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Hi...I hate baseball...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ive played it...its boring...

u ever wonder why the rest of the world, not including the US sphere of influence , never picked up on the sport? everytime u talk about baseball to someone from europe theyre like WTF..LAZY AMERICAN SPORT...i duno man..if it walks like a duck...etc etc

it's also popular in japan and through out latin america :D

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ive played it...its boring...

u ever wonder why the rest of the world, not including the US sphere of influence , never picked up on the sport? everytime u talk about baseball to someone from europe theyre like WTF..LAZY AMERICAN SPORT...i duno man..if it walks like a duck...etc etc

Ummm...Europe's equivalent is Cricket and I rather watch pigs play in shit then watch that.

Cricket is boooooooooooring

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ive played it...its boring...

u ever wonder why the rest of the world, not including the US sphere of influence , never picked up on the sport? everytime u talk about baseball to someone from europe theyre like WTF..LAZY AMERICAN SPORT...i duno man..if it walks like a duck...etc etc

little league doesnt count chief.......

Any serious athlete can pick up any sport out there (basketball, football, soccer, etc) but not every serious athlete can pick up baseball. Baseball takes born talent and born athleticism, most sports only require born athleticism to compete. If you still don't get where I'm coming from you got to have born talent to see a 1 and half inch diameter baseball's movement for a split second traveling at 95 mph and drive the fucker 400 feet. Any monkey can jump high enough to slam a basketball or dribble a soccer ball.

Have respect

Thats like saying boxing isnt a sport cause all they do is hit each other

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

little league doesnt count chief.......

Any serious athlete can pick up any sport out there (basketball, football, soccer, etc) but not every serious athlete can pick up baseball. Baseball takes born talent and born athleticism, most sports only require born athleticism to compete. If you still don't get where I'm coming from you got to have born talent to see a 1 and half inch diameter baseball's movement for a split second traveling at 95 mph and drive the fucker 400 feet. Any monkey can jump high enough to slam a basketball or dribble a soccer ball.

Have respect

Thats like saying boxing isnt a sport cause all they do is hit each other

Amen brotha. :D

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helloooooooooooo...we're joking about it.

the only thing I find pathetic is your lack of a sense of humour.

Originally posted by djjonstephen

btw....fuck yall that hate baseball, you obviously never played.

Its boring to watch on TV, I agree.....but pigeonholing like this is pathetic

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I must say i love watching Baseball especially the Red Sox. I also happen to know a couple of lads from England and Ireland who like it too. Its a hell of a lot more exciting to watch when u get to learn all the rules and why they are making the positional changes. Baseball would be my favourite out of all the american sports.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

hellloooooooooooooo..........no comments are necessary from the peanut gallery

:laugh: :laugh:

All this over baseball....

Seriously though, to say it isn't a sport is whacked. How many people out there can hit a 100 mph fastball? Or jump up like 4 feet and catch a "supposed to be" homerun ball...

Maybe 0.000005% of this board...

Yeah, it's a little slow and I rarely watch it.. but someone said before, play-off baseball is exciting... The Marlins are exciting :eek:


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

little league doesnt count chief.......

Any serious athlete can pick up any sport out there (basketball, football, soccer, etc) but not every serious athlete can pick up baseball. Baseball takes born talent and born athleticism, most sports only require born athleticism to compete. If you still don't get where I'm coming from you got to have born talent to see a 1 and half inch diameter baseball's movement for a split second traveling at 95 mph and drive the fucker 400 feet. Any monkey can jump high enough to slam a basketball or dribble a soccer ball.

Have respect

Thats like saying boxing isnt a sport cause all they do is hit each other

THEY SWEAT IN BOXING! ...it requires physical endurance...what kind of physical endurance is necessary in baseball?? running to the dugout? none!...

reading ur post i cant help but think u comparing baseball players to like child prodigies. these kids r born with a god given talent (like u said baseball players are) and therefore PUT LITTLE EFFORT INTO ANYTHING THEY DO...they achieve GREAT SUCCESS with MINIMAL EFFORT....the only difference being that child prodigies use different muscles than baseball players do.....

u say its easy to kick a ball or dunk a ball...but think about the fact that most of these actions are being done on the run..while in baseball u sit there and wait for shit to happen..unlike soccer and basketball where ur creating 90% of the time...

baseball is a reaction sport...its like insurance..."IN CASE SHIT"... u sit in the outfield..IN CASE SOMEONE HITS A BALL OUT THERE...

the biggest creation in baseball is a suicide squeeze or maybe a sac-fly...thats about the only time i would consider baseball players as creating something...

hitting a ball takes talent? wonderful...but ur sittin there waiting for the right pitch IN CASE the pitcher pitches it...u arent makin shit happen ..ur reacting to the pitcher...

its like baseball is one big ass intricate game of freeze tag.. u sit there waiting to c what the IT-guy is gona do..and u react to him

oh yeh..had to add this...

pinch hitting and pinch running? i cant help but think that this is just another LAZINESS factor ....ur tellin me soem guy can just come in and run for some lard ass like Frank Thomas or some shit? what kind of sense does that make....thats like having Roberto Carlos run the whole field..and then stopping the game and having Figo take the kick for him...or Vice Versa...i dont get it ...

imagine if you could sub free throw shooters...fuckin Steve Kerr..Reggie Miller..Eric Piatkowski..Pedja Stojakovic and everyone in the 90% FT range would average 60 points a game in basketball....


i dont get it...its like the rules were made up to adjust to the situation..and then one day someone said OK NO MORE RULES..WE'RE STICKIN TO THESE....

and whats with different rules for different divisions?...pitches can bat..pitches cant bat..theres a designated hitter..theres no designated hitter...Holy crap...is it too hard to get their shit together...


quite perplexing

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

by the way i hope u can tell im not talkin out my ass..i actually know baseball..i dont chose to speak on topics im ignorant of

i think what he was trying to say..is unlike what u think..baseball DOES take talent...if u think its easy to hit a 95 mph ball that DOES NOT move in straight line..then by all means try it...less running? than what? basketball? Fubol? or other sports yes...less talent to play? nothing could be further from the truth...again i have played baseball all my life..and basketball....little league, Junior High, High School, Junior College and almost Unversity level (didnt show up the scheduled try out)...it aint an easy sport...which brings me to a great idea....CP Sports Baseball game???:idea:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

by the way i hope u can tell im not talkin out my ass..i actually know baseball..i dont chose to speak on topics im ignorant of

I still don't get what your point is. If you don't like baseball, don't fucking watch it. :idea:

Baseball is a game of skill, talent, athleticism, and all the other shit that goes into other sports. It's a game that has specialization and requires intelligent managerial moves, match-ups and game plans. All that yummy stuff. So what if every single player out there on that field doesn't run the fastest mile or lift the heaviest weight. They're there because they can hit or there cause they can field or there cause they can throw heat. And I can guarantee they do it ten times better than you do.

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I won't deny that baseball players have talent, but...

I still hate it cuz it's soooooo painfully fuckin slow. I can't imagine how people maintain interest in a game where the ball is pitched (vast majority of the time nothing happens - strike, ball, foul), then it takes another 30 secs to a minute for the next pitch... which most likely is not gonna result in anything happening either. And games go on 3 or 4 hours with 1 or 2 runs being scored - or worse none at all. While there maybe more things going on in the background that some might find interesting, it certainly is no where near the level of basketball or football where there is constant action, movement & scoring. Personally I can't wait for football to start just to have something to cheer about.

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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

And games go on 3 or 4 hours with 1 or 2 runs being scored - or worse none at all.

Ahh.. but those are the best games.. :D

Cause games with no score means pitchers duel..

And games with a close score (i.e. 2 - 1) are games in which, not only are both pitchers dominating but also the fact that one team can get ahead of the other with just one swing of the bat.

It's games that are like 13 - 2 that I can't stand. Games where one team is obliterating another team are boring to me. C'mon now, in general, you already know the outcome. :laugh:

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Originally posted by Codica3

Ahh.. but those are the best games.. :D

Cause games with no score means pitchers duel..

And games with a close score (i.e. 2 - 1) are games in which, not only are both pitchers dominating but also the fact that one team can get ahead of the other with just one swing of the bat.

It's games that are like 13 - 2 that I can't stand. Games where one team is obliterating another team are boring to me. C'mon now, in general, you already know the outcome. :laugh:


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