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OT: I love nextel

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yeah i just got i it like 4 days ago and i fucking love it, i dont think i have made one regular phone call yet, all my freinds have nextel so its all cherping.. and the speakerfone option is ideal for driving enviornments.

P.S, I love girls with nextels.

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I cant stand my nextel. I like the 2 way, but $1 extra for Caller ID, $7 extra for txt msg

And there insurance company is GOD Damned CRAP. I legitmately bought an i90 and i lost it a the gym, now they're telling me i have an i50, and thats all they'll replace.

I faxed them my reciept, and they tell me they wont take hand written receipts. which is a new policy, because that wasnt the policy when I bought my phone in Dec 2001

So basically they screwed me out of my phone, and all that money I paid for insurance.

Soon as my contracts up in Nov.. Nextel can go scratch.

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wow thats wierd... i never have problems with their service reps...

oh, and yeah, its costly... but its worth foregoing the hassle if you have the cash... i pay somewhere around $100/month... i have unlimited incoming, night&weekend, directconnect, and 500 daytime-weekday-outgoing minutes... internet, AIM, email, blabhalbhalbhalhblah the only thing the phone doesn't do is a BJ.... and i'm sure one of those 6 new models they're coming out with will fix that... ;)

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Originally posted by babbo

$149 unlimited, unlimited, one flat fee for the whole deal, no addtl cost. period

yeah... i asked them about that... but i figured it was near-impossible to exceed my limits... theres only like 40 hours a week i pay for calls, and i only pay for outgoing, not incoming... i think i had something like 1700 minutes one month... all included in the 100/month.... i've never gone over or known anyone whos gone over with this plan...

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Originally posted by joeg

yeah... i asked them about that... but i figured it was near-impossible to exceed my limits... theres only like 40 hours a week i pay for calls, and i only pay for outgoing, not incoming... i think i had something like 1700 minutes one month... all included in the 100/month.... i've never gone over or known anyone whos gone over with this plan... [/QUOT

get rid of your home phone bill- do the $149 unlimited unlimited unlimited. you'll prob save $$$$

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Originally posted by joeg

i move around a lot, and i'm never in an area without service...

Ive had all the sevices at7t, sprint, tmobile, etc etc/. I travel the world for biz and pleasure. nextel the best by far on reception. in usa, and abroad

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What ever happened to people's phone calls remaining private? The chirp chirp two-way is the most obnoxious thing ever.

Classy example: me sitting in a quiet restaurant with my friend, and his buddy chirps in with "ayyyy DOUCHEBAG!!!". Embarrassing. :blank:

Does anyone have a Nextel who is not a) a construction worker or B) a NYC public high school kid?

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

What ever happened to people's phone calls remaining private? The chirp chirp two-way is the most obnoxious thing ever.

Classy example: me sitting in a quiet restaurant with my friend, and his buddy chirps in with "ayyyy DOUCHEBAG!!!". Embarrassing. :blank:

Does anyone have a Nextel who is not a) a construction worker or B) a NYC public high school kid?

put it on vibrate only, or shut it off lol

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