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Blue dolphins...


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I haven't dropped in over YEARS, but a friend just gave me a few pills and I'm torn over whether I should take them or give them away...

Has anyone in SoCal had any experiences with or heard anything about blue dolphins? They're fat, a vibrant blue with white specks.

Just curious, muchas gracias in advance.

I'm off to VEGAS this weekend! :D

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funny you should mention them - i was on www.ecstasy.org recently (a site that tests more pills than dancesafe.com), and i came across some testing on blue dolphins. lots of them weren't e, and i was shocked, 'cause i had some experience with them last summer, and they kicked ASS. but it turned out that there were blue dolphins all over the country, so the non-pure ones must've been copycats. the ones i had were amazing.

hey, let's go to lostin310's for a party ;):D !

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Originally posted by weyes

hey, let's go to lostin310's for a party ;):D !

Yeah, I actually have a great party house, but not great party roommates. They're in bed by about 11:00, even on weekends! My section of the house is upstairs and we have hardwood floors so they hear *everything*. And the pool is right outside their bedroom so I'm pretty much screwed :/

Such a waste. I'm actually contemplating just renting a room again when my lease is up since there's no point in having a house if you can't use it.

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Originally posted by lostin310

Yeah, I actually have a great party house, but not great party roommates. They're in bed by about 11:00, even on weekends! My section of the house is upstairs and we have hardwood floors so they hear *everything*. And the pool is right outside their bedroom so I'm pretty much screwed :/

Such a waste. I'm actually contemplating just renting a room again when my lease is up since there's no point in having a house if you can't use it.

yeah, that sucks :no: . that was one terrific thing about nyc - that my neighbors never heard a thing and couldn't complain about anything i did, no matter what hour. this was true growing up at both my mom's place in soho and my dad's on the upper west side. it's all about old buildings with thick walls, ceilings, and floors.
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Originally posted by happykittn

Fuck, fuck, fuck... sounds like they're mostly caffeine/MDA... goddammit... :(

I'd test one out before I went to Vegas, but... what the hell. Guess we'll wait until we're there.


Well, MDA is a good thing - doesn't get you up like MDMA, but much more of a body high and it lasts longer. Though the fact they have caffeine likely means it's a low dose of MDA (or they're trying to offset the flooring effects).

Best pills I've ever had were MDA... And I've had a *LOT* of pills.

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Originally posted by lostin310

Well, MDA is a good thing - doesn't get you up like MDMA, but much more of a body high and it lasts longer. Though the fact they have caffeine likely means it's a low dose of MDA (or they're trying to offset the flooring effects).

Best pills I've ever had were MDA... And I've had a *LOT* of pills.

Sounds like good advice coming from a well-seasoned roller... thanks so much for the info! I feel a little better now... do you pre/post-load, or not? I've never done that before, but I don't want to crash and feel shitty the whole weekend.

Muchas gracias para la informacion,

kitten >^.^<

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Originally posted by happykittn

Sounds like good advice coming from a well-seasoned roller... thanks so much for the info! I feel a little better now... do you pre/post-load, or not? I've never done that before, but I don't want to crash and feel shitty the whole weekend.

Muchas gracias para la informacion,

kitten >^.^<

I'm not sure what the current medical research is saying about pre-loading but I've found that certain things can definitely keep me from being out of commission the following day(s).

1) Double dosing 5-HTP the entire week before and after rolling (not all 5-HTP is created equal - GNC had stuff that seemed to work).

2) Take your vitamins... I would use a multivitamin that required taking several throughout the day - forget that one-a-day crap. This also should be done the week pre/post to keep your immune system strong

3) Eat a bunch of fruits and veggies the day you're going to roll – I also eat some oranges or other vitamin C rich fruits while rolling (plus they taste REALLY good :P)

4) Drop early - then maybe you'll get some of that sleep you’re going to need

5) EAT - don't skip meals because you don't feel hungry the day after, your body needs the right kinds of foods to keep on truckin’

I also had a friend that swore by Prozac... They would take a big dose when they felt like they were almost done rolling. The science behind this is that by having an SSRI bind to your serotonin uptakes it would prevent dopamine from ending up in the wrong place (believe to be a cause of cellular damage).

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