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Iron brother qualifications?

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Originally posted by stephanie74

everyone is beautiful to you Bigtime....lolol

You said it stacked...so true so very true....

he dep come lay out with us on Sunday and i will find ya a girlie...although my number 1 is first ( Dave )...so we shall see if he makes the beach this weekend : )

how can i afford women when i go through bottles of test like Stacked goes through adderol...

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Depp...aka LIstacked My 300lb little Brother!

The breakfast of champions is something Bus and Stephanie invented....it is sick...pills and scoops....

ive been doing that since i first turned 250lbs, which was around the time you beat up that kid in factory because he stepped on your foot on the dance floor...

nothing like a 300 lb little brother...that is soo fucking iron it hurts my joints to even type that...maybe its the 100mgs of winny i do everyday that hurts my joints...u make the decision...

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Originally posted by stephanie74

hey dep..a GREAT woman is worth everything....no worries she will be found...maybe a sugar mama???

actually, the woman i am with now could be called that, she is 36, i am 21, you might know her...every see the mtv special with the kid that got calf implants?

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Depp...that kid went down hard...hahahah You remember that! Too Funny! Yes you run sick cycles that is why you are a scary fuck! Also why you are fucking nuts....hahaha....You may have go through the beach entrance...you wont be able to get the shoulders through the front door......!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Depp...that kid went down hard...hahahah You remember that! Too Funny! Yes you run sick cycles that is why you are a scary fuck! Also why you are fucking nuts....hahaha....You may have go through the beach entrance...you wont be able to get the shoulders through the front door......!

Stacked...a typical slinky...in your presence...badness was there...you let him know that you had superior genetics...

ill let all into that story of hotness...

me, the king, the bigtime, stacked, and supergirl all go down the steps to the dancefloor...a slinky appears in stacked's vacinity...after stacked shoves him like he is doing 455 for sets...the slinky goes slinkying away and is never to be seen again...silly slinky...thats what you get when you weigh under 150lbs and stacked can bench your bweight for 112 reps...slinkys...they never learn...stacked...i think you ate that kids unborn children...

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Oh Deppnade...you should have made that Cancun trip 3 years ago....it was the shit.....

Make up ofr it this weekend...Do not be afraid....I gaurantee you will break Bigtimes chick record......He will take you around making the rounds....hahaha!

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Originally posted by njstacked2


Make up ofr it this weekend...Do not be afraid....I gaurantee you will break Bigtimes chick record......He will take you around making the rounds....hahaha!

Wow stacked................that is tall order pal.........

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Oh Deppnade...you should have made that Cancun trip 3 years ago....it was the shit.....

Make up ofr it this weekend...Do not be afraid....I gaurantee you will break Bigtimes chick record......He will take you around making the rounds....hahaha!

a classic LIStacked move...

He and the King are in the lounge of our dorm years ago, and we are cooking up 100ccs of fina, worlds favorite cattle implant...for research purposes only of course...

in walks the RA, and asks what the fuck we were doing...me and the king procede to tell him that we are doing our organic chemistry project and to leave us the fuck alone or suffer the consequences for not only interrupting, but for being a slinky as well...of course...he left us alone...and we have 100cs of golden brown anti-slinky juice...

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Originally posted by njbigtime

Wow stacked................that is tall order pal.........

bigtime, all i care about is me and u tearing the roof off, chicks will flock to us when they see your 8 pack of hotness...ill just take ur leftovers...im not scared to be a wingman...then again on Gina ill bang anything with a heartbeat...

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Originally posted by njstacked2


Yes...Depp Hardcore this weekend...I will bet a gallon of BDL Prop on it!

because Dr. Nadler's receptionist that was on that show is my girlfriend...number 1...

and that kid talked about how he had the perfect body, and all he needed was calves...little did he know...


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Bigtime...You are correct...who am i kidding you are the MVP STUD!

So Hot!

Depp...you have a lot ot learn.....

I was teaching Bigtime the Homemade Chemistry when it exploded in his face....It almost burned his eye out....Kids becareful with the Fina!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Bigtime...You are correct...who am i kidding you are the MVP STUD!

So Hot!

Depp...you have a lot ot learn.....

I was teaching Bigtime the Homemade Chemistry when it exploded in his face....It almost burned his eye out....Kids becareful with the Fina!

all i have left to learn is how to make GH so i dont have to spend 4-500 a month on that crap

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Originally posted by deppnade

because Dr. Nadler's receptionist that was on that show is my girlfriend...number 1...

and that kid talked about how he had the perfect body, and all he needed was calves...little did he know...


Drew i need a wingman this will work out perfect........

OMG that is your girlfriend i saw her on his website.....she is sick.........very hot...........wow bigtime is very impressed...........But i would expect nothing less from you!

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Originally posted by njbigtime

Drew i need a wingman this will work out perfect........

OMG that is your girlfriend i saw her on his website.....she is sick.........very hot...........wow bigtime is very impressed...........But i would expect nothing less from you!


the one on the left is my girlfriend, been with her for a month, bfriend gfriend since last friday...

regardless...bigesttime...Depp is the best wingman ever...no one has balls like me...i will talk to the hottest girl in there like she is nothing...you have found your wingman...:):):)

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Originally posted by deppnade


the one on the left is my girlfriend, been with her for a month, bfriend gfriend since last friday...

regardless...bigesttime...Depp is the best wingman ever...no one has balls like me...i will talk to the hottest girl in there like she is nothing...you have found your wingman...:):):)

I plan on going to see Dr Nalder in the fall................

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