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What do you think of the photos released of the sons?

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Hypocritical or not?

Personally, I think its hypocritical since the Bush administation shouted bloody murder when the American dead were shown on Iraqi tv. Some may say showing the dead sons is necessary to convince the Iraqis to lay down arms, but then the motivation in both cases is exactly the same - to demotivate the enemy.

I understand the slighty different circumstances, but the essence is the same.

lets try have a rational discussion without name-calling?

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I'd say yes showing the pictures is somewhat hypocritical. If the situation was reversed there would definately be some kind of outrage here. Some of those pictures were pretty bad too(IMO). I'm not saying it was wrong to show them, but I do thinks It's hypocritical. Iraqi's need to see the pictures to believe these two animals are dead.

My question is do you think showing the pics and confirming the deaths will break the will of those who were holding out and continuing to fight or do you think it will spur more attacks out of revenge?

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Tough call.....although I disagree that the motivation is the same of a US enemy showing our POWs.

The reason being is that I do not think the only true driving factor here is to de-motivate the enemy. If that was the only reason, I do not think the US would have shown the photos.

I think the most significant driving factor is simply proving these two bums are dead....to a people, a society, and an Arab World that is skeptical of anything the US says or present. Remember-

early Iraqi and Arab reaction was "prove it".

I do not think the US had a choice here. Hypocritical on the surface--perhaps. But I do not think you can make the arguement that the main reason the US did this was to de-motivate the enemy. If there is going to be a de-motivation factor, it will be by their deaths. And those who would be de-motivated by their deaths would not need photos as proof, the sons deaths would be felt in their remaining "network".

In addition, one could make the arguement that die-hard loyalists may actually be motivated by the photos.

This was defintely a tough call, and there could be blowback. But I think the US had no choice, that acceptable proof had to be given of the sons death for the psyche of the Iraqis and Arab World--not to de-motivate the enemy. The underlying reason here is much more complex than simply showing a POW on TV.

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With regards to the what the "network" might do... Dunno in the long run, but definitely in the short run there will be revenge attacks. Already, since their deaths 5 US soldiers have been killed and more wounded.

Definitely, though, its a big blow to the resistance. I do not think these ppl work like Al Queda, ie, independent cells. Thus, take out the leadership and the rest will probably fade out.

Or I could be totally wrong...the rest could join Al Queda and continue their fight through them.

Time will tell.

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its fucked up that he showd them but at least this time theres a plausible reason. prove of saddams sons death will make it easier for the american soldiers in iraq to control things since there will be less fear of repurcussion. my gf lived in kuwait during the invasion and said that those two tortured and killed mad people she knew, which is probably the same for many people living in the iraq/kuwait area. proof of saddams death is all bush needs to make the war a pr victory. the constitution and new govt wont matter, americans want to see revenge on someone for 9/11 and all the american soldiers so its convenient to use a premade villain like these guys. if i were bush id probably show the pictures.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

proof of saddams death is all bush needs to make the war a pr victory. the constitution and new govt wont matter, americans want to see revenge on someone for 9/11 and all the american soldiers so its convenient to use a premade villain like these guys.

I do not believe words could ever adequately describe this stupidity.....it was a good thread until this nonsense...

Sorry Raver--I know you requested no name-calling, but statements like above are just the same

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We did not show pict's of dead Iraq soliders. They were ruthless murdering people. Who beat and tortured citizens at will.

I think they need to see they are finally dead.

The real question is do you think we went overboard in trying to kill them instead of taking them alive?

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Originally posted by chris817

We did not show pict's of dead Iraq soliders. They were ruthless murdering people. Who beat and tortured citizens at will.

I think they need to see they are finally dead.

The real question is do you think we went overboard in trying to kill them instead of taking them alive?

NO..... The fight lasted 3 hours I take it they tried to take em alive It's the Hussein boys that didn't want to give up... We lost enough boys already why risk anymore... The intell was done they were certain these scumbags were inside then they fried them....

Good riddens!

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