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oh..and the fact is...Yayo and Banks is iller than 50,,straight up..always have been...(and i dont see them switchin no styles up)..they are just too ill....

im just waitinggg for Premier to throw the Lox over another ill track (u cant even say "WE ARE THE STREETS" was that bad,,premo's track alone was CLASSSSSIC to me)..

paul Caine is pretty tight too (he completes the so-called "triangle offense")..i met Buddens a few weeks ago,,and we spoke about his voice box problem,,i feel bad for him..the surgery is a risk, it can go one way or the other....anyway,DBlock, ali Vegas, GRAPH, cassidy,and a few others..the only ones im feelin 101%...

Oh,,and i almost smacked the shit outta this bitch ass kid i know (AND sum bitch with him) claiming that JayZ is greatest ever,,and far ahead of rakim...I took it personal, and threw them out my house..how dare they..I asked them to name 1 Rakim song ever..THEY DIDNT SAY SHIIIIIT...it wasnt even an argument,,it was a typical New-generation ignorant faggot speaking (like 95% of this generation)..his only response was "ya but look at Jay's bank account")...i told him shit wasnt the same back then..artists were not as blown up in hiphop especially and marketing wasnt there..Thus, not that that much loot there either..money aint the issue..i told him,if he asked 100 of the "biggest" emcees out now Who is the greatest ever....95% of them will say the "R" and THATS That..(and the other few that dont,,are just PAc-dick riders or too high on themselves)..but the truth is....Everyone can argue about 2nd place and so-on, cuz the Number 1 aint a question..

..peace yall

-Face..aka...'the HipHop Encyclopedia Brown..' WHAT WHAT

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Originally posted by nice-face

oh..and the fact is...Yayo and Banks is iller than 50,,straight up..always have been...(and i dont see them switchin no styles up)..they are just too ill....

im just waitinggg for Premier to throw the Lox over another ill track (u cant even say "WE ARE THE STREETS" was that bad,,premo's track alone was CLASSSSSIC to me)..

paul Caine is pretty tight too (he completes the so-called "triangle offense")..i met Buddens a few weeks ago,,and we spoke about his voice box problem,,i feel bad for him..the surgery is a risk, it can go one way or the other....anyway,DBlock, ali Vegas, GRAPH, cassidy,and a few others..the only ones im feelin 101%...

Oh,,and i almost smacked the shit outta this bitch ass kid i know (AND sum bitch with him) claiming that JayZ is greatest ever,,and far ahead of rakim...I took it personal, and threw them out my house..how dare they..I asked them to name 1 Rakim song ever..THEY DIDNT SAY SHIIIIIT...it wasnt even an argument,,it was a typical New-generation ignorant faggot speaking (like 95% of this generation)..his only response was "ya but look at Jay's bank account")...i told him shit wasnt the same back then..artists were not as blown up in hiphop especially and marketing wasnt there..Thus, not that that much loot there either..money aint the issue..i told him,if he asked 100 of the "biggest" emcees out now Who is the greatest ever....95% of them will say the "R" and THATS That..(and the other few that dont,,are just PAc-dick riders or too high on themselves)..but the truth is....Everyone can argue about 2nd place and so-on, cuz the Number 1 aint a question..

..peace yall

-Face..aka...'the HipHop Encyclopedia Brown..' WHAT WHAT

I agree wit almost everything you wrote... However, most people wont say "R" they will say B.I.G. but whateva that's not what I wanna discuss.

The reason Tony and Banks havent made a sell out record is cause they are appealing to the streets still. Trust me if they could make the money 50 made then they will. Thats absurd to say they dont want to make millions so they can keep their "street credit." Thats what makes people like Jay-Z, Eminem, 50, and etc. smart cause they market well. They sell to the Trl kids which are the ones that actually buy their CD's with 1 or 2 tracks. The rest is on the artist if they wanna keep it street or not. How the fuck do they know how long they can be on top for so they make as much money as they can for now so they are eatin right in the future. You think they give a fuck about the streets, not most do. They care about the MONEY!!

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i understand...But my point is that yayo and Lloyd are already making cream JUST from being around 50(shos, promotions, shows, appearances,etc..)..anyway we'll see soon enuff i guess.

i luv B.I.G....but im a realist...and the Trut is that biggie only did 2 actual albums (and i wasnt too fond of the 2nd one)...how can u even compare that to Rakims legacy...no way..Rakim made joint after joint....i am being totally fair,and i have a feeling that if Big poppa was still alive,,there would be a lott less people claiming that he was 'the greatest'...for real...rakim, Big daddy kane, Big L, slick rick (and a few others) have to be given more credit cause they were ahead of their time and innovated many styles..(big L alone mastered several styles of rhymin...and people bit it,,thus he would change it up....)..anyway,,,i laugh my fukin ass of at these bullllllshit "top 50" greatest emcee things they put together (VH1 ,,are u kidding me??to even have names like coolio, Ja, and master p is a spitt in the face of the whole genre)...peace

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Originally posted by nice-face

i understand...But my point is that yayo and Lloyd are already making cream JUST from being around 50(shos, promotions, shows, appearances,etc..)..anyway we'll see soon enuff i guess.

i luv B.I.G....but im a realist...and the Trut is that biggie only did 2 actual albums (and i wasnt too fond of the 2nd one)...how can u even compare that to Rakims legacy...no way..Rakim made joint after joint....i am being totally fair,and i have a feeling that if Big poppa was still alive,,there would be a lott less people claiming that he was 'the greatest'...for real...rakim, Big daddy kane, Big L, slick rick (and a few others) have to be given more credit cause they were ahead of their time and innovated many styles..(big L alone mastered several styles of rhymin...and people bit it,,thus he would change it up....)..anyway,,,i laugh my fukin ass of at these bullllllshit "top 50" greatest emcee things they put together (VH1 ,,are u kidding me??to even have names like coolio, Ja, and master p is a spitt in the face of the whole genre)...peace

I hear ya... I liked B.I.G. but to put him as the best is crazy cause unfortunatly he only made 2 albums (I dont count Born Again an album). I agree that Rakim is ill and others that you mentioned. Anyway, like you said I guess we gotta see what happens to Yayo & Banks.

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I hear ya... I liked B.I.G. but to put him as the best is crazy cause unfortunatly he only made 2 albums (I dont count Born Again an album).

BIG kiled the rap game...not directly ..but indirectly....u could even say posthomously. when he came out we all jumped on his cock for his street cred. we loved the shit he was saying and hailed him as the second coming. .

..but then he took it to another level wit the flossing..criss popping..designer labels.....benzes...cartier wrist wear with diamonds in it

next thing i know Wu Tang is rockin benzos..no more "rollin in MPV's..every week we made 40 gz"..

Nas...the fuckin king of da streets is rockin pink suits ...

then comes Jay Z and takes hip hop to where it is today..platinum...dubs..floss..criss....

at that time rap died..and hip hop was born...it lost its trueness..its street appeal ...true heads deviated from it...and the ones who chose to annoit BIG the King definitely didnt look @ the whole picture.....u cant be the king if u contributed to the demise of the game....this can also be said of Tupac....thats y i like to think the G.O.A.T. has to be someone old skool..Rakim..Slick Rick..etc etc...

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That's really such a bad point. Biggie didn't contribute to nas being a fuckin homo in a pink suit, he was just so far out of anyone's range that he had people losing their mind trying to keep up with him. Even in his death, people STILL can't understand his whole flow & style. Theres always some happy go lucky raper that's gonna come up with the new style or flow, but big perfected everything he did to the point where he fucked up the minds of all the rapers scrambling to replace him when he died. Before you bring the old scholl shit in, you first have to ask yourself this question. Would big make a piece of garbage album like the last THREE krs-one albums, the last 2-3 g rap albums, the last Rakim album (such a joke its on par with pun's second as most disapointing ever), etc. Don't think I'm not giving props to the greats, but straight up big's the king. Rakim is a god, but in his last video he's on some dracular shit? He needs to do a r&b dre record to get half way decent buzz? Its a joke. g rap still spits fire, but his albums are trash. Big would never ever put garbage like that out. Album sales and buzz dont mean anything, to a point. You but big on trash beats, and kids on the corner are losing their minds.

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u misunderstood. i never said anything about BIG's flow. he definitely had one of the best flows ever. some of the things he said were pure poetry..i loved BIG. but it still doesnt change the fact that him and puff helped usher in the era of "criss poppin and wrist watchin" which is what led to the state of rap today.

seriously think about the fact that before BIG came out ..everyone was rockin hoodies and timbos...not too many people knew what Christian LaCroix ..Cartier...etc etc was. after big it was...

he brought in the era of FRANK WHITE ...everyone wanted to be a mobster..everyone wanted to be the boss...everyone wanted to be dapper...

it was a snowball effect ....it just kept gettin bigger and bigger..and here we are today..where if ur whip dont got dubs..and yo chain aint platinum..u aint shit....

who remembers fuckin 93..94...95..when every1 was hood..when u could get ur fuckin sneakers stolen just for walkin in the wrong hood...that was rap...

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I agree with you 100%, Big def changed the whole east coast game. In the early 90's it was either the west coast funk or the east coast hoodie das efx/onyx grime. Me and my boys always wonder though, even though Big ushered in the whole cyrtal phase (Rae and Ghost pushed the mafia angle alot more I think), what would he have done next? If Big was alive, this whole bling phase wouldn't have lasted this long. It took a guy like 50, who everyone shits on, to end that phase.

lol at Nas and Cam rockin pink suits. anyway you roll it, its homo. And I dont care if it's an offset of the bloods color, because if you rock colors in the east your homo anyway.

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I personaly just think Ra, KRS, and G Rap should hang it up, and Wu as a group aint too far behind. From what I hear, Ra had 100 beats from Dre and Premo and couldn't pick 15 bangers out. His last album was east coast in production, and trash in sound.

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no...premo made several beats, but for sum reason Dre decided he didnt approve of any of them..are u fukin kidding me?....nooo ex-NWA member is gonna tell the greatest Producer what is right/wrong..no way.....

i dont care wat new shit any oldschool emcees are putting out towards the end of their careers..but if they do any of their classics,,i rather hear those tracks ANNNYtime before any new boring shit by anyone else..

(and realize how State property is totally jacking sum classic BoogieDown Productions tracks and doing em over...oh,,And RunDmc shit too.."beans to the rhyme")

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