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Danny Teneglia had some words to say about the scene...

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Because I have NOT been enjoying myself the way I used to


Because there are more & more disrespectful assho*es getting on my very last nerve with sneaking cigarette's right in front of my eyes while on the dance floor, and I can only get annoyed so many times per night before I finally get on the microphone, try to burn the idiots myself with a 2 million candle watt flashlight and remind them that there is NO SMOKING inside NY venues!

"I" did not make up this new law, Mayor Gloomberg did! But, we have to insist that our patrons respect this law otherwise not only are we gonna get fined, but eventually if more MEATHEADS start discovering "Be Yourself Friday's" and don't know the rules, or how to respect their own bodies, our party, our jobs, and livelihoods, then I obviously am not going to have fun doing my job as an entertainer if I have to keep seeing these things from the booth, or having to alert security to have someone removed for disrespecting us all again & again.

- And that's only what I can see from the booth.......

* The obnoxious new usage of cell phones "on the dance floor" has also become a real irritating distraction. WHY? Becuase they are not just telephones any longer! They are now also camera's, text messaging units, and many light up so brightly, it has simply become a major distraction to our lightman's show, my own eyes, and I'm pretty sure it's also annoying to YOU people that are dancing next to these idiots with their phones, as you are trying to enjoy yourselves and participate within the "dance party". When our lightman Ariel does a black-out during a song's breakdown and you see about 5 cell phones in a Variety of Colors and in various sections of the "dance" room, well, it's extremely annoying. ESPECIALLY when these cell phone geeks are not even dancing? They are just standing there on the dance floor with this lit up Nokia TOY lighting up their silly faces as if it was a mini flashlight or a GLOWSTICK! >> Nope! We're not havin it!

*There are several other places in the venue to use these things, but please NOT on our dance floor. If someone wants to use their cell/text/camera phones, then they should go into the back lounge, main entrance or hallway area where the coat check is located.


We employ lots of security AND "undercover" security as well, yet some people still get so stupid and lost into this zone of their own.... Duh!

The bottom line is this........

I LOVE 6 Hubert Street. Arc, Vinyl, Be Yourself Friday's, Body & Soul, original Shelter, W H A T E V E R you wanna call the place....... It's HOME for many of us, but only once a week!

So, on top of the fact that no matter how hard the club seems to be trying & trying, the AC is still experiencing difficulty and it's just really hot in that booth, and now that we are in peak summer season, and on top of it being very hot & humid, I have to deal with MeatHeads who probably didn't even know who I was a year ago needing to be educated on "How to BE and not to BE" at our weekly party. -

Yes, like I say on the Mic, this is "YOUR" party...... Without you 800-1000 people per week, I ain't sh*t, so as I am getting tired of sounding like some jaded old fart, having to lower the music, kill a good vibe and having to remind people (as if they don't already know) that there is no longer smoking allowed inside the building....... or cell phones on the dance floor, etc.. How can my frustration not be building up here?

All I know is we are gonna have to enforce some really strict new policy soon like that of the Paradise Garage & The Loft where it was for "MEMBERS ONLY"....... 21 & Over, and you can only get in the club IF you are with a card holdiing member.

That's all I can think of now in my moment of VENTING here.

So, don't BE surprised if I have a week or two over the next 2 months where I just simply will not show up there because I am absolutely getting extremely fed up and just feel like I need a break, and hopefully this message will get around to everyone.

NO, I am NOT going to play at Crobar or Spirit! (The 2 new clubs about to open sometime soon on 27th Street) ....

Some initial thoughts on WHY on earth would some people invest Millions & Millions of dollars into renovating buildings in a commercial zone that has already been extremely tarnished like Twilo & Tunnel was, and expect thousands of people to show up weekly, AND right opposite of each other? BAMM! ?

If it was not for the actual Street itself, these two clubs would practically be connected! The parking lot was knocked down..... Can you just imagine the traffic congestion about to happen on that narrow street with Taxi's, patrons getting dropped off, people looking for parking, geezers driving by just to "people watch", etc? Well, I really am not dissing them, I wish them both well, I just am boggled by it all at this time of such night-club crisis in our city, and the overall world crisis's that are happening on this beautiful planet called "earth" that we all LIVE on. .

PS: Nor am I interested in any other venue (new or old) in NYC at this time. Yes, I have had MANY other offers, but I am not interested at all (at this time), 100% not.

I often make this lil' announcement after we give it up for our weekly opening guest DJ's..... Something like this......

** I care for you people, whether I know you personally or not. I do not want to hear of any more nonsense that is going to put me in a mood where I might not even want to play music here for much longer -

I ask people to respect themselves and to be very careful of what they put into their bodies. I cannot tell anyone what to do, but, I BEG EVERYONE, "IF" they have any intentions on doing anything that is jeapordizing to themselves or our party, then to Please "BE YOURSELF SOMEWHERE ELSE"! We do not want your $20-25 dollars if your gonna risk some sad form of "Disco Suicide" on our premises and ruin a great part of NYC nightlife AGAIN for everyone else.......

Maybe I should remix Monica and make her say: "BE so gone!"





ARENA WAS OUT OF CONTROL (from what I've heard)

EVEN EXIT'S "EARTH" party is unfortunately also over......

(Last time I was @ EXIT about a year ago, even I was asked to remove my shoes...... and I did!)

Last I heard, it recently got so bad they were asking people to also remove their socks and spread their toes! If this is true, then I am just speechless at the thought of this!

Is this what it is coming DOWN to? - So sad.

All these precautions just to dance. -

No disrespect at all to DJ JV, this has nothing to do with him or any other DJ, but how can any night-clubs security staff properly monitor a venue that has a capacity above 3-4000 people (or more) in NYC?

ROXY & SF have recently had their difficulties in getting their massive venues filled on a weekly Friday basis. Although they both still kick ass on Saturday's! All clubs are struggling at this time, and that is no secret...... You all know the deal!

It mostly seems to be this new generation of meatheads that are/were raised on Cheesy-Euro-Trance, WKTV not U, but V (for vomit) and/or Hip Hop, and DO NOT know the true ROOTS of "House Music" and DJ Culture. It appears many could simply could care less if we stay open or not! Let's all face the truth! These kids today were NOT raised on SOUL music, or music with real soul, unless it was stolen from a classic that they never knew of the original song to begin with? It seems they could also give a sh*t about the roots of what these songs originally once were? To me, most kids today seem to care more about "Attitude, Vanity, Drugs, Fashion, Sex, and a scene that house music is NOT about, and many have personalities that are enforced into them by their mates out of blatant peer pressure!

Yes, we all have a knack for being followers of a scene... (so to speak)... Mine was the Paradise Garage & the Disco era from 1978 until 1985, and with other clubs like Studio 54 where marijuana & cocaine were the most abused drugs (besides alcohol.) FTR: The Garage & the Loft were both "non alcohol venues" and were strictly about the music, dancing & respect, and were both very succesful for many, many years with (to my knowledge) NEVER a need for an Ambulance or any need for an EMT assistance!

Yes, there were some people who would be doing some euphoric drugs like mescalin or acid, but it was rare and NO WAY out of control the way people are out of control today with parties that last for sometimes up to THREE DAYS? -

Back then, it was NOT about getting your chest waxed, straight men plucking their eyebrows more than our Mom's did in the 60's, (I mean grooming is nice and all, BUT) ... looking like a gogo girl or boy / stripper? And worst of all, now with all these new designer drugs such as "Ketamine, GHB, Crystal, Ecstacy, Human Growth Hormones and only God knows what else?

I'm just glad I am 42 and not 24! Let's just keep it at that -







I heard that many patrons were recently extremely rude to Super Cool DJ Ritchie Hawtin's "opening guest DJ" and were sorta boo-ing him until Hawtin came on? How rude is that? AND it was right here in NYC last month! If that were me, I would have read the sh*t out of that early crowd , and maybe not even played at all? But that's me. -



Well, I've been holding this post in for some time now, and I just don't care anymore what anyone thinks of what my personal opinion is. I am speaking from what I've been seeing evolve over the last few years and it just disgust me to think that people want to go out to hear music, dance and desire to put Horse & Cat tranquilizer (K) in their bodies.....???

GHB??? I still don't know what the FU** this drug is? What it looks like? Smells like? Why it even exist? What was it's original purpose on this planet? Why are so many people still spending $20 or more on bullshit XTC that only God knows what is in it?? And then, many have the nerve to COMPLAIN about a $20-25 dollar door cover charge to hear 10 hours of music???

If you all only knew the "door stories" we hear each week.

Last Friday some guy was telling "my manager Kevin" that he was on my list, he was my cousin, that he was Greek and so was I? Kevin said: Danny is NOT Greek, he is Italian, you are not his cousin and you are not on his list...... LOL That is just one of a zillion stories..... I'm serious! You simply would not believe some of the things people will say to try to get in for free!!! Absolutely unbelieveable!

I know that most of you here are NOT the people I am speaking of. Yeah, maybe some of you do your thing here & there, but you know the type of DODO'S I am speaking of.......

It seems like they just all of a sudden came out of the woodwork and are about to kill it for all the great people who are nothing but passionate for the music and simply love to come out to THE PARTY and not just TO PARTY!

Once again, I am suggesting to all of you who have been coming out to hear me for quite some time now to help take control of YOUR party, Your Friday nights, Your enjoyment, OUR personal Joy!

If you see a person doing something WRONG then please alert a security person or staff/management person and point them out, or just go up to them and tell them yourself!

Otherwise, get ready to..... "ENJOY THE SILENCE"..... -

Peace, Love & Respect to all,


Now, back to my cute neice - ;0 I hope to post a photo for all of you wonderful people here to see very soon.

PS:: Sorry for this blowhead thread, but ya know......


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Originally posted by justinjames1

Don't get me wrong Danny is a great dj, but he needs to get over himself.

yeah I really agree he need to chill with all this no smoking shit and cell phones on the dance floor ... let the Security worry about it.. He should worry about DJing

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sorry the scene evolved danny. nothing is ever the same, get over it. i miss 97,97 & 98 even limelight a& webster hall back in the early 90's but you have to accept the things you can't change.

just play you're music & collect you're loot & if i want to use my cell i will.

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i think he is totally right, Arc is there for one thing and one thing only, to DANCE, the place is set up to be a dance hall, if you want to use your cell go to the cool down room, if you want to smoke go outside with everyone else in NYC, quite frankly i agree with almost everything he said, has anyone ever noticed there is NO Seating in the main room, they took out the stage, why, for more room to dance!!! you know what why bother wasting my time, you people wouldnt understand, just like he said its a soul thing

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Danny Tenaglia is the best fucking dj in the fucking world, but that is all he is,people need to get over the whole he is"god"

because he ain't!!!!!!!

The guy promotes a party called "Be Yourself", but he really don't want you to be yourself, but to do things his way!!!!!!!

Like the whole no glowsticks thing, I fucking hate glowsticks and glad they keep them out of clubs, but don't promote a party saying be youreslf when you want people to leave that at the door!!!!!

And Sandman R U fucking kidding me about the cell phones????

Do you know how how important they are in a clubs??????

Keeps you updated with the time because for crying out loud I don't see to many big ass clocks in a club and if you are missing form your friends and in your case if your getting raped in the bathroom from a candy, mouthbib sucking raver!!!!!!

You hear that?????

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Originally posted by tempkid

Danny Tenaglia is the best fucking dj in the fucking world, but that is all he is,people need to get over the whole he is"god"

because he ain't!!!!!!!

The guy promotes a party called "Be Yourself", but he really don't want you to be yourself, but to do things his way!!!!!!!

Like the whole no glowsticks thing, I fucking hate glowsticks and glad they keep them out of clubs, but don't promote a party saying be youreslf when you want people to leave that at the door!!!!!

And Sandman R U fucking kidding me about the cell phones????

Do you know how how important they are in a clubs??????

Keeps you updated with the time because for crying out loud I don't see to many big ass clocks in a club and if you are missing form your friends and in your case if your getting raped in the bathroom from a candy, mouthbib sucking raver!!!!!!

You hear that?????

ok here we go,

the reason the glowsticks are not allowed is because if undercover cops see them they instantly think of raves/drugs/etc

the reason cell phones are not allowed on the dancefloor is because it is rude, use them in the cool down, as far as telling time buy a watch clown, i could swear they tell time still,

all this man wants to do is keep his party going, which is becoming very hard to do in NYC, be grateful we CAN go see the #1 DJ in the world any friday we want, while others in the world cant, i dont here anyone complaining about not being allowed to wear bandana's in DJais, you can wear hats but no bandana's? who cares,

i hate dancing my ass off at Arc then running into some asshole on his cell phone text messaging DJ Trainwreck with a track ID, trainspotting is one thing bring a pad and write it down, no reason to text while on the floor

tempkid your wrong bro, and no i do not think DT is god, so suck one

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Originally posted by tempkid

[And Sandman R U fucking kidding me about the cell phones????

Do you know how how important they are in a clubs??????

Keeps you updated with the time because for crying out loud I don't see to many big ass clocks in a club and if you are missing form your friends and in your case if your getting raped in the bathroom from a candy, mouthbib sucking raver!!!!!!

You hear that?????

lol.... No, I don't hear you..... I think cell phones suck in lots of ways. I always tell who ever I meet at any club, Ill see you inside b/c my cell will be left in my car. I have never gotten an important phone call while being out. I see people running around w/ their finger in one ear and cell in the other, I just laugh...

If I was getting raped in the bathroom, I wouldn't be calling Uncle Buc to give him an update....

Get a watch for time you cheap fuck!!!:D

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Did he really say that shit about the meatheads??????

I find that hard to believe, I believe he would bitch about the other shit, but I'm not believing the words on meatheads, if true, he should just change the be yourself party to be what Danny wants you to be!!!!!

I have many meatheads friends that are the nicest people in the scene!!!!!!

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Originally posted by thesandman

lol.... No, I don't hear you..... I think cell phones suck in lots of ways. I always tell who ever I meet at any club, Ill see you inside b/c my cell will be left in my car. I have never gotten an important phone call while being out. I see people running around w/ their finger in one ear and cell in the other, I just laugh...

If I was getting raped in the bathroom, I wouldn't be calling Uncle Buc to give him an update....

Get a watch for time you cheap fuck!!!:D

Well I got that new camara phone from verizon.

I like to take a few pics to bring back home to show my friends what kind of freaks I hang with at these clubs, is this kind of cell ok with you mr sandman?????

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Originally posted by dancerbar

ok here we go,

the reason the glowsticks are not allowed is because if undercover cops see them they instantly think of raves/drugs/etc

the reason cell phones are not allowed on the dancefloor is because it is rude, use them in the cool down, as far as telling time buy a watch clown, i could swear they tell time still,

all this man wants to do is keep his party going, which is becoming very hard to do in NYC, be grateful we CAN go see the #1 DJ in the world any friday we want, while others in the world cant, i dont here anyone complaining about not being allowed to wear bandana's in DJais, you can wear hats but no bandana's? who cares,

i hate dancing my ass off at Arc then running into some asshole on his cell phone text messaging DJ Trainwreck with a track ID, trainspotting is one thing bring a pad and write it down, no reason to text while on the floor

tempkid your wrong bro, and no i do not think DT is god, so suck one

I'm not wrong and your not wrong!!!!!

We both have diffrent opions .

I never claimed that you thought he was a god!!!!!!

I think he is a great dj and enjoy every time I ever heard him, but I just don't get this whole thing he praises about all the time "Be yourself", I just don't get it!!!!!!!!

The NO glowsticks : I hate them so much, can't fucking stand them, glad to keep them out, but the man promotes a party called beyoursel, right??????

Don't give me that whole drug /rave thing because if I'm an undercover the last person I would try to buy drugs is from a raver,you will get know where with that, usually the drug dealers, well the big ones don't have time to play with those gay little sticks!!!!!

Meatheads: If he really said that, this statement confuses the hell out of me from a man that has a "Be yourself party"

Isn't be yourself supposed to mean just come to listen to the music as yourslef? To create a vibe with all kinds of people, all there for one reason?????

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Originally posted by tempkid

I'm not wrong and your not wrong!!!!!

We both have diffrent opions .

I never claimed that you thought he was a god!!!!!!

I think he is a great dj and enjoy every time I ever heard him, but I just don't get this whole thing he praises about all the time "Be yourself", I just don't get it!!!!!!!!

The NO glowsticks : I hate them so much, can't fucking stand them, glad to keep them out, but the man promotes a party called beyoursel, right??????

Don't give me that whole drug /rave thing because if I'm an undercover the last person I would try to buy drugs is from a raver,you will get know where with that, usually the drug dealers, well the big ones don't have time to play with those gay little sticks!!!!!

Meatheads: If he really said that, this statement confuses the hell out of me from a man that has a "Be yourself party"

Isn't be yourself supposed to mean just come to listen to the music as yourslef? To create a vibe with all kinds of people, all there for one reason?????

i dont know about the meathead thing at all, and if he did say it its messed up, but the glowsticks, is not drug dealers, its people on drugs, i dont know, i dont take a thing when i go there, i have maybe once or twice, i dont do it there, your right though we each have our opinions

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I think you guys are missing the point of DT's post.. He wants the people who come to these parties to SHOW A LITTLE RESPECT, not only to the owners of these clubs, but to the people around them. Many of the top clubs have been ruined, because of sloppy senseless people who take ridiculous amounts of drugs (namely GHB, K and X) and pass out all over the place forcing the need to EMT's to be brought into an environment that have absoltely no place in. As far as I'm concerned drugs and alcohol will always go hand in hand with major clubs, but seriously who really enjoys dealing with that shit? The people who are doing it don't (They are passed the f out, the people tripping over them don't, the people looking after them don't.. get the idea?) And please remember.. even though these venues made huge profits, they also pay out HUGE amounts of money for the DJ, security, taxes, lighting, soundsystem, cleaning, laywers, fines, etc etc.. it is NOT an all profit business. No wonder why it's $20 min. to get into a club, look at how much b/s they have to contend with!

The bottom line is a club is truely about music, dancing, hanging out with friends, getting a little ripped and enjoying yourself.

I don't know that I can agree with the sneaking of a cigarette, or a celly that lights up, but then again I'm not on that side of the turntables.

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Someone posted this over on the JPE board as well, i've got a few relpies over there too, but for the most part the long and short of it is that he's becomes more of a whiny feg everyday. And on top of his whining he contridicts himself every other sentence, example-

"Be Yourself" - unless you do drugs, dress nicely, use a cell phone on the dancefloor, or a 'meathead', etc. Sounds like Danny has a very long list of people he DOESNT want at his parties even tho he says to be yourself...

And my constant gripe with all of this shit is that is if he has enough time to be looking out at who's got dior glasses on, or who's rocking a diesel shirt, or who he thinks is a 'meathead' (his new favorite word it seems btw), or who's smoking or doing other things and then stopping the music, getting on the mic, and pointing them out with a flashlight to security, that fuckin nuts! - i dont give a shit if your the worlds greatest DJ (which by NO means is Danny), your not spinning at your potential because your too interested in watching other things. And yet another contriction of his - the light up keypads on our cells take away from the lightshow in the club - well then WTF does his self proclaimed '2 million candlepower flashlight' do to the lighshow?

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Does he think his Garage House shit is that good? His music is fucking boring...I don't understand why people even like his shit...I think people just like to drop his name and say they like his shit....I would pay more money to hear Kirk Lopez....I am dead serious....at least I know I will hear stuff that I like....

Maybe he got into a fight with his boyfriend....or something....

On a serious note....DT should hit up a cycle....yes?

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

The obnoxious new usage of cell phones "on the dance floor" has also become a real irritating distraction. WHY? Becuase they are not just telephones any longer! They are now also camera's, text messaging units, and many light up so brightly, it has simply become a major distraction to our lightman's show, my own eyes, and I'm pretty sure it's also annoying to YOU people that are dancing next to these idiots with their phones, as you are trying to enjoy yourselves and participate within the "dance party". When our lightman Ariel does a black-out during a song's breakdown and you see about 5 cell phones in a Variety of Colors and in various sections of the "dance" room, well, it's extremely annoying. ESPECIALLY when these cell phone geeks are not even dancing? They are just standing there on the dance floor with this lit up Nokia TOY lighting up their silly faces as if it was a mini flashlight or a GLOWSTICK! >> Nope! We're not havin it!

Danny should remix, "Cry Me A River!" For someone that makes several thousand dollars to spin a set, he should SHUT THE FUCK UP, do his job and stop worrying about what's wrong with American culture.

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