this is definately true. Outrageous statements and positions that are against Bush and the US just for the sake of being anti-US as opposed to what's right discredits the rest of what these people say. How could I ever agree with someone who thinks its wrong that we killed two evil men who tortured and killed people? One of them threw a person in a woodchipper for christ's sake, and someone on here wants to compare them to Bush's daughters. Are you fuckin serious? Anyone with half a brain realizes how stupid that is......unless of course Bush's daughters are torturing and murdering people, and we are just yet to hear about because Bush controls the media. I say we check and see if there are reports of the atrocities of Bush's daughters on Al-Jazeera or perhaps Abu-Dhabi Television. :blown:

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Originally posted by djxeno

thats fucked up, i wonder what would happen if the bush daughters were slaughtered.

theres no end to your stupidity is there ?.....

fucking imbecil, you make normalnoises sound smart.....

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I thought i'd add to this weak dick of a thread.

I"m personally fucking glad we got Uday and Qusay. We'd given them MUCH advance warning that we were going after them and that they could turn themselves in, but they chose to be shady and to fight us from the shadows.

Okay, so they shifted from being top government officials to the leader of military insurgents.

That also means they are leaders of militia, guerilla fighters and NON-UNIFORMED combatants.

Now as you will remember, back in the 70's there was a picture of a south vietnamese soldier shooting a north vietnamese soldier in the street. It inflamed a lot of people and helped the antiwar movement gain strength. The ironic thing is that that picture and the actions taken were 100% LEGAL.

The geneva convention, which you people cry so much for the US to follow, was also being followed, both in that picture and with Uday and Qusay. The south vietnamese soldier had discovered a North Vietnamese spy, out of uniform in the field. Geneva convention states that a non uniform combatant is not held to the same standards that professional soldiers are. They are simply allowed a summary trial and if found guilty, a summary execution.

Same story with Uday and Qusay. They WERE uniformed members of the government [and intellgence services]. Since they were not discovered when the US took over, and did not hand themselves in, they became non-uniformed combatants, fighting a guerilla battle and fleeing the occupying force.

That we killed them was NO CRIME, according to the Geneva Convention. So in terms of you weenies whining about the US being the brutal bully [and killing the poor defenseless tyrants]. you can go fucking shove it. We did it by the letter of the law.

Even if we didn't, those fuckers deserved it. For all the people they'd killed, tortured, beaten and raped, and done so through the limitless imagination of their own cruelty, they got something for it in return. A Bullet.

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whether or not it would have been useful or even feasible to preserve the sons' lives is not something any of us can know. it sounds like they were gunned down in the midst of a situation in which US soldiers would have to make split-second decisions anyway. it's not like they were captured, lined up outside, and then executed.

anyway, although the decision of certain media sources to display the corpses on their front pages without a warning is crass, i think that there is a legitimate symbolic/emotional value in showing both Americans and Iraqis what has happened. although it will probably incite some Hussein loyalists to fight all the more viciously, it will also probably encourage other, less-loyal Iraqi fighters to reconsider whether they want to continue.

but who knows. we'll see.

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i got to wonder about this. why would they allow themselves to be in a situation where they could get caught? if i were them, there would be no way in hell i'd even be in the country to begin with. if saddam can have 50 posers walknig around iraq that look like him, why would the sons not consider such an option? that way, they can put themselves out of the US's radar and do what they want to do elsewhere.

also, perhaps the US is saying it's them becauxce they have failed in their attempts so far to find saddam,(and bin laden, whoops) and maybe this was a scheme to get the public to see that they are doing something right (sure) for once.

it just is hard to believe, though. people of that rank, power, and wealth being killed in such a simple fashion.

oh well, we'll never know the truth anyways. :blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

i got to wonder about this. why would they allow themselves to be in a situation where they could get caught? if i were them, there would be no way in hell i'd even be in the country to begin with. if saddam can have 50 posers walknig around iraq that look like him, why would the sons not consider such an option? that way, they can put themselves out of the US's radar and do what they want to do elsewhere.

also, perhaps the US is saying it's them becauxce they have failed in their attempts so far to find saddam,(and bin laden, whoops) and maybe this was a scheme to get the public to see that they are doing something right (sure) for once.

it just is hard to believe, though. people of that rank, power, and wealth being killed in such a simple fashion.

oh well, we'll never know the truth anyways. :blown:

I am not sure what would win in a fight....your remarkable foolishness or your dreadful, miserable inner being

But clearly, your damaged brain that generates your absurd conspiracy theories, cynicism, and anti- Americansim would be better served if you simply left the country you hate so much...

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Originally posted by sassa

i got to wonder about this. why would they allow themselves to be in a situation where they could get caught? if i were them, there would be no way in hell i'd even be in the country to begin with. if saddam can have 50 posers walknig around iraq that look like him, why would the sons not consider such an option?

Why would anyone of their doubles want to pose as them? you have the US armed forces trying to hunt them down, capture you or kill you, why would anyone want to put themselfs in such a compromising situation, if Im their double Id say fuck you quasi and fuck uday....

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Originally posted by dnice35

Why would anyone of their doubles want to pose as them? you have the US armed forces trying to hunt them down, capture you or kill you, why would anyone want to put themselfs in such a compromising situation, if Im their double Id say fuck you quasi and fuck uday....

their father had several doubles of himself. why is it so unrealistic to think that his sons could have had doubles?

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Originally posted by igloo

I am not sure what would win in a fight....your remarkable foolishness or your dreadful, miserable inner being

But clearly, your damaged brain that generates your absurd conspiracy theories, cynicism, and anti- Americansim would be better served if you simply left the country you hate so much...

jesus FUCKING christ, does it ever end?????
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Originally posted by igloo

Yes, when you leave the country jerkoff

you have no other answer beside your repetitive bullshit? be a man and back up your words with some legitimite proof of your opinion. otherwise, don't fucking even bother to reply.

and no, i will never leave this country. i am an american by birth and i plan to be here till the day i die. you think i'd leave because your pitiful ass told me to? think again, monkey. :rolleyes::laugh: :laugh: :rolleyes::blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

you have no other answer beside your repetitive bullshit? be a man and back up your words with some legitimite proof of your opinion. otherwise, don't fucking even bother to reply.

and no, i will never leave this country. i am an american by birth and i plan to be here till the day i die. you think i'd leave because your pitiful ass told me to? think again, monkey. :rolleyes::laugh: :laugh: :rolleyes::blown:

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

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