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The Review: Nv: Oakenfold: Saleen351

Guest saleen351

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I thought this was horrible. The crowd lined up in front of the DJ booth like Oakenforld was in concert or something. The general mood of the place was lacking to say the least; wanted to leave after 1/2 hour, but stuck it out til 4 considering we shelled out the $30 bucks for the tiks...Where was the energy??

Headed over to space at 4am for a wake up call. I feel bad for the people who opened NV...good luck!

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I think he was good,but to short of a set,it was only three hours,but when he was on the turntables he rocked the house.good tunes ,nothing stupid or comercial.

didn"t like the breakbeats set,as far as the club i think is a good place to chill.

And saleen you are a total idiot u should get your head out of your culo=ass you can"t get in for free anywhere:mad:

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Originally posted by albert0126

And saleen you are a total idiot u should get your head out of your culo=ass you can"t get in for free anywhere:mad:

Why is it a bad thing that he got in for free? He worked his connections, and got in for free. I'll give him credit for doing so, considering he's not industry, and just a "guy on the street"..., and it was for a set at a new club, with the "top DJ in the world"...quotes deliberate, since I don't agree with that title.

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Originally posted by albert0126

And saleen you are a total idiot u should get your head out of your culo=ass you can"t get in for free anywhere:mad:

That's funny, Hog and I were with him and all 3 of us got in free...

Don't hate cuz you didn't get comped:rolleyes:

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First of all I would like to slap myself in the face for not going to Space for free drinks and some good old OG house.

NV is a nice clubs but the system has no bass.:(

What can I say about Okie. First of all he was better than I expected but thats not saying to much. He played like 3 good tracks before souther sun and that's about it. I only saw him working the decks a few times and it was good. But then he would turn around and drink with the rest of the people up there I guess.

I like the opener much better and the guy after Okie was just the worst.:(

THis club will not last unless they have lower drink prices (why go there and pay the say drink prices as Space) and a good Resd. DJ:idea:

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Originally posted by saleen351

How much saleen is paying tonight - $0.00

How much you are paying tonight - $40.00 bucks...

you are the joke, i am the club legend.......:idea:

your post about oscar and edgar prooves you are a fucking stunad....

I second that :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by lolahotass

That's funny, Hog and I were with him and all 3 of us got in free...

Don't hate cuz you didn't get comped:rolleyes:

Its all who you know and who knows you. More power to those of you who have the connections most don't. And in the immortal words of Fliptoniaaa "Don't hate, appreciate":D

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Originally posted by thehog

First of all I would like to slap myself in the face for not going to Space for free drinks and some good old OG house.

NV is a nice clubs but the system has no bass.:(

What can I say about Okie. First of all he was better than I expected but thats not saying to much. He played like 3 good tracks before souther sun and that's about it. I only saw him working the decks a few times and it was good. But then he would turn around and drink with the rest of the people up there I guess.

I like the opener much better and the guy after Okie was just the worst.:(

THis club will not last unless they have lower drink prices (why go there and pay the say drink prices as Space) and a good Resd. DJ:idea:

I attended Friday night. Nice venue kinda reminds me of the old space with the low celing. I am really feeling the whole back wall of visuals.....great idea but maybe for a bigger venue.....Drink prices were through the roof and if this place wants to survive. LOWER THEM!!!!!!!!!!!. Paul spun a good overall set. Motorcycle, Etc Etc. But southern sun i believe is gone and forgotten. After Paul, Tracy young got on and tore the dance floor to pieces. They also need another room...hip hop or maybe something else.......

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Originally posted by lolahotass

That's funny, Hog and I were with him and all 3 of us got in free...


t hate cuz you didn't get comped:rolleyes:


you guys don't get in anywhere free,i bet you probably pay more:eek:

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Originally posted by albert0126

I think he was good,but to short of a set,it was only three hours,but when he was on the turntables he rocked the house.good tunes ,nothing stupid or comercial.

didn"t like the breakbeats set,as far as the club i think is a good place to chill.

And saleen you are a total idiot u should get your head out of your culo=ass you can"t get in for free anywhere:mad:

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Thats the worst review Ive seen up in Cooljunkie.com. That was Low!!!

So, its your first tiem Seen OAKENFOLD?!?! and you do a review for HIm?!?! WTF!! enough said, that was looooow!!!!

And I welcome your dumbb ass flaming!

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Originally posted by liquidx

Thats the worst review Ive seen up in Cooljunkie.com. That was Low!!!

So, its your first tiem Seen OAKENFOLD?!?! and you do a review for HIm?!?! WTF!! enough said, that was looooow!!!!

And I welcome your dumbb ass flaming!

Spellcheck function activated: Changed words in bold:

"That's the worst review I've seen up in .cooljunkie.com.

So its your first time seen Oakenfold ?!?! and you do a review for him? WTF!! enough said, that was low !!!!

And I welcome your dumb ass flaming!"

I won't even touch the grammar, it seems like something a 3rd grader would churn out...or a 10th grader who is the product of Miami public schooling.

But seriously, did you expect someone as notorious as Saleen to suck Oakie's dick in the review? I always enjoy his reviews, since they have what no other reviews have, and that is objectivity...most website club reviews read like a press release for the venue.

I hate to burst your bubble, but he was absolutely rotten. I've seen him do much better in the past. I'm not a fan of his style, but I will allow that he is/was a skilled DJ and entertainer. That was severely lacking during the night at NV, amongst other things. I wholeheartedly appreciated Dade and his associates bringing him in, but I will say that I expected more from the "top DJ in the world". As I said before, I've seen him do way better. My favorite set of his was WMC 2000 at Shadow Lounge. There's an MP3 of it floating around somewhere.

But if he was so fantastic to you why don't you go off and write a dissenting opinion? Enlighten us all!

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Originally posted by pod

Spellcheck function activated: Changed words in bold:

"That's the worst review I've seen up in .cooljunkie.com.

So its your first time seen Oakenfold ?!?! and you do a review for him? WTF!! enough said, that was low !!!!

And I welcome your dumb ass flaming!"

I won't even touch the grammar, it seems like something a 3rd grader would churn out...or a 10th grader who is the product of Miami public schooling.

But seriously, did you expect someone as notorious as Saleen to suck Oakie's dick in the review? I always enjoy his reviews, since they have what no other reviews have, and that is objectivity...most website club reviews read like a press release for the venue.

I hate to burst your bubble, but he was absolutely rotten. I've seen him do much better in the past. I'm not a fan of his style, but I will allow that he is/was a skilled DJ and entertainer. That was severely lacking during the night at NV, amongst other things. I wholeheartedly appreciated Dade and his associates bringing him in, but I will say that I expected more from the "top DJ in the world". As I said before, I've seen him do way better. My favorite set of his was WMC 2000 at Shadow Lounge. There's an MP3 of it floating around somewhere.

But if he was so fantastic to you why don't you go off and write a dissenting opinion? Enlighten us all!

Thank you for the spellcheck. Let me tell you.

I know Oakenfold has been lacking lately, not even close to what he was in 99-00. I know he's been doing some dumm sh*t lately, and has gone down in terms of quality DJ. I do agree with Saleen in many parts of his review, but what I dont find it fitting is where he goes and sees the crowd applauding him as if he was a superstar, well, thats to be expected, thats to be expected with any top 10 or top 20 DJ's if ya know what I mean, and for Saleen it was like something he's never seen before. Oakenfold fonded alot for the electronic music/trance scene in the america's. along with Sasha and Digweed Id say, but he did majorly pushed it, he is a legend, definetly, and its obvious that the guy is expensive, everything in this world, sadly, its money, and when we are talking about a legendary DJ.. I mean Come on! and saleen writes it as if he was nothing, just some known DJ.. Oakenfold is more then that. If you were to listen to his State Sides and other mixes of his, he still shows superiority, sadly, him live has lacked what he was back in 99, but still is a good non- the less. Was he worth 30-40 bucks?!?! Personally, because of my BROKE situation no its not worth it.. but wouldnt have been bad seen him.. I personally do prefer to see and waste that money on other DJ's that arent Oakenfold, but just by the way Saleen aproached it, it was like.... some dj HE has never seen before.

About the Justin Timberlake tune.. just in case Sander Kleineberg remixed it. I was not there, so I cant do no review for him, I had friends go and see him though, they arent into his music, but they did enjoy it alot!!.. Ive heard remixes reviews about the night.. anyways, no hard feelings. I rather see a reivew from some one who has seen Oakenfold before and knows whats up with him, no dic-sucking or anything, but to write a review with some knowledge and compare to what he did now to back then. Its as If I write a review about a DJ who Ive never seen, more when I dont like the style of music he plays, really, Im not the chosen one to write a review about him because I would not be given a share fare.

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That's what made the review interesting. Saleen went to see what the hype of Oakie and NV was all about, and came out wondering what the fuss was all about. He knows full well what the Oakenfold story is, and most of the details you've stated. I'll give him credit for actually bothering to go...since Oakie is not even close to his style of DJ...

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Originally posted by pod

That's what made the review interesting. Saleen went to see what the hype of Oakie and NV was all about, and came out wondering what the fuss was all about. He knows full well what the Oakenfold story is, and most of the details you've stated. I'll give him credit for actually bothering to go...since Oakie is not even close to his style of DJ...

I think that getting to a place free, anywhere is worth to go :D

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