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Tonight's episode completely bored me. I'm tired of Charlotte bitching about engagements and weddings. Shut the hell up and just get married again. What was up with the whole pot thing? Pretty lame. I'm sick of these women acting like teenagers. The only bright spot in this ep was Miranda fitting into her skinny jeans. I think every woman can relate to that. ;)

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i loved the whole pot thing!

and i loved how high carrie was at the end :smoke:

she was so cute , the way she was laughing i was crackin up

and i loved miranda being able to fit into her skinny jeans!

i agree on the whole charlotte thing .. shut up already

and the funniest part was when carrie put the post it up to the window of the cop car :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by mala

Tonight's episode completely bored me. I'm tired of Charlotte bitching about engagements and weddings. Shut the hell up and just get married again. What was up with the whole pot thing? Pretty lame. I'm sick of these women acting like teenagers.

I agree, they're like 35 and they're going to clubs still and shit? I mean, I'm a very big fan of the show, but I think some aspects of it need to be done with already. It will be nice that this season will be the last one. I'm ready for it to be wrapped up. (Which does not mean I still won't watch the old seasons on DVD religiously once it ends! :tongue: )

I just want Mr. Big back in Carrie's life already!

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I agree, they're like 35 and they're going to clubs still and shit?

What is wrong with going out at 35?!? Big deal they go to clubs... they are happy with themselves and enjoying life. I plan on going out in 9 years when I hit that age.

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Originally posted by jimk29

What is wrong with going out at 35?!? Big deal they go to clubs... they are happy with themselves and enjoying life. I plan on going out in 9 years when I hit that age.

Hey to each their own, I just think that aspect of the storyline is getting extremely tiresome

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I don't think there is anything wrong with them going out to party. (As long as they're not partying at Soundfactory w/ 21 y/o juiceheads.) I mean, part of the reason I watch to show is to see the glitzy outfits and the chic places they frequent. I'd be bored if I watched 1/2 hour of Miranda playing with Braidy and cooing coochie-fucking-coo. The problem I had with last night's ep was that their behavior came of as being completely sophomoric.

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