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Turntable cartridge question...


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I have a quick question about some dj cartridges. I have ortofon pro cartridges, which are silver, and I am making my setup into more of a home studio, for recording mixes, and transfering much of my vinyl to mp3. What do you think I should have for cartridges?? I was looking at either the Ortofon Nightclub E's or the Ortofon Golds? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! :D

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Originally posted by sh0rtbus

Whats up...

I have a quick question about some dj cartridges. I have ortofon pro cartridges, which are silver, and I am making my setup into more of a home studio, for recording mixes, and transfering much of my vinyl to mp3. What do you think I should have for cartridges?? I was looking at either the Ortofon Nightclub E's or the Ortofon Golds? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! :D

Honestly stick with what yo already have, the difference in the pickup cartridges is pretty minimal, unless your that anal about your sound then upgrade to a hi fi cartridge and not a dj cartridge.

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your main concern is Eliptical Vs Spherical...

if your goin to be doing scraight recording you should use the eliptical tips...

There is more contact with the actual vinyl & it creates a richer & cleaner sound... BUT if you have beat records, you'll hear the nicks & dings more-so.

eliptical tips are made by ortofon as well.... stanton also make some of the nice ones as well...

bear in mind the cue-burn is much higher with eliptical.

(in case u didnt know: eliptical is teardrop shaped, where a spercial is like an ice-cream cone)

good luck!

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holy shit dude :eek: i didnt even know there was that much into needles, only words of wisdom i can give ya is your better off trying to get the nightclubs without the tone arm, alot of problems tend to happend your better off going with headshell ortofon's, the long arms dont connect right after a while

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Originally posted by bassboy

Yeah Ortofon's have connector problems and they wear the shit out of your vinyl....

I've been thinking about picking up the White Labels...

I've never had any connector problems, but I probably haven't been spinning long enough to wear my vinyl that much...

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if u have the 1210's, mk5s you wont have connector issues.

or if you use haedshell mounted orts u wont have a problem.

the ploblem (which is remedied in seconds, but can be aggrivating) is with the concorde style ortofon.

the 4 connectors just dont make a happy marrige with the 4 connectors inside the tone-arm ring.

the worst thing u can do, but provides a quick fix:


the best thing:

connection cleaning solvent, you can buy this at most radioshacks & places of that sort... it cleans the connections as well as making them moist to providde a better connection.

if u have decks & your never goin to take off the cart, concords will give u no problems... but if u play in alot of different places... or constanly taking them on & off....issues may arrise.

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