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What did everybody do the night the lights went out????

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rushed to the shop to buy me 2 pizzas b4 store closes...got em ...they were delicious:-)...as dark came ..got on my mountain bike...rode through the street in complete darkness...total darkness was mesmerising...witnessed people walking on the train track, I guess from work to home...hopped on the tracks and rode my bike to the next station...(no chance of gettin electrocuted) climbed onto the next station....rode to Bxville...passing groups of people, dudes sitting outside on the embankment on the sidewalk...in front of lightless opened restaurants, chatting the nite away......

saw some jamaicans trying to pry the electric door to a storage facility open ...guess it was stuck with the loss of Elec.....

rode down to the hS field...where I ran 25 laps around the track underneath the more visible bright twinkling stars until the moon rose high into the sky providing some relief of its light...

I had a blast:-)!!!!

although i could do without the smell of my oil lamp burning thoughout the nite:cool:

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I was just getting into the airport in Chicago to come back to NY. Hung out in the airport bar, thinking my flight was just cancelled and how fucked i was. By the Grace of God my flight was going to leave. Other flights were getting cancelled fast. Got on the plane and we just sat there for like 2 hrs. Finally we took off, took about hr and 15 mins flying in. Seeing from above was crazy, just complete darkness for miles. We had a very bumpy landing which i got nervous about. I had to get off with one of those old skool ladders. In the airport i saw so many people just crashed out all over the place. Tried to get baggage which took forever. The baggage ramp kept breaking down from no juice. Finnally they just started just throwing bags from the truck. People were just going nuts, and the stagnent smell in there was horrible.

Got taxi home, realized i have no candels or flashlight in apt. Got home to my stanky ass apt, i was away for 4 days.

I finnally bumped my way to bedroom and just passed out

I hate flying :blown:

So after all that It was so worth the trip

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After hanging around at work for about a half hour, trying to figure out wtf was happening... I high-tailed it to my boyfriend's job, trying to catch him before he took off... thankfully I ran into one of his co-workers, who found him for me...

We hit a bar and stayed there for a little while till the money ran out (wtf did people do before ATMs? lol). Then it was down to Brooklyn... what a trip that was, I'd never walked the Brooklyn Bridge before that... towards the end of the bridge, we looked back to see a sea of people... damn, if only I'd had a camera!!!...

2 hrs, 15 minutes after we began our journey, we were home, showered, and making friends with my boyfriend's downstairs neighbors, who invited us to their bbq... drank some, ate lots, smoked more, passed out... good times... :cool:

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

Smoked opium and tried to grill some chicken up. Everything was going great until we were too paralyzed to flip the chicken. So we smoked more opium and starved.

Are you for real? You fucking bastard; I would have skipped the chicken too!!! :laugh2:

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Originally posted by tastyt

Are you for real? You fucking bastard; I would have skipped the chicken too!!! :laugh2:

Wrapped in gold foil complete with a Singapore stamp on it. Thank god it only comes around every so often. I'd be an opium junkie for fucks sake.

Still got 2 g's left:aright:

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Well i was at the gym when the lights when out and i just happen to be looking at the people on the tredmills, jus imagine people sliding off the tredmills bc the power went out, pretty funny. That was the highlight of my day because i was throwing a party at this club in westchester that i had invested alot of time money and effort in, which couldnt open because there was no power, Life sux, but i would like to invite everyone to :

Club Deep this Thurs Aug 21st for an Erotic Underwear Party.

DJ's David Ali, Shawn Ink, Jon Henry, & Nique. Definitely the spot to be this thurs, especially if your from westchester or nyc. Alot of parties have sucked and even though you're probably reading this and saying its his party of course he's gonna hype it up, I actually have alot of people talking about this party due to the closing of Pearl Thursdays in White Plains. Anyways, for a copy of the flyer email me at xtremebx13@aol.com and i hope to see everyone there.


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Originally posted by stacychase

The pub down the hill from my place has a generator... The owner had it hooked up and there was one small light and a juke box... :D

A good time! Except when it came time to walk home in the dark!!!!!:eek: :eek:

HOLY CRAP!!! You are bored!:tongue:

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stressed til my mom got home from work at 11:30..she sat in a cab for 3 hrs..smart mom..smart...

went down to east new york to c my homegirl..those blocks r poppin on a regular day..they were packkkkkked on BlackOut day..

went to my friends block...ate some chicken n rice at my friends house..damn hatians r so resourceful...nothin stops them from cookin..not even a blackout...

went back to my house for 30 mins..came back to my friends block only to c it cornered off...later to find out some kid i know got shot...

walked back to my house..sat on my friends huge ass balcony...made a bbq...watched the stars..and played FLASHLIGHT MORSE CODE with people in the next building.....

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