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Ben Wanting JLo To "Clean Up Her Act"...Q For All


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So I was reading today at the nail salon how Ben made JLo stop being this monster Diva that she is. He said he wasn't going to marry a "trashy" women that he wanted her to get some "class" before he married her and he's postponing the wedding until that happens :woah:

He made her fire her manager and everyone else in her crew and he hired all new people to make her image seem better. He's pretty much taking charge of her life and she's letting it happen cause she says "I do anything to get him at the altar"

Would you let this happen? Your man is basically telling you that you have no class? But he was with you for so long now all of a sudden he wants you to change YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!!

What are your thoughts on this?

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I would've kicked him to the curb just for him calling me "trashy" instead of "classy"... But have you noticed how much J. Hoe's changed from each boyfriend? When she was with Puff Daddy, she was going for the "greasy-ghetto-I-need-attention" look. Cris Judd she wasn't as greasy but she still needed the attention. And now with Ben Affleck, she's like a lil white girl. Not trying to say anything bad but... I dunno... She looks like she conforms from boyfriend to boyfriend. IMO I think she should get an identity while she's single instead of being "P. Diddy's hoe" or "Ben Affleck's fiance." :blank:

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OK first off...

J Lo deserves it - she IS trashy.

That said, if the man has a point, the man has a point. Part of a relationship is realizing you can be wrong, as can the other person, and you have to be willing to take their criticisms and suggestions. Granted, too much criticism means emotional abuse, however, legitimate points are admissible. For example when I was living in Italy, my boyfriend used to get ridiculously pissed at me cause we would go out and I would do stuff that is totally normal in the US - talk with other guys at the bar when I'd get a drink, dance close with my female friends and tell unwanted guys we weren't heterosexual so they'd go away - all that happens all the time here, but there, he told me, people take that as being whorish behaviour and what the hell was I thinking? At first, I was like "well fuck off, I don't think it is so what do I care what you think?" but if you take it as that your significant other is actually just looking out for what's best for you, there's no reason to be so defensive. Granted, i think it's bad to change completely for someone, they have to love you for what you are, but you can't dismiss everything they say either. Like Ben, they *might* have a point here....

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After learning the hard way, you should never try to CHANGE someone especially if you plan to take them to the altar. Not only are you going to be in for a surprise, you are also not being fair to that person by asking them to CHANGE. Image is one thing you may change, CLOTHING + STYLE are material things. PERSONALITY + CLASS define a person. If you're not happy with what you see, chances are you're not going to be able to change someone regardless of how much you love them.

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I think the reason JLo is with Ben is because he is educated and does have alot of class. He comes from a great background, and he seems to be the one in charge of their relationship. With her two ex-husbands she was the one with all the wealth, power, fame so obviously she was the one in control .. with puffy that was different they were equals in their careers and I hear the only reason she broke it off wit him was b/c he supposedly cheated on her

I think Jen wants a guy to take control of the relationship and her b/c maybe there arent to many guys out there that can.

Some women like that , some women don't

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While it is wrong to change someone, Ben does indeed have a point.

First off, Ben is a Massachusetts boy. [like me]. He [like I] was educated in a preparatory environment and grew up in a society that places a large emphasis on intellectual prowess and social development of character.

That being said, miss "J.Lo" grew up in hell's kitchen. She is indisputably a ghetto rat become a star and with that, carries a large chip on her shoulder, as if to show the world exactly what she's become and dare anyone to knock her off her pedestal.

That kind of coarse, flambuoyant display lends a certain classless shade to one's character, IMO. Take away the glitter, the bling, the tons of makeup and cheering fans and what are you left with?

Someone who probably isn't much of a PERSON outside of their little pop culture empire. Perhaps Ben realized that both he and Jen are of two entirely different classes, tastes and interests. [and intellects, might I add.]

As a lady who would be marrying a prominent actor from a relatively conservative and well-to-do background, I'm not suprised that Ben would request her to be a little more attentive to her own character development. As of now, her "character" seems to be defined more by how many records she sells, how many new clothes she puts out on her line, how many new movies she stars in and of course, whoever her current boyfriend is.

Perhaps the changes will be for good, perhaps not... but either way, Ben does have a point. He's very secure with who he is and when you think of Ben Affleck, you really only think of one man. There aren't any stages or different personalities - he's always been the same guy pretty much. Jennifer meanwhile, has been all around the world [hah, Puffy] and back, with her personality.

If I was dating a bitch that schizophrenc, you can bet i'd tell her to pick who she wants to be and live with it. Not everyone can be Madonna, reinventing themselves every so often to breathe new life into their entertainment career.

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fuck that. she doesnt need him for anything. if i was her i wouldnt take that kind of abuse. she should go find someone who likes her for who she is...

also, why is he engaged to her if he thinks shes classless?!??!

i bet that is a bunch of media bullshit. im sure he didnt make her do anything, she probably chose to try to have a better image on her own. like any woman would put up with a man postponing a wedding so she can clean up her act in the eyes of the public. it just seems stupid. if he really wanted to be with her he wouldnt care how people saw her, he would see the good things about her and know she has class... they will put anything in print if it will make more people buy it.

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u people r trippin balls...all of ya

JLO..from the Bronx? Ghetto?? the girl grew up in the nicest part of the BX....so what if she took the 6 train? millionaires ride the F everyday with me to work...

she's a fuckin front..she exploits everything and anything

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Jennifer Lopez was my princess long before she became, J-Lo. I was all over that back when she was in Money Train.

Now she is trying to be someone she is not. This Ben + Jen Hollywood couple drama is overrated. Ben... take her for what she is or dont take her at all. He is too Mass. prep white boy for her!

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