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This is pathetic


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I've never had a problem with any other website and I still don't but I got to tell you this.

I purchased many "guido" named websites to protect the traffic and popularity of NJGUIDO.com. Recently I received a phone call from a friend saying type in NJGUIDOS.com (with an "s")

Well you do it....See what it does....

Now back to this post.

I happened to miss purchasing NJGUIDOS.com but clubitup took the opportunity to buy the name and set up a forwarder to their website. Now to everyone outside of the scene here clubitup has made a good move, gaining all of the mistyped traffic destined for NJGUIDO but in this scene don't you think that it is an unethical move especially when sites like NJGUIDO really paved the way for these kids? In the meantime we are often at the same places as them. I have lost all respect for these kids....I thought the fight they got into at Joey's was stupid enough. Now this? These kids are really starting to show their true colors and now that I know who I'm dealing with I think you should know too. I used to feel bad for them, but not anymore.

BTW - I really can give half a shit what these kids do now that I know they are snakes.

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Originally posted by themoo

I've never had a problem with any other website and I still don't but I got to tell you this.

I purchased many "guido" named websites to protect the traffic and popularity of NJGUIDO.com. Recently I received a phone call from a friend saying type in NJGUIDOS.com (with an "s")

Well you do it....See what it does....

Now back to this post.

I happened to miss purchasing NJGUIDOS.com but clubitup took the opportunity to buy the name and set up a forwarder to their website. Now to everyone outside of the scene here clubitup has made a good move, gaining all of the mistyped traffic destined for NJGUIDO but in this scene don't you think that it is an unethical move especially when sites like NJGUIDO really paved the way for these kids? In the meantime we are often at the same places as them. I have lost all respect for these kids....I thought the fight they got into at Joey's was stupid enough. Now this? These kids are really starting to show their true colors and now that I know who I'm dealing with I think you should know too. I used to feel bad for them, but not anymore.

BTW - I really can give half a shit what these kids do now that I know they are snakes.

Hey I understand where you coming from, its a dirty business.

You still ahead of the game in www.alexa.com rating, you destoy them plus have over 1400 threads on your main board in the last 30 days, they have less then 400. Hey I may able to help you in a big way, get in touch with me.


Night Club City.com

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I'm not bothered by the whole thing. Why would anyone make an enemy so close in the industry? It seems like pure stupidity. No matter how much traffic they get from this snake move, it'll never make up for the reputation they gave themselves. Oh and I'm not worried competition wise, they're not even close, it's the fact that they are making moves like they are competition and hostile moves too. Damn kids, don't they realize that they are trying to steal from me? Punks. I always tried to be nice to these kids, but these kids are real snakes.

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If it bothers you that much, purchase the rights to that name. Just let me know how much you strike a deal for and I will buy it for 7% more, LOL, just kidding.

In all fairness, I understand your point but it's a business and they beat you. I'm not saying it's right, but they gained the rights to the site ethically (this is a personal view of business). If you don't have anything to gain from it, brush it off and learn from it. If you need this site for whatever reason, strike a deal with them and buy the ownership.

Good luck!

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I cant believe you are whining about this.

You paved the way?!?!?! Give me a break!!!

You are one of many sites that have taken an idea of posting pictures and began bastardizing it. You are not orginal or even close. To think you believe you are an inovator (sp)..,. PLEASE

Admit it, you messed up and you now feel stupid

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moo........i guess you werent a business major in college, b/c what these kidz did was simply brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!...........very business like move if you ask me.............................BUT as of rite now 200 some odd people already clicked on your thread........on your instructions say to type in njguidos.com and see what happens.........................RIGHT?????????, well thats exactly what they want, traffic.............and you, by your post just gave them what they wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....................clubit up will prob never come close to gettin as much hits as your website, but what they are doing to keep in a distance second is a sign of true marketing genuis!!!!!!!!!!!................................

i mean do you see the people of coke-cola bitchen when pepsi copies a similar idea of theres, NO b/c they will always know they will be ahead of pepsi!!!!!!!!!...............and a true business / marketing genius' job is to always try and maintain second place...................

i back your site moo and i gotta say i've never really been on that other site b/c they do back some FUGLY LOOKING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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basically moo, i aint tryin to bust your ballz b/c you were def. on to something w/ your website, BUT to call these HUMPS pathetic........................better take a better look at how ALL business and services are run, and you'll see that it was not a pathetic move at all......................


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this thread is almost at 300 clicks moo............why dont you just advertise there site you yours?????????????????????

such a horrible marketing move moo, helping the competition instead of knocking them down is SOOO against "rods rule of business"

why not just share your girlfriend while your at it??????????

as you can tell digga hates very dumb business moves!!!!!!!, when competitors just give the competition there business!!!!!, SO ANNOYING...............im learning from this MOO, just for when DIGGA.COM IS UP AND RUNNIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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both sites should combine forces to capture all the eyebrow shaving, wanna be j-lo glasses wearing, steriod injecting, meat head guys and all the j-lo terry cloth, stupid hat wearing, more plastic in their bodies than your little brothers lego set bimbos on film

this way, when the rest of us need a good laugh, and wanna take a look at how the stupid half lives, we just need to type in one address.

you should probably buy the rights to:





just to be safe....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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No I agree they made a smart move in a hostile business environment. But I am not complaining about that I am complaing about the fact that they did it. Since when did these kids want a hostile relationship with NJGUIDO. I'm just mad because it's like taking a shot at me. They are trying to steal from me. I hope the promoters and clubs recognize their type now. I am honestly not pissed at the fact i don't own NJGUIDOS I am pissed at the fact that the kid is nice to my face yet stealing from me in the background. Anyways who gives a shit


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I will have to disagree with tthat being a 'smart' business move. It's actually pretty weak when they cant think of their own marketing scheme and have to steal it from somebody else - people will relize this and will find it tacky such as I, and will pissed that they have been dooped into the wrong site. But Rod has a point people will now being hitting the site but it is still tacky and hopefully will not get anymore hits after today

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