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Originally posted by arkmoned

i Have to agree, why does everybody bash this guy:eek:

Because people say to themself...hmmm

1) he takes popular tracks and puts them on cd's...using cd technology...thats easy to do..why is he making $$ off it..why cant I?

2) they think he's a sellout...all commercial tunes.

the fact is..this guy jumped on the commercial cd making thing before anyone else and gained some popularity and now he can make some loot off it. I doubt he sits home at night and says "damn those INDUSTRY heads...they dont like me...let me go stop what i'm doing to please them."

People hating Louie Devito is pure jealousy that he's making so much fame and $$ off of a simple concept that anyone can do. Its just that he has the established name to market himself and people are jealous.

That said...i hate the guy:D

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Originally posted by njnjnite

What a bunch of Jealous Mother fuckers, this Dude made more money in 6 months than you would in a lifie time:laugh:

:blah: but he sucks live .... and is family comes from some "MEGA" money too ... so he was already "well-off" before he was selling cd's !!!!

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Originally posted by eddie3

it sux... theres maybe 5 ppl there, saturdays the nite. yea scribble is spinning tonite (7th) i saw him in person he BLOWS.... all hip hop....... if u wanna make a trip to ac go on march 5th next month louie devito is spinning... he tore da shit up last time... any way friday is dance/hip hop but it is not cool its dead. My friend moe green spins saturday/ followd by stevie p.... who plays phat house music. stay away from casbah on fridays, and never ever go to tru..... gambling is always a fun option

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Originally posted by godisadj

he sucks! louie devito is a joke! who cares how much money he has, he had no credibility with his peers.

Ok Godisadj, Are you his Peers, Dude who the FUCK ARE YOU, What is you claim to fame that gives you the power to make such a statement, Where do you spin Where?

And if you spin then , dude your Seriously obsessed by your hobby.

Look we all love music and I can see like today in the news Brittney Spears had a confrontation with Christina Aguilera in a club in Miami there both artist that compete for market share in a certain music style that appeals to a specific age group.

Dude Godisadj or whatever you real name is What makes you the authority???

Godisadj :jerkoff:

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