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so the terminator is up by like 30+ points in the polls


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Posted on Mon, Aug. 11, 2003

Schwarzenegger opposed immigrant services


Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger voted for a 1994 ballot measure to deny social services to illegal immigrants, his campaign said Sunday - offering the first glimpse of the actor's stand on a major policy issue.

The Republican has promoted himself as the candidate in California's gubernatorial recall who can best appeal to the state's politically and ethnically diverse electorate.

But Democrats were quick to jump on the disclosure as a chink in the action hero's armor.

The GOP-backed Proposition 187 to deny health care and public education to illegal immigrants was passed by a wide margin, although it was eventually ruled unconstitutional. It remains a contentious issue and a litmus test for some voters, particularly Hispanics, to gauge whether a candidate is immigrant-friendly.

Schwarzenegger campaign manager George Gorton said the Austrian-born actor's vote for the measure would not prevent him from reaching out to all voters.

"He has a lot of empathy for people who have come here for a better way of living, whether they have gotten here legally or illegally," Gorton said. "But he definitely feels that people should get here legally."

Gorton said Hispanics were among the strongest supporters of Proposition 49, a ballot measure Schwarzenegger successfully campaigned for last year aimed at dedicating as much as $550 million annually to before- and after-school programs.

Speaking on ABC's "This Week," Art Torres, chairman of the California Democratic Party, slammed Schwarzenegger for his decision to appoint former Gov. Pete Wilson, the architect of Proposition 187, as chairman of his new campaign.

"There's a famous phrase in our community, and that is, judge a person by the friends that he keeps," Torres said. "And unfortunately, his new chairman, Governor Wilson, supported 187 furiously against immigrants and Latinos."

The issue was one of the first Schwarzenegger's campaign has publicly addressed, discussing the vote in response to a reporter's inquiry.

Democratic Gov. Gray Davis, who is trying to survive the recall, and Schwarzenegger's Republican rivals have criticized him for speaking mostly in generalities since announcing his candidacy Wednesday.

Davis opposed Proposition 187.

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Even Republicans Are

Calling Schwarzenegger A Liar

By Jackson Thoreau

Democratic Underground


Just one day into his campaign for governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger is being called a liar, Hollywood opportunist and con man.

And thatís just by fellow Republicans.

Schwarzenegger bungled his television announcement on the Tonight Show August 6 by burning one of his supposed closest allies, former LA Mayor Richard Riordan. Riordan was reportedly "stunned" that Schwarzenegger announced on TV after giving Riordan indications he would not enter the race.

Schwarzenegger claimed that he and Riordan agreed to maintain suspense, which a Riordan aide disputed in http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-me-media7aug07,1,6506478.story no uncertain terms. "This idea that we have worked together, keeping people guessing and all this for the last few weeks is [ridiculous]," the Riordan advisor said, adding that he knew what it was like to get mugged.

Only one day on the campaign, and already even Republicans are calling Schwarzenegger a liar. Makes for a great Hollywood story, huh?

Schwarzenegger makes Reagan seem intelligent, Bush seem articulate and Gore seem loose. He is fine for shallow, idiotic movies where his most complex line is "Hasta la vista," but not for governor of the largest state in the country.

In yukking it up with Jay Leno, the only reason Schwarzenegger could give for running was because the Golden State had supposedly "deteriorated." He showed no understanding of the complexities behind California's budget problems, which were mostly caused by the Republican-controlled federal government cutting funds to states and refusing to help in California's energy scam crisis.

Moreover, Schwarzenegger could not articulate what he would do as governor beyond "pumping up" Sacramento, whatever the hell that meant. His announcement on comedian Leno's show would be funny, if there was not so much at stake. Many in the mainstream media are already calling him a formidable political force, if not the front-runner in the race. What does that say about the mainstream media?

Schwarzenegger has no political record beyond organizing a proposition for after-school programs - boy, that's going out on a limb, huh? That's like Laura Bush speaking out for.....reading! Whew, these Republicans take my breath away with their courageous stands on the controversial issues of the day.

What does Schwarzenegger really know about running a state? His Planet Hollywood restaurants crashed and burned. What does he know about getting legislation passed or forging compromises with people of different views?

Schwarzenegger says he has all the money he needs and won't be beholden to "special interests," but what about his own interests? What are his own interests? We do know that Schwarzenegger came from Hitlerís home country of Austria, and his father was literally a Nazi in occupied Austria. That should set well with the California Jewish community.

Why should we trust this millionaire for an important political position when he has no political track record? Someone with all the money he needs can be a Perot-like dictator, not a politician who has to learn the fine art of compromise.

If Schwarzenegger wants to run for mayor of Brentwood, fine. But not governor of the largest state in the country, especially one that is clearly on the Democratic side. It just smells of more Republican dirty tricks.

Then there are the rumors about his extramarital affairs and marital problems. At least Schwarzenegger has owned up to his steroid and marijuana use - but he's still another hypocritical Republican who goes around telling kids to stay off drugs, something he didn't do.

The great mystery here is: How could a member of the Kennedy clan marry this dimwit?

Before we have to endure a political career that could be worse than Reagan or Bush, we need to put an end to these pranks and foolishness. We need to say, "Hasta la vista, baby," to Schwarzenegger.

California is starting to give Florida and Texas a run for their money in the battle for the weirdest political sideshows. In fact, Iíd say the United Statesí largest state has taken over first place.

Since California was where Republicans started this recall the governor business to divert attention from Bushís lies about Iraq, the economy and everything else, we have to be proactive and take the offensive. Thatís why I started a petition to "totally recall" Schwarzenegger, even before he gets in office.

Rather than sit around worrying about what to do if this Total Recall jerk actually wins the governorship of the largest American state, go and sign this petition at http://www.petitiono nline.com/schwarze/petition.html - you'll feel better. I know I felt better after writing the petition following Schwarzeneggerís low-brow act with Leno, who called the announcement "huge." I guess anything on TV that doesnít have to do with snake pits and boobs is surprising.

These petitions are being done to turn the tables on the Republican hypocrites who mostly caused the budget crises in states like California through the Republican-controlled federal government's funding cuts to states. The liars then spun it around as they always do to blame those crises on Democrats and the victims.

The Republicans just want to take the heat off the Bush administration's lies about Iraq and other matters by diverting attention from those Republican scandals. Much of the mainstream media, which over-covers Kobe and Schwarzenegger while losing sight of the Iraqi lies, has bought the Republican lies, but you don't have to do so.

Jackson Thoreau is an American writer and co-author of We Will Not Get Over It: Restoring a Legitimate White House. The updated, 120,000-word electronic book can be downloaded on his Internet site at


Citizens for Legitimate Government has the earlier version at


http://www.democraticunderground.com/articles/03/08/09_liar.html< /A>

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The Terminator: A heavy lifter on Wall Street

Just how wealthy is the potential future governor of California? Here's a look inside his portfolio, which includes holdings in Starbucks, Cisco and many, many other businesses.

If he muscles his way into office, actor-turned-gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger will be the richest person ever to hold the California post.

The action-film star has a net worth believed to range from $200 million to $850 million, according to CNBC’s Jane Wells, who dug through the financial disclosures Schwarzenegger made when he filed to run for election. Schwarzenegger is running as a Republican in a frenzied special election that's contingent on the successful recall of incumbent Gray Davis.

According to the records Wells viewed, Schwarzenegger has 20 holdings worth more than $1 million each and 49 more investments worth between $100,000 and $1 million. He has been in venture capital funds, invested in tech companies (and lost a bundle in the last few years) and owns corporate and municipal bonds -- the better to trim his hefty tax bill. He also owns a lot of real estate. Money 2004.

Smarter, faster and easier

than ever.

His stock holdings include shares in Starbucks, PepsiCo, Cisco Systems, Moody’s and Gannett, and he has private equity investments of $1 million or more at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Moreover, Wells says, Schwarzenegger is a significant investor in Dimensional Fund Advisors, which manages some $39 billion.

Due to the idiosyncrasies of the election filings, it's impossible to tell exactly what the Hollywood star is worth. But if the figure reached $850 million, he’d be ranked about 277 on the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans. For the record, his wife, Maria Shriver, is a member of the Kennedy clan, whose members are not among the Forbes 400. But her uncle, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., admits to having four trusts worth up to $45 million.

In 2000 and 2001, according to his tax returns, Schwarzenegger earned a total of $57 million, mostly from two movies, “The 6th Day†and “Collateral Damage.†He hasn’t filed his 2002 return yet. Interestingly, Schwarzenegger’s advisers would not let reporters copy the tax returns. They’re worried copies would be auctioned on eBay.

Want to say "Hasta la vista, baby" to your stock broker and duplicate the Terminator's portfolio? Here are some of the stocks he owns:






International Speedway



Cisco Systems

Weight Watchers International


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Buffett to advise Schwarzenegger

Aug. 13 -- NBC's George Lewis reports not all Republicans are happy about Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger's lead in the polls.

Famed investor to act as ‘senior financial and economic adviser’;

135 names certified for ballot


LOS ANGELES, Aug. 13 — Arnold Schwarzenegger’s campaign announced Wednesday that legendary billionaire investor Warren Buffett would serve as the “senior financial and economic adviser†to the California gubernatorial candidate. Hours later, the California secretary of state certified the final list of candidates — 135 — who will appear on the ballot for the Oct. 7 recall election.

“I HAVE known Arnold for years and know he’ll be a great governor,†Buffett, a Democrat, said in a statement issued by the campaign for Schwarzenegger, who is a Republican. “It is critical to the rest of the nation that California’s economic crisis be solved, and I think Arnold will get that job done.â€

The campaign said Buffett would help the Hollywood action star “assemble other prominent business leaders and economists.â€

Buffett chairs Berkshire Hathaway Inc., where he made billions via shrewd investments and acquisitions.

Buying at low prices into well-known, solid companies, Buffett built the Omaha, Neb.-based company into a huge conglomerate with a market value of more than $80 billion that owns insurance, restaurant, furniture and shoe companies.

Schwarzenegger declared hen would run last week, surprising many observers. (His wife, Maria Shriver, is on a leave of absence from NBC News. MSNBC is a Microsoft-NBC joint venture.)


When President Bush arrives in the state on Thursday for a two-day fund raising swing, he will be walking into a political firestorm surrounding the election to recall Gov. Gray Davis.

At his Texas ranch Wednesday, Bush called the chaotic campaign in the nation’s most populous state “a fascinating bit of political drama†but gave no indication that he intends to wade into the matter on behalf of any candidate. He even appeared irritated at a reporter’s suggestion the recall campaign was “the biggest political story in the country.â€

“Isn’t there, like, a presidential race coming up?†he said.

So while Bush and his top political adviser, Karl Rove, profess to be little more than curious onlookers to an unpredictable spectacle, Democrats insist the recall has been at least partly orchestrated by the White House — an illegitimate power grab, they say, in a state Bush lost by 1.3 million votes in 2000.

“I have believed from Day One that the White House is involved,†said longtime Davis adviser Garry South. “No one can convince me that if Karl Rove did not want it to happen that he couldn’t call off the dogs.â€


The news about Buffet came shortly before California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley certified the final list of 135 gubernatorial candidates. “Now that the candidate list is complete, ballot printing can begin on a county-by-county basis,†Shelley said in a statement. “Our next task is to turn our attention to the mechanics of Oct. 7th, so that we can work on the details of a smooth Election Day operation.â€

More than 110 of the 247 would-be governors who had submitted papers to run in the Oct. 7 special election were disqualified because of incomplete paperwork, state officials said.

The number of candidates likely surpasses any previous number of gubernatorial candidates in one election, which would probably be fewer than a dozen, said Bruce Cain, a political science professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

“There’s nothing comes close,†Cain said.

NBC News’ George Lewis reported Wednesday that all the major candidates — including Schwarzenegger, Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, conservative commentator Arianna Huffington and former baseball commissioner Peter Ueberroth — made the cut, as well as former child actor Gary Coleman and billboard diva Angelyne. But not on the list, among others, was actor and humorist Don Novello, better known as Father Guido Sarducci of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live.†The dog that sought the governor’s office was eliminated by state elections officials, Lewis reported.

As the ballot became official, elections supervisors throughout California worried about how they would pay for it all. Estimates on the cost of the recall started at $30 million, increasing to as much as $67 million. Elections officials throughout the state said it could go higher because of the number of candidates.


Although past races have earned Davis his reputation as an aggressive campaigner, advisers say he’ll fight the recall election with a strategy based on trying to fly above the circus swirling below.

The ballot will ask voters if they favor the recall of Davis. A second part will list replacement candidates. Should the recall succeed, the person with the most votes on the second question will become governor.

If Davis is to survive the first recall election in California history, his advisers say, he must also show voters the Republican-led recall vote will not solve California’s problems.

It will, they say, merely aggravate those woes by costing $66 million and possibly leaving a small, fringe group in control of the nation’s most populous state and the world’s fifth-largest economy.

“He’s the only guy in the campaign that has the office and the only one who really understands how destabilizing this is,†said David Doak, Davis’ media consultant. “He’s determined to project an image of stability, that things are under control and at the same time, fight for his job.â€


Davis is expected to avoid taking on any of the other candidates directly, including Schwarzenegger — at least for now.

Davis, one adviser said, “has only one enemy, the recall itself.â€

Although he has won five statewide elections in his nearly 30-year political career, Davis has all but been eclipsed in recent days as national focus has centered on the challengers who range from the sublime to the strange.

Running is Bustamante, the only other major Democrat in the race besides Davis. There are four well-known Republicans — state Sen. Tom McClintock, a two-time GOP nominee for state controller; businessman Bill Simon, the party’s 2002 nominee for governor; Schwarzenegger; and Ueberroth. And then there is Coleman, comedian Gallagher and Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt.

The frenzy has helped drop Davis even further in the polls, which have recently gauged support for the recall at well above the 50 percent needed to oust him.


But supporters say don’t count out the 60-year-old Davis, who has faced long odds before and found ways to succeed — and can again.

“The campaign against the recall has yet to begin,†said Davis adviser South. “The pro-recall campaign has been waged for seven months and millions of dollars spent and you see it reflected in the polls and all the hype surrounding the Arnold candidacy.â€

Davis’ first order of business, his consultants say, is to show voters there is no crisis in the Capitol and that he’s in control of a functioning government. Toward that end, Davis is likely to spend much of September hunkered down in his office, as he has in the past, considering the flood of bills coming forward for his signature at the end of the legislative session.

The idea is to let the challengers fight among themselves, while Davis tries to remain gubernatorial and above the line of fire.

Secondly, Davis will talk about what he believes is wrong about the recall, particularly reminding voters of the cost — an issue for many taxpayers concerned about spending for other vital programs like schools, public safety and health care.

He will also hammer away at the uncertainty of the race and how such a huge field could produce a winner with just a tiny portion of the vote — a scenario that frightens many moderate voters who fear a takeover from either the right or the left.

While there may be some appeal in recalling the governor, Davis supporters point out, there are no guarantees who the replacement will be.

“Voters could very well throw up their hands and say, ‘I’m going to stick with this guy — I’m confused, I’m paranoid, there’s this circus going on and all the fighting — forget it,’†said Joe Cerrell, a Los Angeles-based Democratic consultant.

Organizers had to gather 897,158 valid signatures; they submitted nearly 1.7 million, of which 1.3 million were certified.

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante set the election date of Oct. 7, although Gov. Gray Davis asked the state Supreme Court to delay it until March.

The ballot will ask voters if they favor the recall of Davis. A second part will list replacement candidates. Should the recall succeed, the person with the most votes on the second question will become governor.

Any resident who was a U.S. citizen, paid a $3,500 filing fee and gathered 65 signatures from fellow party members may run. The deadline was Aug. 9.

State officials originally estimated the special election would cost $30 million to $35 million, but they have recently revised that to $67 million.


Some Democratic leaders also believe Davis’ survival depends on his retaining his traditional base of support among big labor and liberal urban voters. The key here, some say, is Bustamante, who holds great sway over the state’s nearly 12 million Hispanic residents.

Bustamante, whose relationship with Davis recently has been strained, offered himself as a replacement Democratic candidate last week but only as insurance if the Davis recall succeeds. “No on recall,†the Fresno native has repeatedly told voters. “Yes on Bustamante.â€

Kam Kuwata, a Democratic consultant, said Bustamante has been careful to keep ’No on recall’ ahead of his own political aspirations. “I’ve seen maybe 20 or so interviews with him since he declared, he’s been very consistent — he is against the recall,†he said.

If Davis can keep Bustamante on his side, Kuwata said, it will go a long way in defeating the recall.

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update: Ah-nold announced that Warren Buffet will be a part of his official administration (i dont remeber what the title of the position is, but it involves budgeting)

i think its interesting that the GOP chose Buffet, considering that he is pro-choice and he greatly opposed the income tax cut.

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Originally posted by acmatos

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

hey joeg, is that your ride? What kinda rims are on it??

thats not mine... its sort of a goal... i want mine to look something like it...

i believe those are either flik rims or oetinger... i can't remember...

basically i want them black with a polished lip like that... but i don't want anything more than 16lbs... which seems to be a task to find without spending a fortune...

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