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vinyl sucks dick

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Vinyl was fucking AWFUL last night. I never had such a bad time in my life EVER. If Danny's not spinning and you're not on ecstacy that place is fucking SHIT. I've been going for 5 years and the transformation there is FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

THe juiceheads need to FUCKING LEAVE.. YOU'RE RUINING VINYL. THe party is called "Be Yourself" you fucking dicks.. how are you being yourself when you stick needles in your body to be 6 times the size of what you really are???

No one there knows what the fuck that party was originally about. AND WHAT THE FUCK HAPPNENED to common curtosey?? There are such things as

"exuse me"

"thank you"


"SORRY" when you bump into someone!!!!

WHY IS it so goddamn neccessary to eat 5 pills and bump into people!???? CONTROL YOURSELVES you fucking LOSERS.

That place is so MAINSTREAM it makes me SICK AND very SAD.

And since when is it appropriate to moleste girls on the dancefloor??

"Be Yourself" is about RESPECT, UNITY and FUCKING FUN dammit


NYC is dead!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

that's nice. he ruined my birthday. lol

That sucks. On his site he had a huge rant about how he was getting fed up with everything going on there and to not be surprised if he takes a break. Wouldn't surprise me if that was why he didn't show this morning.

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Why people love to diss and label and judge others is such hypocrisy. Your absolutly right about respect and courtesy. I always do but ive also met people who are not body buildiers that are not juice heads and they are rude as well they have bad manners also. Another point id like to bring up is i bodybuild yet i dont judge or look down upon someone who is not into bodybuilding! its not for everyone. How do you determine if some one is juicing or if they are natural?? also crowds tend to evolve every 5 years or less i beleive the reason your seeing more mainstream people, ex sf heads,newbies,old skoolers all goin to arc is because Danny is the best DJ in nyc and its one of the only afterhours left right now. In my opion arc has one of the most friendliest crowds and vibe! theres not a lot of shady characters like you see at other parties crystal and coke have not invaded arc like other clubs and believe me im old enought to remeber the coke fueled alcohol fueled scene of the 80"s/early 90"s thats a recipe for violence !!! so dont be so negative its the only great party in nyc. your goin to encounter rude people everywhere you go it cant be avoided 10% of any crowd are goin to be dicks! but theres a difference in rudeness and straight out aggressive violent behavior

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Originally posted by jamezny1

Why people love to diss and label and judge others is such hypocrisy. Your absolutly right about respect and courtesy. I always do but ive also met people who are not body buildiers that are not juice heads and they are rude as well they have bad manners also. Another point id like to bring up is i bodybuild yet i dont judge or look down upon someone who is not into bodybuilding! its not for everyone. How do you determine if some one is juicing or if they are natural?? also crowds tend to evolve every 5 years or less i beleive the reason your seeing more mainstream people, ex sf heads,newbies,old skoolers all goin to arc is because Danny is the best DJ in nyc and its one of the only afterhours left right now. In my opion arc has one of the most friendliest crowds and vibe! theres not a lot of shady characters like you see at other parties crystal and coke have not invaded arc like other clubs and believe me im old enought to remeber the coke fueled alcohol fueled scene of the 80"s/early 90"s thats a recipe for violence !!! so dont be so negative its the only great party in nyc. your goin to encounter rude people everywhere you go it cant be avoided 10% of any crowd are goin to be dicks! but theres a difference in rudeness and straight out aggressive violent behavior

I agree with you about the evolving thing. It's definitely not for me anymore and it's too bad that place is turning into a grimy, filthy shithole. Vinyl's recent crowd, however, IS NOT friendly, like I said before, unless you're fucked up. I've been there both on every imaginable drug and completely sober, and I find every time I'm there sober, people are obnoxious, rude, out of control and pathetic. Oh and FYI..coke and crystal are at Vinyl, and I would say a good handful of people were outright displaying borderline aggressive behavior. It was not a pretty site last night, hon.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

Vinyl was fucking AWFUL last night. I never had such a bad time in my life EVER. If Danny's not spinning and you're not on ecstacy that place is fucking SHIT. I've been going for 5 years and the transformation there is FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

THe juiceheads need to FUCKING LEAVE.. YOU'RE RUINING VINYL. THe party is called "Be Yourself" you fucking dicks.. how are you being yourself when you stick needles in your body to be 6 times the size of what you really are???

No one there knows what the fuck that party was originally about. AND WHAT THE FUCK HAPPNENED to common curtosey?? There are such things as

"exuse me"

"thank you"


"SORRY" when you bump into someone!!!!

WHY IS it so goddamn neccessary to eat 5 pills and bump into people!???? CONTROL YOURSELVES you fucking LOSERS.

That place is so MAINSTREAM it makes me SICK AND very SAD.

And since when is it appropriate to moleste girls on the dancefloor??

"Be Yourself" is about RESPECT, UNITY and FUCKING FUN dammit


NYC is dead!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Go on sats.......much better crowed and music is just as good........def no juice heads on sats there at all......mad chill crowed and just all in all great night there

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i bitched about this about 5 mths ago..and people told me i was wrong.

whatever yo..when danny was telling us NOT TO TELL OUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS PLACE...no one heeded his warning...we made our bed now we gota lie in it...it went from the absolute greatest vibe to "I HOPE ITS GOOD TONITE"...to "FUCK MAN I HOPE IT DOESNT SUCK" .....

fuckin attack of the clones and shit ...

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thats funny, i was there last week and there was nothing but a bunch of werido's there...no vibe in that place at all. It would have been a BETTER nite if iut had more juiceheads and sluts then the 60 year old asian men, the middle aged woman who could hardly stand that i kept bumping into all nite, and if Danny didnt stop the fucking music every half hour to point out someone on the floor with his 2 millino watt flashlight that was smoking or doing other things he dosnt approve of.

So lemme get this straight - if i'm using my cell phone on the dancefloor i'm distracting veryone- well then what they fuck are you doing by shutting the music off, getting on the mic yelling, and shining a flashlight in peoples faces you fucking moron!

Danny is being an even bigger queen then junior is or was - someone needs to take a broken bottle and shove it up both their asses and call it a day!

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Originally posted by berniec

yes, do us all a favor and go go and kill urself :blown:

If ppl like you continue to infest my home, THEN YES I WILL!! What's the point in living if I have to smell your fucking dirty, sweaty, smelly armpit going up and down, up and down doing your RETARDED FACTORY dance in my FACE ALL NIGHT???

get off each others dicks, you clowns.

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U know what'll mark the end of life? When they start sellin creatine shakes at the f*ckin bars, and stereoids becomes the #1 drug bought/sold in a club :)

Darlok (--- not a club person

"Because I live, you should know the end is coming"

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

If ppl like you continue to infest my home, THEN YES I WILL!! What's the point in living if I have to smell your fucking dirty, sweaty, smelly armpit going up and down, up and down doing your RETARDED FACTORY dance in my FACE ALL NIGHT???

get off each others dicks, you clowns.

actually, the people that go there and look like they made some effort in getting ready to go out for the nite usually remember to put deodorant on, so no worries about any smell coming from me...more then i can say for other 'regulars' there who could give a shit less what they look/smell like.

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Originally posted by darlok

U know what'll mark the end of life? When they start sellin creatine shakes at the f*ckin bars, and stereoids becomes the #1 drug bought/sold in a club :)

Darlok (--- not a club person

"Because I live, you should know the end is coming"

3rd floor back bar at factory does ;)..and they're protien shakes not creatine moron

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Originally posted by darlok

HAHAHA.. are u serious?? LMAO.. They actually sell protein shakes in clubs.. LMAO!!! HAHAHAAHA AHAHAHA ROFL!!! Jeeezus

Berniec: I take it your a regular there. Get any discounts?


ya they seriously do sell them there, and if you want the honest answer, despite the fact that I could get into just about any of teh clubs around here other then factory for free, i choose to pay and go there...its the only place i can tolerate being out at in the city rite now.

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