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The official Space 34 Update


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It hasn't been easy & at this point this topic remains extremely sensitive. As many of you know, Space was paid a visit by the authorities early Friday night. Many of you know what you've seen via the Media & it doesn't make us proud to get into detail regarding this situation. However, the outcome of this story is that Space 34 will Open it's doors for the Cooljunkie Spin off Final taking place this Saturday, August 16th as scheduled.

Aside from that, I thank each one of you who've stood along side us for these past few hours. Your concerns were indeed appreciated. Don't have much more to say, I Guess I'll see everyone @ Space34 tonite for a sigh of relief party. ;)

On behalf of Space34

Thanks again,


34 NE 11th Street

Downtown Miami


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Guest saleen351

that wasn't a raid, at 1030, on a friday, thats not considered a raid... just the city doing their thing and being nice to space, cause if they really wanted to, they'd show up at 5am sat night...

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Thanks for keeping us in the loop Biz.

A big ups to Buster too, upon hearing the news, he was ready to do everything in his power to make sure the finals happened in some way!

Watch the fur fly on this one.

I expect commentary from Saleen, Dekan ("they didn't book Marco V again, so this is their karma!"), GA2, and Spacious when he gets back. :laugh:

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That's my logic. The cops should be focusing on other issues rather than raiding Space 34.

The Miami PD should be focusing on cleaning up that neigborhood.

Too many homeless frequent the area, and the police do not do anything about it. They allow these degenerates to break into peoples' vehicles, and extort money from the unwary clubgoer.

The cops should take a more proactive role in supressing this kind of behavior...otherwise, things are liable to get out of hand. If I owned a car and saw some lowlife bum trying to break into it, there'd be no question about it...I would kill him. You fuck with my property, your life means nothing at that point...especially if you're a bum that doesn't contribute to society...I'd be doing the world a favour by getting rid of them...next stop my mandatory sterilization program for India and China.

Instead of wasting the taxpayers money and pulling a media stunt, the police should be rounding up these bums and tossing them into jail.

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