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Round 1 is down and 2 more to go


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Wow, I had a kick ass time last night. Saw soo many of my friends out, was bought sooo many shots and took sooo many pictures. Danny Howells of course kicked ass, I danced up on the slut box and passed out around 5 or so. I feel a little bit like ass, but I am hoping the treadmill can kick that out of me in time for round 2 tonight (Seb Fontaine)...Hope you guys have a great weekend. :drunk:

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Originally posted by rcrespo

he plays techno too :)

I saw him for my second time a few weeks back ( S34 along with DeepDish) , and I wasnt impressed one bit , nothing that would make me dance my ass off ..........therefore i just got "buzzed" by the bar ( to numb the pain ! ) :tongue:

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Originally posted by rcrespo

you should've seen him in orlando 3 days later .. tore the roof off the place .. progressive .. techno and some filthy ass breaks .. ended the night with los hermanos - quetzal .. what more could i ask for?

I definetly believe you .........looks like i just simply have been unlucky the last 2 times i've seen him .

Richie Hawtin for Techno is sickkkkkkkkkkk!

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Originally posted by mursa

I definetly believe you .........looks like i just simply have been unlucky the last 2 times i've seen him .


Same here,saw DH twice and the first time didnt like it at all,well he was n the patio the last day of WMC @ 34 and wasnt banging enough,never got into his set. The 2nd time was also@ 34 but in the mainroom the the last time he was here about what? A month ago or so.It was bettre but doesnt get me going to the point where im jumping up and down going berzurk.Im not saying he sucks but would check him out again and see what he brings.

Seb F.:aright: have fun lilliz!

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That is the pending question. It was a very interesting night last night. Starts out good, meeting everyone at my preparty. Started to get the party on, and we leave. My friend Megan and I are in the back seat of my friend Kim and her bf's car (they don't party like I do), so here is Megan wasted out of her mind. We get to the place and she can't even stand up, she's puking and holding on for dear life. It took us about 20 minutes or so standing outside first trying to get her better then when that wasn't working she wanted to go home, so we put her in the cab (sorry but what else was I to do). So that started the night out in a great way. Well I got pulled to the front stage where my friend was djing and kickin ass meanwhile I lost my friends that drove me but again I was having too much fun to care. Well there was a little makeout session with me and my friend Kerry that I guess EVERYONE saw...haha! Seb came on and was a little too slow for my taste, he picked it up and wowed at some points but sometimes I was hoping for a buildup and he left me hanging. Well I got to go on stage and be a dj whore dancer...lol! Well we left and were told that Seb wanted to hang out with us at afterhours at my friend Johnny's place (where the preparty was). Seb and his enterage showed up and his manager in his English accent kept wishing me a Happy Birthday and got pissed that he wasn;t invited to the preparty (jokingly of course). The after hours was ahella lot more fun than the whole night itself. Didn't get home til 7 and zonked right out. I feel lethargic today, but hopefully can get my ass in gear to go to 2 fests and another club tonight. Do you think I can make it....Hell I am only going to have a 26th Birthday once right? Well thanks for reading this blabbering, my brain feels slightly mushy like my oatmeal right now.

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Originally posted by happyface

2 words ripped-fuel :idea:

haha, ummm I am way ahead of you on that. Good thing I have my trusty heavy duty bottle...oh and they outlawed ephedra here so I have the "natural" chemicals...DAMN GOVERNMENT! Always trying to ruin my high :tongue:

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Originally posted by lilliz77

haha, ummm I am way ahead of you on that. Good thing I have my trusty heavy duty bottle...oh and they outlawed ephedra here so I have the "natural" chemicals...DAMN GOVERNMENT! Always trying to ruin my high :tongue:

:laugh: :laugh:

Hey i was just looking out for you. ;):tongue:

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Originally posted by lolahotass

Yeahh let us know!

By the way, Happy birthday honey:D

I miss my friends in Chi-town:(

Thank you and I will PM you with my number if I haven't already and we will definately hook up. there will be a few people I will miss here, but I think I will like Miami way much better.

Ok ok, so I am punkin out tonight...I got way too intoxicated with a lot of different chemicals these last 3 days already that I am not looking forward to driving downtown though I really want to hear some techno tonight. So I am having a cocktail here at home and call it a night. Hey I tried, but I think I am getting old...NOT!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by lilliz77

Thank you and I will PM you with my number if I haven't already and we will definately hook up. there will be a few people I will miss here, but I think I will like Miami way much better.

Ok ok, so I am punkin out tonight...I got way too intoxicated with a lot of different chemicals these last 3 days already that I am not looking forward to driving downtown though I really want to hear some techno tonight. So I am having a cocktail here at home and call it a night. Hey I tried, but I think I am getting old...NOT!!!!!!!!


yeah save your energy for MIAMI!!
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