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relationship advice...


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this is a pretty unusual situation... I've been with my bf for almost one year and we've had a pretty good relationship overall. The only BIG problem is that he's a Palestinian Arab and I'm a Russian Jew (not your tyical couple to say the least.)

About a week ago I decided that we shouldn't be together anymore b/c our relationship is ultimately doomed i.e. we could never get married even if things were going great otherwise. I broke up with him and have been pretty miserable about it.

We spoke today and he asked me to get back together. When I asked him what would happen if we kept going out for yearsand everything was fine...what then? He said than at that point we would know that we gave it our all and go our separate ways. In my eyes, that seems kind of stupid, investing time and emotions into a relationship that has an expiration date on it. He says chances are, something will go wrong and we'll break up anyway, but what if it doesnt? what then?

I really do love him and care about him and its not that I want a ring on my finger or anything , I just don't want to wake up in say 2 yrs. from now and resent myself and him for not ending it sooner.

Any advice?:confused: :confused: :confused:

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you did the right thing... im a russian jew also and if your family is anything like my family then your parent hate him... they try to be civil for your sake but they hate him for his culture... it seems pretty racist but its the truth and it will make your future together impossible... i know everyone says love endures all but in this case it wont.

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its very hard to be with someone who is not of ur religion or culture... it may seem like it doesnt phase u in the beginning and that love will prevail and ull get past whatever potential problems may arise from it... but after a while, if ur strong in what u believe in, reality will start to settle in and ull realize that it wont work. of course people do it... but its all relative to the person and to the situation and the relationship itself. its a tough decision , but u also have to do whats in ur heart. do what u truly feel is right for u and ur family also. u dont just marry the person, u marry theyre whole family. and vice versa... so u have to keep all those things in mind when trying to decide what to do in a situation like that.

is that the only reason u broke up?

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well, think about your children. could they handle being from two extreme cultures? although jews and arabs are related ethnically, the constant problems between the two people are not going to end any time soon. i'm from neither group, but have a similar situation where my family requires me to be with someone from our people, so to speak. if you want to please your family, then you did the right thing. but if you think you can work past the bias and differences to be together, then why not. there are a bunch of interracial couples, even jewish/palestinian ones. good luck. but if you decide to reconcile, consider how your future life would be: how your families would see this union, and how it would affect your future children. how would you raise them? what faith, what culture would be more dominant? could you do both? just some thoughts to consider. that is, if you consider having children.


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