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my opinion about the scene...after reading DT's post...

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DT is right in at least one thing that anybody that has been a part of this club scene over the past 5 years would agree upon, and that is that it has definitely changed for the worse...I went to Arc this past Satuday morning and DT is right, idiot people every where....

anyway, i remember during the end of the winter when all that crap was going on with SF, Exit, Centro had some problems...etc etc.. I was thinking I can't wait til the summer, at least SC and Tempts will be good....the first couple weeks were pretty good, then the rainy weekends week after week, then all of a sudden the crowd changed, the attitudes changed and it seems more people have this chip on their shoulders... ..there are a lot of people that don't dance, they stand around with angry or soar looks on their faces, or are too fucked up to move...I know a lot of the people that went out last summer grew up and don't party any more, but that is the case every year...this year is different...anybody agree with me here??...For God's sake, I showed up at Tempts on a Sunday night a few weeks ago at midnight, thinking I would walk into madness (like any given Sunday last summer) and I walked into a room full of people....people standing around...TEMPTS AND PEOPLE NOT RAGING ALL OVER THE PLACE...Christ, the walkways used to have more people dancing then the dance floor....and if you were a good dancer (or at least looking like you were) people would come over and cheer you on, with smiles on their faces...now people come over just to get in your way and give you attitude...WTF

I went to SF for the underwear party a few weeks ago....i thought showing up at 9am would be a good time, well, when I looked around, there were small packs of people dancing, but the same thing....thugged out, younger poser looking people every where....rude as hell also....where is the love these days???....i am trully fed up with things myself and every ounce of love I had for the scene and dancing is almost used up...

just wanted to vent and see if anybody else has the same feeling

I'm not saying every new person tha comes into the scene is like this...it is just a bad trend I am noticing about some people these days....

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Brian...I agree with most of what you said....It could be that I am growing up...engaged...tired of kids trying to hard....Who knows....but this summer in my opinion has sucked.

The only good time I have is Sunday afternoon at Surf Club on the Beach! Nothing is better than being on the beach @ 10am...drinking by 11....getting all bangedup and having fun.....around 5pm all the "I am trying to hard kids come" and it just isnt the same.....3 years ago it was insane around 6pm.....now it is just young kids acting like kids trying to hard with the sweat bands..hahahahaha.....I enjoy going to the beach during the day....In that respect it has been the best summer....every Sunday afternoon has been a blast...

I think it is time to go to South Beach again. Agree?

PS: I got your pm...the whole situation bothered me.

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Originally posted by philtyb

DT is right in at least one thing that anybody that has been a part of this club scene over the past 5 years would agree upon, and that is that it has definitely changed for the worse...I went to Arc this past Satuday morning and DT is right, idiot people every where....

anyway, i remember during the end of the winter when all that crap was going on with SF, Exit, Centro had some problems...etc etc.. I was thinking I can't wait til the summer, at least SC and Tempts will be good....the first couple weeks were pretty good, then the rainy weekends week after week, then all of a sudden the crowd changed, the attitudes changed and it seems more people have this chip on their shoulders... ..there are a lot of people that don't dance, they stand around with angry or soar looks on their faces, or are too fucked up to move...I know a lot of the people that went out last summer grew up and don't party any more, but that is the case every year...this year is different...anybody agree with me here??...For God's sake, I showed up at Tempts on a Sunday night a few weeks ago at midnight, thinking I would walk into madness (like any given Sunday last summer) and I walked into a room full of people....people standing around...TEMPTS AND PEOPLE NOT RAGING ALL OVER THE PLACE...Christ, the walkways used to have more people dancing then the dance floor....and if you were a good dancer (or at least looking like you were) people would come over and cheer you on, with smiles on their faces...now people come over just to get in your way and give you attitude...WTF

I went to SF for the underwear party a few weeks ago....i thought showing up at 9am would be a good time, well, when I looked around, there were small packs of people dancing, but the same thing....thugged out, younger poser looking people every where....rude as hell also....where is the love these days???....i am trully fed up with things myself and every ounce of love I had for the scene and dancing is almost used up...

just wanted to vent and see if anybody else has the same feeling

I'm not saying every new person tha comes into the scene is like this...it is just a bad trend I am noticing about some people these days....

Dude i truly beleive that this Fucking weather has affected everybodys mood, people are in a funk everywhere in the metro area it's hard to get amped up when it rained every day in August, 15 days in july 14 days in june and in june it was every fuckin weekend, this past may was bad too with weather i was just watching these staticics on EYE witness New the other day

Weather Dude Weather you wanna beleive it or Not

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The weather has been alright 4 weekends in a row...

Yes the scene has changed and Seaside, sucks this summer cpmpared to past summers....

Seaside is very Shady.. For god Sakes I get scared to walk around with all these cops patting people down

Everyone is not chill anymore...

I guess Stack is right we are all getting older...

I have been doing the shore since 98

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Agreed, I think we are just getting old.. I just turned 26, 2 weeks ago.. sometimes when I go out and I look around I feel like a dinosaur.. and understandbly so since there are 18 year olds with fake id's in the clubs.. that means I partying with people that I am 8 years older than.. BLAH..

they were in diapers when I was in middle school.

Oh god and the worst thing about not going out anymore is.. Life gets so boring! GETTING OLD SUCKS!

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Glad to see I am not the only one who thinks that everything this summer is weak. Things aren't just the same anymore. Especially down the shore. I have a good time goin out with my friends, and thats what its all about. But some of these people that are out now are so fuckin clueless. All caught up in the hype, don't even care what song is playing. I see tons of that this summer, whereas last summer it was totally different. Remember the Tempts circles ?? Right in front, when you walk in. Same people, every week, ripping it. :( Those were the days. Maybe we're gettin old, or maybe the types of people that are going out just isnt the same.

Either way, the summers not over yet. And as long as some of the solid crews that go out regulary, keep goin out, we should be alright. See everyone this weekend.

**By the way, Saturday at Tempts was off the chain. Ridiculous set by Denny. By far one of the best nights out I've had, anywhere. :aright:

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Originally posted by philtyb

DT is right in at least one thing that anybody that has been a part of this club scene over the past 5 years would agree upon, and that is that it has definitely changed for the worse...I went to Arc this past Satuday morning and DT is right, idiot people every where....

anyway, i remember during the end of the winter when all that crap was going on with SF, Exit, Centro had some problems...etc etc.. I was thinking I can't wait til the summer, at least SC and Tempts will be good....the first couple weeks were pretty good, then the rainy weekends week after week, then all of a sudden the crowd changed, the attitudes changed and it seems more people have this chip on their shoulders... ..there are a lot of people that don't dance, they stand around with angry or soar looks on their faces, or are too fucked up to move...I know a lot of the people that went out last summer grew up and don't party any more, but that is the case every year...this year is different...anybody agree with me here??...For God's sake, I showed up at Tempts on a Sunday night a few weeks ago at midnight, thinking I would walk into madness (like any given Sunday last summer) and I walked into a room full of people....people standing around...TEMPTS AND PEOPLE NOT RAGING ALL OVER THE PLACE...Christ, the walkways used to have more people dancing then the dance floor....and if you were a good dancer (or at least looking like you were) people would come over and cheer you on, with smiles on their faces...now people come over just to get in your way and give you attitude...WTF

I went to SF for the underwear party a few weeks ago....i thought showing up at 9am would be a good time, well, when I looked around, there were small packs of people dancing, but the same thing....thugged out, younger poser looking people every where....rude as hell also....where is the love these days???....i am trully fed up with things myself and every ounce of love I had for the scene and dancing is almost used up...

just wanted to vent and see if anybody else has the same feeling

I'm not saying every new person tha comes into the scene is like this...it is just a bad trend I am noticing about some people these days....

I couldn't agree w/u more. Everything has been on such a downward slide this year with a few exceptions. SF has been done for a while now so that's old news. But like you said, You would figure that well now that the summer is here and least we have Surf, Tempts, Merge etc. etc. But the crowds from years past are nowhere to be found. Hey I hope it is the weather, and it isn't a permanent thing, but to me it feels like the summer hasn't even started and now 3 weeks away the closing parties are here... WTF...

It's definitely not just you, everyone that has been going out for the longest has been saying the same exact thing that you just posted.

I guess like everything else in life, it is cyclical (as far as the crowds go). The new breed that developed over the last year or so is definitely not what it was in the years past to say the least.

Just my .02.

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Originally posted by njstacked2

My thoughts exactly Billy...This goes back to our Dinner Conversation.......I had a better time going to Wind n Sea....than I did Seaside....

I still love Surf Club Sunday Afternoons.......

I has more fun at that dinner than I did at Temps so far this year... Chris I know we were suppose to do a big dinner again but I think wew should set one up before the summer ends

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Getting older makes the scene seem as though its getting beat. I have friends that are 21 that think SF is the shit and Tempts. It's no where near how great it was 2-3 years ago. I used to amped up about these places like days before. Nowadays I rarely get amped up for a night out. Maybe Halloween at SF. That's about it. Just my thoughts anyway. Maybe some of us have had our share of fun already. I think I have.

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glad I'm not the only one on here that has these same thoughts...it's hard to believe....

I really don't think getting old is the thing at all....it just isn't the same this summer....you guys are right....the weather has been so inconsistent, a lot more people aren't taking a chance of taking a day or 1/2 day off work on Monday to have a shitty, rainy day on Sunday...the cops, WTF is up with so much heat in Seaside this summer??b... following people around after the clubs and as you drive out of seaside after a sunday at Tempts i have never seen so many people pulled over and getting cars checked....that is enough to make anybody uncomfortable, even those that don't have anything illegal on them or are sober....haven't been to Tempts on Saturday night since June, planning on possibly going this Sat.....I used to love Sunday nights because there was tons of room to dance and the people that were there were doing one thing...dancing everywhere....

well....hopefully all the old heads on here can get together

whats the plans this weekend????

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