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Will Israel Strike Iran?


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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

i am right.

i dont think theres much doubt about that.

and about israels govt.

it is completely different form that of the arab countries, and actually wnts its people to prosper. which is where your argument that israel is just like the palestinian people falls apart.

aid to israel would continue whether there was violence or not. thus, why need violence? two, israel is losing MUCH MORE money in its economy from the fighing that it is getting in aid. its politicians would get much richer in peace time, because unlike the palestinians, Israel actually has a developed economy which is being suppressed with all this violence.

israel is LOSING money. its obvious. you have no evidence to prove otherwise. its clear israel is losing money. Israel fought for its independence to develop itself as a country and it has, and it has become richer internally than foreign aid could possibly make it alone.

the killing of israelis is to keep the palestinians down and to keep poverty and fear in the region. the killing of palestinian terrorists is in the hopes of restoring peace, and bringing stability (yes both socially and ECONOMICALLY because ISRAEL WOULD BE WEALTHIER IF THEIR WAS PEACE) to the region.

thats the bottom line, and why your argument is totally flawed. the only reason you are being so foolish about all this is because you can afford the luxury. hopefully the UN blast will open th eeyes of the europeans which they have held tightly shut for so long. i have NO IDEA what can possibly open your eyes.

so, other than your parroting that you are right and i am wrong, palestinians are terrorists and israelis are angels, what else have you said to counterargue my points? NOTHING. try again, little boy.
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Originally posted by sassa

i don't wish to divulge everything i know to you on the internet. if this was a live debate in a safe environment, maybe i'd tell you what i know about this. but i won't.

this is definately the funniest thing I read today. Agent sassa doesnt want to reveal all her inside information :laugh: :laugh:

first of all, consider how much money they get from the US in order to battle these so-called terrorists. $5 billion.

"so-called terrorists" ???? They are terrorist you scumbag. You make me sick

...and the 5 billion isn't a donation to the Isreali economy. You said it right there in your own statement. It's to help protect them from their blood hungry neighbors. Weapons are expensive and so is battling terrorism.

how is the zioinst movement NOT making money off of this fight? you have to be pretty simple minded to not see.

Prove it is making money since you originated the claim, and then I'll look more into depth how it's not, but in the mean time here's a brief explantion based on common sense. Would you invest in a business in Isreal. I know I sure as hell wouldn't. Not to mention the expenses associated with keeping a beefed up military and such tight National security.

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Originally posted by skince55

this is definately the funniest thing I read today. Agent sassa doesnt want to reveal all her inside information :laugh: :laugh:

"so-called terrorists" ???? They are terrorist you scumbag. You make me sick

...and the 5 billion isn't a donation to the Isreali economy. You said it right there in your own statement. It's to help protect them from their blood hungry neighbors. Weapons are expensive and so is battling terrorism.

Prove it is making money since you originated the claim, and then I'll look more into depth how it's not, but in the mean time here's a brief explantion based on common sense. Would you invest in a business in Isreal. I know I sure as hell wouldn't. Not to mention the expenses associated with keeping a beefed up military and such tight National security.

have you ever tried to have an original thought of your own? how naive.
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Originally posted by sassa

so, other than your parroting that you are right and i am wrong, palestinians are terrorists and israelis are angels, what else have you said to counterargue my points? NOTHING. try again, little boy.

are you blind deaf AND stupid?

how about concentrating on the points i make and not on something like "i am right" which i put in there to add some excitement to these threads

and if you say i made none you are either illiterate or really out of things to say

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Originally posted by mr mahs

What makes you think we aren't focussing enough attention to Iran and N KOREA.

Good question. To start N. Korea is the center of a very volatile far east. The situation has the potential to spin out of control where Japan feeling threatened by North Koreas nukes may start producing its own and this would stir china also into a nuke frenzy and from there it turns into an arm race like we had with India/Pakistan. Taking into consideration the seriousness of the situation going on months now since they started processing the fuel rods we have yet to even meet with the North Koreans for talks yet. Now we can definately give credit to the Koreans for part of the blame but still even if they are refusing to meet why have we not put any pressure on them or ultimatems on them like we did with Iraq??

The Iran issue i really dont see as imminent or serious a threat for first they dont have the weapons yet and second they dont have the capability of hitting US soil. The CIA estimate around 5 years (not exactly sure on the number) till they produce a nuke and Israel has gone about and said that the time till is more like a year. So hence why arent we putting any added pressure onto Iran, confronting the issue to the UN or doing much of anything to stop or deter Iran from producing these weapons?

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

are you blind deaf AND stupid?

how about concentrating on the points i make and not on something like "i am right" which i put in there to add some excitement to these threads

and if you say i made none you are either illiterate or really out of things to say

enough of the insults and evading my points. just counterargue what i wrote with sensible, understandable PROOF of your convictions. then we'll go from there. but your little bs insults won't do you much good, boy.
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Here some interesting points ...

For Israel Gross Domestic Product (GDP), shrank by 1% in 2001 and is expected to fall another one percent this year. Income per capita fell by 3% in 2001 and is expected to fall another 3% this year, the Guardian added.

Michael Sarel, chief economist for the Israeli Finance Ministry, said the Intifada accounts for half the recession and the high-tech bust the other half.

Noting a 6% decline in income per capita over the last two years, he added: “This size of a decline in the Israeli economy is unprecedented,” the Guardian reported.

The rise in unemployment in Israel is now close to 11%, up from an average of 8% during the 1990s.

The tourism sector suffered the worst damages accounting for 3% of Israel's GDP before the uprising and has fallen by 70% since 2000. The fall was not restricted to the number of the tourists only, but also the hotels and all the workers in that field as tourists refused to visit the country where innocent people are being killed every day.

I can't see the grants that Isreal receives amounts to all this lost economic activity.. just doesn't add up

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Grand Canyon ptII where Isreal once stood.

don't be simple minded. that would mean absolute suicide for themselves as well. they just want the fucking zionists out of there. jews have lived in that area and the middle east for a very long time. but this zionist shit has got to go. israel is not just jewish land. and they need to realize that and stop trying to steal land from everyone else.

The Mullah of Iran has already stated SASSA that the minute they have a nuke ISREAL IS GONE!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

don't be simple minded. that would mean absolute suicide for themselves as well. they just want the fucking zionists out of there. jews have lived in that area and the middle east for a very long time. but this zionist shit has got to go. israel is not just jewish land. and they need to realize that and stop trying to steal land from everyone else.

The Mullah of Iran has already stated SASSA that the minute they have a nuke ISREAL IS GONE!!!!!!!

first of all, iranians are not arabs. second, the mullah of iran does not speak for the majority of people in the middle east. so you're going to try to tell me that based on the words of one shi'a farsi imam, you're going to assume that the majority of arab sunni commoners believe that also? ok. whatever floats your boat. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by skince55

makes no sense....what so ever

i think thats where you go wrong. you try tooo hard ot be original, and end up contradicting anything and everything that is popular opinion in this country.

the thing is, in doing that you aren't being very original.

its a problem which is somewhat common here in the US. people take their "duty" to contradict the president and present the other side of the story too far, and become dogmatic opponents of anything and everything that comes from our govt.

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

i think thats where you go wrong. you try tooo hard ot be original, and end up contradicting anything and everything that is popular opinion in this country.

the thing is, in doing that you aren't being very original.

its a problem which is somewhat common here in the US. people take their "duty" to contradict the president and present the other side of the story too far, and become dogmatic opponents of anything and everything that comes from our govt.

:confused: I don't contradict everything american....that's sassa's duty.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

No, you only contridict yourself. That's skince55's duty.

Wow, you managed to change three whole words in my statement. Good Job!!!!! you're really starting to make some progress. Now only if there was some base behind your cut and paste job. I still give you an A for effort.

by the way....has anyone seen americanmade?

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Originally posted by skince55

Wow, you managed to change three whole words in my statement. Good Job!!!!! you're really starting to make some progress. Now only if there was some base behind your cut and paste job. I still give you an A for effort.

by the way....has anyone seen americanmade?

He's fucking your mother.

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Originally posted by sassa

first of all, iranians are not arabs. second, the mullah of iran does not speak for the majority of people in the middle east. so you're going to try to tell me that based on the words of one shi'a farsi imam, you're going to assume that the majority of arab sunni commoners believe that also? ok. whatever floats your boat. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I never said Iranians are ARAB. The thread was started with the question if Isreal will strike Iran. I am only stating the facts from a recent speech from the Mullah in Iran that the minute Iran gets a nuke he will sacrafice his whole country in a martydom mission with a nuclear exchange with Isreal, this is a known fact that has been written about and posted on here before.

If Isreal feels threatened by that nutball in Iran then I say cut the head off that snake before it bites you....

Enough said.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

I never said Iranians are ARAB. The thread was started with the question if Isreal will strike Iran. I am only stating the facts from a recent speech from the Mullah in Iran that the minute Iran gets a nuke he will sacrafice his whole country in a martydom mission with a nuclear exchange with Isreal, this is a known fact that has been written about and posted on here before.

If Isreal feels threatened by that nutball in Iran then I say cut the head off that snake before it bites you....

Enough said.

and you don't think iran feels threatened enough by israel to make such a statement? tit for tat, dude. you only choose to see it from one side. they're both fucked up as far as i'm concerned. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by sassa

and you don't think iran feels threatened enough by israel to make such a statement? tit for tat, dude. you only choose to see it from one side. they're both fucked up as far as i'm concerned. :rolleyes:

Your kidding right???

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Originally posted by sassa

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

is it really that pointless to get through you people?

sometimes i am happy i wasn't educated in this country at a young age.

Get off your high horse sister, you ain't fit to scrub my


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Originally posted by mr mahs

Get off your high horse sister, you ain't fit to scrub my


it's not being on a high horse. its understanding that there are always two sides to a story. from the majority of right wing nuts in this board, everyone chooses to side with the US no matter what they say or do. that's not right. i understand you are probably an islamophobe and arab hater, but objectivity, and common sense should not be ruled out.

what is funny is that you'd probably say the same about me.

i think we are all trying to convince one another we're right, when it won't happen. people are too sturbborn, especially about politics.

sorry if you assume i'm so high and mighty, but i wasn't kidding.

you'd be surprised how education works in the world. sadly, it's going down the tubes here.

did anyone hear about this standard exam that they give children here every year? they had to lower its standards because the children weren't passing the basic math and language exams. that is not right. more money needs to be invested in education rather than military shit. education is what really shapes a person for life. what good is a strong military when the people in it are stupid?

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