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what does she think?


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i don´t get it...

you´re at a club hitting the shit with your friends, having fun...

and then there´s this girl a few feet away from you, looking hot, standing there with her boyfriend and his friends (and they´re big! i´m like 6 feet and they were way taller). she constantly looks over, like 5 times full on eye contact, whenever i look only in the direction she´s on me. she has this "take me away from here" look in her eyes.

what does she expect me to do? walk over, with her boyfriend by her side and chat her up? lol, thank you í´m looking to have a good time and not to get into a fight.

wave her over? i did that once, took her hand, held it, whispered in her ear "whats your name beautiful stranger". the girl was soo digging it and got all emotional and affectionate. of course, next thing you know, boyfriend stands next to her and tells her they´re leaving, giving me a pretty heavy look that says "you are dead buddy". creepy shit, thanks, not again. i really felt sorry for this girl.

in my opinion, it is morally wrong not to give married women or girls with boyfriends what they so much need and desire. every woman should have the opportunity to spend at least one night of her life with a passionate and exciting lover; a guy with the skills to whisk her away, however briefly, into an enchanted world. the world she has dreamed about since she was a small girl.

it opens her eyes and lets her live a little. if he can't please her and treat her with passion, then quite frankly, he doesn't deserve her.

women are beautiful creatures. when i see one that is stuck in the drudgery of her married existence, despairing of ever finding excitement and passion, it is very sad. kind of like the animals in a small cage at the zoo. it simply isn't right.

but especially in this situation, it is fruitless. she´s hurting herself with every moment our eyes meet... cause right now we can´t be together. and we will very likely never see each other again... *sigh* i´ll never understand women...

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Originally posted by tastey

in my opinion, it is morally wrong not to give married women or girls with boyfriends what they so much need and desire. every woman should have the opportunity to spend at least one night of her life with a passionate and exciting lover; a guy with the skills to whisk her away, however briefly, into an enchanted world. the world she has dreamed about since she was a small girl.

it opens her eyes and lets her live a little. if he can't please her and treat her with passion, then quite frankly, he doesn't deserve her.

in my opinion, your opinion is wrong. *short laugh*

it is always morally wrong to cheat or encourage cheating. even if you/the person you're cheating with is unhappy in a relationship.

it is the woman's business to stay in or get out of a relationship, not yours. would you really want to be involved with someone who had so little self esteem (that she'd stay with someone she didn't like or who didn't treat her well) in the first place? regardless, it's not your duty to "free" her from anything-- it's hers.

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Originally posted by wideskies

in my opinion, your opinion is wrong. *short laugh*

it is always morally wrong to cheat or encourage cheating. even if you/the person you're cheating with is unhappy in a relationship.

it is the woman's business to stay in or get out of a relationship, not yours. would you really want to be involved with someone who had so little self esteem (that she'd stay with someone she didn't like or who didn't treat her well) in the first place? regardless, it's not your duty to "free" her from anything-- it's hers.

hmmm but see, this one of the things i get very emotional over. when i look at such a girl´s eyes and see how she is not happy in her life, how much she craves something new, more intense, more passionate... and then think about how happy i could make her (and i don´t mean just fucking her, let´s take that out of the equation), it really saddens me. i want to pull her out of this. at least for night i want her to experience what it can be like.

sometimes in clubs i´m feeling really sad, looking at all these lonely girls that are gonna go home tonight, lonely, with nobody who tells them how much they love her, nobody to cuddle with, nobody to hold them. sometimes when i´m like this i´m getting very emotional, i want to take them *all* with me but i know its not possible and that makes me even more sad... *sigh*

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Tastey can't make up his mind who he wants to pretend to be:

a) The suave player who *pretends* to care about women so he can lure them into bed, or...

B) The deep-down softie who wants to save all the pretty ladies from their dissatisfaction -- no better medicine for the soul than a deep dicking, right?

Either way, he thinks he's God's gift to women. To bad he can't get any women to agree with him! :laugh:

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Originally posted by rackham

Tastey can't make up his mind who he wants to pretend to be:

a) The suave player who *pretends* to care about women so he can lure them into bed, or...

B) The deep-down softie who wants to save all the pretty ladies from their dissatisfaction -- no better medicine for the soul than a deep dicking, right?

Either way, he thinks he's God's gift to women. To bad he can't get any women to agree with him! :laugh:

clearly, you're just jealous because you're stuck in a fulfilling, mature, open, loving, and extremely pleasurable long-term relationship.

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Originally posted by wideskies

clearly, you're just jealous because you're stuck in a fulfilling, mature, open, loving, and extremely pleasurable long-term relationship.

Yeah, what am I thinking? I should be out having one night stands, saving women from their husbands and boyfriends who they hate so much that they refuse to leave them out of spite!

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Originally posted by shroomy

Come on... what did you expect?

hmmm, intelligent responses?

see, this is all new for me. i recently talked with a guy, he´s 38 and a classic womanizer. i mean we pulled two hot 20 y.o. sisters out of a club together... man...

we talked about lots of shit, including the game, views on women, etc.

what i found out and what he pointed out to me: i didn´t put myself "out there". i didn´t let anyone get through to me.

i changed that, you could say i made myself "emotionally affectable". it changed everything. real cool. some downs but also lots of ups. way cooler than not giving a shit. what sucks though, i fall in love a lot lately lol. like just an hour ago, i was out in the clubs having fun with my buddies and was on my way back per train. i meet two chicks in know in the train and they have a female friend with them. she is sooo hot and sooo sweet, first i talk a little with the chicks í know, having some fun... but at the end of the train ride it was just the two of us talking, nothing else was there, nothing else did matter any more. i got her number which she offered me and i will definately follow up on this. i just gotta have her...

thats cool and i usually also get the girls i fall for, but what sucks is that my gf doesn´t like this at all... let´s say it this way, we *agreed* to a non-exclusive relationship, but she still doesn´t like it. and i don´t want to hurt her... still i can´t help getting these feelings for other girls... oh the drama...

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Originally posted by tastey

we *agreed* to a non-exclusive relationship, but she still doesn´t like it.

Well your right there, you should see the wistful glances she gives me across the room. I know she secretly loves me and wants me to take her away from all this and treat her like she knows she wants to be treated, but I just couldn't do that, how could I only give her one night of passion that she would never be able to match again, it just wouldnt be fair to her. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by rackham

I think you're confused. What you're describing is infatuation and lust, not love.

dito~gotta agree with this guy...dude, you're just a horny bastid, we all are.

problem is you think you want to bring "love" to these girls, but you just want a piece of ass, don't let those emotions get in the way.

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