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Changing last names after marriage


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I guess it just depends on the woman & what she feels is best

I've had this convo before w/ friends....I already have a hyphenated last name.....My mother decided to keep the family name but added my father's to it......Just from my personal experience I am going to take my husband's name....for the simple fact it gets complicated when too many different names are involved

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Originally posted by gmccookny

And as far as announcing a couple "ensemble", it wouldn't be "Will mr and mrs george mccook", it would just be "will mr and mrs mccook" ;)

Following traditional etiquette, it would be "Mr. and Mrs. George McCook." The husband's first and last names are both used.

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Originally posted by magellanmax

Honestly, do you really think a guy (regardless of how much he loves his girl) will actually risk being called over the PA as :

Will Mr. Peter Melissa pick line two...your wife is on the line :shake:

Peter Melissa? we're talking about LAST names here, not first names.

Geez, if the call from your wifey doesnt kill you, the hustling from the guys will... why break a beautiful mold anywayz?...its not like by a woman taking up her hubbys' surname makes her any less of an individual.

just wondering: if taking the man's last name doesn't make the woman any less of an individual, then why would it make the man any less of an individual to take the wife's last name?...

i think that a couple should pick whichever last name they find most attractive/easy to spell/whatever. if neither of them care, then they should pick a NEW last name, hehe. :>

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i'm not italian

(the flag is for my fav football team).

my culture is patriarchal too, but the wife never changes her name. It's considered to be disowning your heritage and family if you do, and a woman's rights issue too.

to each her own

Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ur italian..i dont understand when/where the women in ur culture dont change their last names. i may sound ignorant...but ur culture is patriarchial...and women are subjugated to the man's authority...

every single italian person i know..the father dominates every single aspect of family life...and to have something like the wife not wanting to change her last name happen..would be an outrage

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