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Napalm used in Iraq


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Originally posted by cintron

*sigh* you children don't understand.

Jihad = holy war = war declared by a bunch of terrorist assholes.

= Terrorism. Terrorism and Ethnic Cleansing are NOT what I would consider to be "War." Terrorism is Terrorism and Ethnic Cleansing can also be referred to as a "massacre". Like the holocaust during WWII - that in and of itself was not war. That was mass butchery.

so when US Congress approves war its not a bunch of assholes declaring it right? i mean ofcourse not..its the US!!....

and u dont consider 250,000+ people in less than a week a massacre?? ..if 250,000 isnt a massacre...then u can call what happened in the Balkans over the past 10+ years a SKIRMISH

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read what I wrote and you'll find the answer there.

serge, congress may be a bunch of assholes [i ain't denying that], but they ARE the base of our duly elected government and when congress declares war, that's also known as "the government declaring war."

That's why Vietnam is known as a "police action", because congress never truly declared war. We all KNOW it was a war, but according to the powers that be, no formal declaration of war was ever made... hence we fucked ourselves because we did everything we could to keep it from escalating and embarassing us. [which it did in the end, regardless].

bigpoppa said it right. As long as civilian casualties are kept as low as is possible and nobody breaks out nukes or chem/bio weapons, then the military is doing everything it can, IMO.

it's always easier to bitch and point fingers from thousands of miles away, safely behind a computer screen and not out where the lead is flying.

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I feel in a wartime situation the US should cater to the needs of the US troops before any others including civilians thats just the way i feel. I dont know the details of the reasoning behind the use of napalm but for them to use it byt their must have been just purpose. logic says they would not simply drop the weapon to torcher soldiers every action by the government recieves stark criticizm. So hence if it saved american lives i have no problem with it.

On the subject of Hiroshima n Nagasaki i remember having this debate previously on this site forgot with who though. If u really want to know what would have happened if we didnt bomb read up on the subject, ask historians etc. Dont just simply make bold claims that the atom bomb was uncalled for and did not need to be dropped. I've also heard it was used to intimidate Russia too.....

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Originally posted by johnholmes

are you fucking kididng me,its pieces of shit like you tht need to be deported to where ever the fuck your anciestry is from and im willing to bet asian. they deserved everything they got so FUCK YOU u busted C

hahahahahahaha, that was hilarious!!!! :rofl: :rofl:
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