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Blackout 2003!!!

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Im was on 77th st for classes when it happened I thought a fuse blew or something...and then my professor announced what had happened...so then at about 630 that started my hike from 77th st to downtown manhattan/brooklyn bridge-city hall area...One of the worst days of my life! Walked about 63 blocks and 4 avenues in 4 inch heels that had a broken strap!!!!! warm gatorade and my bag filled with books! i made it to about 14th st where me and my friends just happened to get on a bus! My feet are filled with blisters all the food in my fridge went bad aaahhh what a day!!!!

and I think im like one of the only people who didnt think that it was a terrorist action...everyone was like calm down calm down the govt said its not terror related...im like huh? didnt even think that...

anyways hope everyone else is safe and comfy!

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i was in my building, near 27th st, and all the power Just Started like flashing, the lgihts kept blinking and the radio wen on and off, and then boom it was off, Tried to hail a cab a hour later and couldnt, i walked from 26th st to East 91th st, where my Fucken appt was, it took FOREVER, i kept stopping, and it was preaty bad

TIMES SQUARE....Dark.........how fucken weird was that shit?!!?


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Originally posted by trancerxn112

I was in brooklyn when it happened absolute chaos... i thought this was it... anyone else think the blasts were gonna start any second?

i walked 15miles... from the doorstep of the exchange to the door steps of my apt... five and half hours of none stop walking... lol my feet today are shot... they look like a set of beat up bananas... is everyone well? anyone get stuck in the subway or an elevator???

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i walked 15miles... from the doorstep of the exchange to the door steps of my apt... five and half hours of none stop walking... lol my feet today are shot... they look like a set of beat up bananas... is everyone well? anyone get stuck in the subway or an elevator???

I saw that on the news, were they able to get everyone out ok???:eek:

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Originally posted by cheekeetika

I saw that on the news, were they able to get everyone out ok???:eek:

I heard they released people in tunnels up in the bronx with emergency crews and they had to walk thru the subway tunnel to the nearest exit...and they reported about 800 people stuck in elevators but they got everyone out from what the news had said

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i walked 15miles... from the doorstep of the exchange to the door steps of my apt... five and half hours of none stop walking... lol my feet today are shot... they look like a set of beat up bananas... is everyone well? anyone get stuck in the subway or an elevator???

Damn i feel for you... it took us 2 and a half hours to get home... we had very little gas and none of the stations were working so that was the main fear but at least were able to crack the windows (no ac cause it uses to much power)

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i never thought i would say this but i am glad i live in SI only because we have a ferry to get there if you can't take the exp. bus, i was @ work when it happened, i thought it was just the building where i work until my co-worker told me that it was all the boroughs and then someone else told me it was all the eastern states! i left, since i work on washington and horatio, downtown manhattan i walked to the ferry, took the bus in SI and got home safely :Dwhat is everyone doing today?? i have a long weekend :cool:also if anyone is going to the beach i was told not to go in the water since it has been filtered, something like that

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Originally posted by sexybeautiful

I heard they released people in tunnels up in the bronx with emergency crews and they had to walk thru the subway tunnel to the nearest exit...and they reported about 800 people stuck in elevators but they got everyone out from what the news had said

Damn thats crazy! I got stuck in an elevator once and that was not fun...especially since the elevator had a huge window and the sun was hitting directly at us and we were stuck on the 22nd floor of the building. I thought I was gonna pass out from the heat!:eek:

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a couple of my friends had to walk throught the Path Station tunnel in to journal square

it was so weird cause i was waiting for them there and it was just such a bizarre sight to see so many people walking on the traintracks

something i'll never forget

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What a miserable night... I have mosquito bites all over my body..

I hardly slept dude to the damn heat. I didnt get electricity back

until today at 10am..

Some places in Queens still dont have any energy but yet there

is a fucking baseball game on for tonight.. :blank: Talk about a

dysfcuntional society... I hope you all are ok and did not have

to suffer much....

Dg I hope your footies are ok... :(

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Damn i feel for you... it took us 2 and a half hours to get home... we had very little gas and none of the stations were working so that was the main fear but at least were able to crack the windows (no ac cause it uses to much power)

ive never walked that far in my life... g'damn that was far...

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