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**official review** dj irene at red - 8/22/03


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whoo-boy... i dunno what it is about red. ever since it moved to its new location, things have been getting sketchier and sketchier. the drinks are weaker (and some more expensive), the admission on some nights has spiked to $25 (!!!), and the bathrooms not only are disgusting by the end of the night, but the doors have no locks on them. these are just a few undebatable changes for the worse. the others are more a matter of perception and opinion.

i said after the first time i went to the new location that it seemed to be a more racially diverse crowd, but that no longer seems to be the case. last night, though, there were just some sketchy people that were bringing me down.

i hate to sound judgmental, but i really don't have room for some people at parties. there was a man there who was 50 if he was a day who arrived with a 20-something girl who looked like she was for hire, and i got that impression not only from her looks, but by the fact that she was with him. they arrived a little before 2, and came up to the very front of the stage, where people who were really into the music were dancing. the man then proceeded to light a cigar - yes, a cigar , and start puffing like a freak: smokerings and the whole bit. he stunk up the area so much that the whole front section cleared. he attempted to dance with his floozy, but she pulled away and started to climb the ladder that led to the stage. soon another middle-aged man wearing rubber gloves :confused: :confused: :confused: came along to bum a cigar off the guy. my friend and i went to get security to get the guys to put them out. i've never blown the whistle on anyone for anything, but this had to be done. but it was such a downer. i left right after that.

anyway, i ran into bluecenterstar again!!! sheesh, how cool is this girl :D ? one of my friends hit her drink and it got me soaked, leaving her without a vodka/red bull and making me a contestant in a wet t-shirt contest :( , but my friend got her a new drink and i had a drink in my shirt for later (jk :tongue: ).

overall, a good night. dj irene kicked ass :aright: . red needs to work on its opening djs, though. their residents aren't up to snuff, i find, and it's been that way for a while now. and a lesson i've learned is to not look at the sketchy people, as they can bring down my fun to zero. it's all about the dance :shades: .

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I know what you mean weyes. I went there about a month ago and i thought that crowd was pretty sketchy too. They arent very friendly either, its like im not in LA. I dont think id go there often but i know they have some good headliners at times which might get me to go there.

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Hey Weyes... and onto the review... did you hear Dj Irene train wreck ??? anyways about the sketchy people.. I'm so used the weirdasses out there. I feel like I'm in milwaukee or chicago.. so it's fine with me.. I guess I really haven't been around the LA scene enough to know what is normal or not...

I had a blast though running, literally, into Weyes.. It was soo much fun and it is necessary that we go for a lunch on a sunday so PM me or get my ass in gear...

RED definately has it's ups and downs.. There are a lot of friendly people there you just gotta look for them. I have a hard time finding nice people at spundae and I feel more comfortable at red.. I usually just hang out with mr. Cole the doorman at spundae when I'm alone but anyways.. red does need to get some cleaning people for the bathrooms.. I would even volunteer my services for beer! The music / openers can be good at times but I guess it all depends on what you like. I go to red for the friends and I ALWAYS am drunk before I get there because I'm not ready to spend a fortune on horrible drinks... Bring on the wine

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